Don't let him do animation

Chapter 65: Everything is taken care of

Chapter 65: Everything is taken care of
Some of the newcomers Xiaolu brought had visited and studied in the studio before, and they were not too surprised or novel about the studio environment.

Chen Ji didn't feel busy because Xiaolu recruited new people from the university.

After all, he is a top student from a prestigious university. It is obviously impossible for him to know nothing.

He made some simple inquiries and spent a few days familiarizing the newcomers with their jobs. With Xiaolu, Sissy and other backbones present, it didn't take long for the studio to officially enter the preparation stage for animation production.

The team performs its duties and coordinates with each other.

During this period, Chen Ji would also give pointers from time to time and declare again and again:

"The working environment in our studio is relatively unorganized, but this is based on the completion of the progress. Don't think about any opportunistic tricks. Any unreasonable things must be fundamentally eliminated."


The newlyweds spoke loudly together without any hint of dissatisfaction.

Linlang Studio is a legend in the animation industry, and the salary is higher than that given by large companies!
Got scolded by your boss?

Do not make jokes.

This is clearly tough love!

"You should be able to wait for the good news with peace of mind in the future." Chen Ji glanced at the team at Linlang Studio. Counting himself and Lao Han, there were already more than 50 people.

has begun to take shape.

Of course, sound effects have always been a shortcoming of the studio, and Chen Ji plans to consider it later when he has time.

In the following days, the studio's production process of "Yanhuang Boy" was not very smooth. The process of making the animation background and the depiction of the characters were all fine, but the martial arts plot made Chen Ji very dissatisfied.

After watching part of the animation preview for the second episode, everyone fell silent.

The animation background and characters are the best, but the fighting plot looks more and more like a fairy fight. The screen explodes and the moves are cool. Those who know it understand that Chen Xiaohu is "earning points" in the ghost swamp, but those who don't know think it is Ye. The Emperor of Heaven is expanding in the wild area.

Xiaolu asked awkwardly: "Boss"

Chen Ji covered his heart with a look of discomfort on his face, and said with difficulty: "This is the martial arts in your mind? Change it, change it for me!"

"Okay boss, let's go back and watch more martial arts dramas in the past few days."

Chen Ji nodded sadly. If you want to make "Yanhuang Boy" well, you must have a large reserve of martial arts scenes. This requires constantly watching related TV series and movies. At least you must understand the difference between martial arts and fairy tales.

And in the meantime.

The seeds of [Digimon] sprouted quietly.

The animation industry has been having a very hard time recently. Every time I hear that familiar melody, every familiar moment of [Digimon] will appear in my mind more than once.

Taichi and Agumon, Aho and Gabumon, Meimei and Balumon, etc.
They were all red-faced arguing with their favorite Digimon and netizens.

This summer, the light of seven sacred plans fell from the sky, and seven children were selected to the digital world, where they met their respective Digimon and traveled together.

Everyone represents different qualities, and they continue to grow as they face their hearts, so many animation lovers can always find their own shadow in those chosen children.

Many animations show the audience what it means to be a second grader, but only Linlang's works show the audience what it means to grow up.

This is the sense of substitution!

Even though it has been a week since [Digimon] ended, they will still cry because of the pink hat.

Therefore, under the influence of the animation circle, explosive topics quickly reached the top of the hot search list, and the popularity remains high.

This situation immediately attracted widespread attention and curiosity from all walks of life.

"When can watching an animation make people cry?" "I can't understand it."

"Isn't animation only for children? How can it attract adults' attention?"

Many Weibo users and people in various circles did not expect that the animation circle, which is usually inconspicuous and has the least sense of existence, would become so violent once it became active.

Take a look at what’s on the hot search list right now.

#That pink hat keeps us in this summer#
#A man was caught stealing a merit box and claimed that the Buddha agreed#
#On the leapfrog challenge Andulumon 50/50#
#天女mon and female demonmon are tearing each other’s names apart#
Such a hot search list makes people confused, and also arouses strong curiosity from the film and television circles next door.

It’s just an animation, is it really that good?
Netizens in the film and television industry were in disbelief: "Can a pediatric animation be more popular than [Thunder Warrior]?"

One sentence instantly caused a stir in the animation circle. Is [Thunder Warrior] worthy of being compared with [Digimon]?

Netizens in the animation industry sneered at netizens in the film and television industry who did not know the truth.

The [Basketball Master] they love to watch most doesn’t even dare to say that it is better than [Digimon]. You people in the film and television industry compare it to [Thunder Warrior]?
"It's all taken care of."

In the animation community, someone listed the editing materials of [Digimon].

Many netizens in the film and television industry finally saw the passionate scene.

Act 1 Patamon evolves into Angelmon:
The demon beast extended its claws of death toward Xiao Wu. Badamon fed the tiger with its body and blocked Xiao Wu with its weak body. The moment the demon beast clenched its fist, a ray of holy light pierced the palm, and a miracle occurred. Angel Beast Yi appears on the stage and gathers seven sacred lights, gathers all the power of his life, and strikes the fist of heaven.

The hot-blooded scene in the second act is the ultimate evolution of Agumon and Gabumon:

The Vampire Monster was resurrected from the abyss and evolved into the Ultimate Vampire Monster. The super-evolved Digimon were unable to resist at all, but Angelmon and Celestialmon fired arrows of light and arrows of hope. Miracles occurred again, and Agumon evolved into BattleGreymon. Gabumon evolves into Metal Garuru.


Seeing the ultimate evolution of Digimon, netizens in the film and television industry felt the youthful soul they had always retained in their hearts boil with excitement.

They consider themselves noble and find it incredible.

Children in the animation circle, aren't they still watching teletubbies and other children's movies every day? How come they are watching such high-level things in the blink of an eye?

So unfair!
"Is there more, is there more?" Netizens in the film and television industry kept asking.

Then they saw Steel Seadramon kill Whalemon, which made BattleGreymon angry. With a move of Battle Tornado, he shouldered the Ultimate Wave Cannon and penetrated Steel Seadramon from its head to its tail.

I also saw Apocalypsemon self-destruct and was isolated by the eight powers of the divine plan.
Netizens in the film and television industry were collectively silent. They finally recognized the reality. What’s the point of comparing [Thunder Warrior] to [Digimon]?
Compared to smoking a cigar, or how to put on a stank?

Of course, in addition to being passionate, this masterpiece is also full of laughter and tears. As for where the tears are, it is up to netizens in the film and television industry to experience the discomfort, because when the ending comes, the one who accompanies the protagonists on their adventures will be themselves. 'I don't know where I went.

Netizens in the animation industry were so proud that they did not continue to show off to netizens in the film and television industry. They still had a very important schedule to complete.

A certain food blogger took the lead and rushed to the official Weibo account of Linlang Studio to complain.

"Don't do animation anymore."

"Are you perverts?"

"I want to report you."

"Linlang relies on his defense!"

"Rely on defense!"

Netizens in the animation circle have always been very unified when it comes to criticizing Linlang Studio. They have been chasing Linlang Studio since he was a child until now.
If they don't come and say a few words for a day, they will feel uncomfortable all over.

(End of this chapter)

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