Don't let him do animation

Chapter 95 If it were you, would you believe it?

Chapter 95 If it were you, would you believe it?
This is useful information shared by Linlang Studio!

It must be something related to animation!
Many people in the animation circle eagerly clicked on the picture, and the content inside was instantly enlarged.

It is composed of many words, and it is the content that animation lovers want to see most. They have too much curiosity in their hearts and hope to find satisfaction in these dry information.

[Sharing of useful information from Linlang Studio]

The following is a dialogue between Linlang Studio’s cartoon characters
Linlang: Recently, many people are curious and confused about the follow-up of our animation. Mr. Chen, what do you think?
Mr. Chen: That’s why we are here to share useful information today.

Linlang: Mr. Chen has a question about the national competition and Initial D.
Mr. Chen: The script is already being drafted, and I believe we will be able to start animation production soon.

Linlang: This is good news for impatient animation lovers.

"Huh" When they saw this, many animation fans suddenly became excited, and their chests were heaving.

[Basketball Master] is finally here!
More than a year has passed, and Jiangbei’s team is still on its way to participate in the national competition.
They continued to watch excitedly.

Mr. Chen: Since the script of the basketball master is being drafted, the second season of Initial D may be delayed, but it will never be too long. However, I can personally spoil part of the second season.

Linlang: Is it Natsuki, whom animation lovers attach great importance to?

Mr. Chen: Natsuki is a good girl who will change her ways, but there are some things she has missed. Even if she tries to make up for it, she cannot go back to the past. Just like Takumi persisted in his stubbornness and finally met Shang Meijia.

Linlang: Is the above content true?
Mr. Chen: It is absolutely authentic, I guarantee it with my personality!

A picture is the content to be shared.

Countless animation lovers were left speechless after watching this movie.

The content is indeed full of useful information. Whether they are basketball masters or Initial D, they are all excited, but
Mr. Chen should be Chen Ji himself, saying that he will use his own personality to ensure the authenticity of the above content!
Emmm, if it were you, would you believe it?

"I don't believe it. Even if I don't believe it, what else can I do?"

"Are you going to go to Linlang's studio and do physical damage to others?"

"The second season of Toubunchi D is full of information. According to my speculation, Natsuki's affair was discovered and he changed his ways, but Takumi was disheartened, so his decent girlfriend Naomika appeared!"

"Takumi's girlfriend's name is Naomi Ka, and she has nothing to do with Natsuki. I'm so happy to get this news!"


That day, there was a lot of discussion in the animation circle.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, it is full of useful information.

Many people also generally feel that it is possible that Chen Ji may or may not have lied about the information he publicly shared about basketball masters twice.

The first chapter D will basically not be fake. From the plot logic analysis, it is consistent with the content of the second season of Chen Jishuo.

Since Chen Ji posted the useful information on Weibo, he has never returned to the studio. He is always at home reading the text on the system.

[Animation: Initial D: Season 1]

[Detailed information: Detailed information (character drawings, plot, music) has been sent to the email address]

[Task: Score rewards when playback volume reaches a certain value]

[Current value: 4984W]

[There is no reward for rating SS]

"It's still a little short, it should be almost done in the next two days."

Chen Ji was extremely nervous and completely ignored the impact of the useful content on the animation industry.

Because he knows that there is no script for the movie version of Basketball Master at all. It is nothing more than a show of confidence to stabilize the hearts of the animation industry.
At this moment, he only sees the number 4984.

Still missing the last 16W value.

When this value reaches 5000W, it is the SSS score and you can get rewards.

He waited for a whole day, and the score finally reached SSS.

The system panel also changes instantly. [Current value: 5000W]

[Score SSS, whether to receive rewards]

He doesn’t hesitate to claim rewards and new assignments.

[Reward: Basketball Masters movie version, sent to system email]

"Fuck~" Chen Ji saw the message on the panel and almost subconsciously sat up from the bed. He was really here.

This time, we didn’t give it another special photo series, but directly gave it to the movie version of Basketball Master!

This is the content of the national competition.

If this were done, wouldn't it directly reflect the youth of countless people?
As far as the influence of basketball masters is concerned, once the content of the national competition is announced,
"I'm afraid the movie theaters will be full."

Chen Ji's breathing was rapid.

Thinking about that kind of spectacular scene makes me feel very passionate. The entire screening room was filled with handsome men.
"Now it's settled."

"Qi Zhensong always wants to make a cinema movie. Isn't this a cinema movie?"

Chen Ji kept taking deep breaths and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower and force himself to calm down.

After about half an hour, my rapid breathing gradually became evener, and my mood calmed down.

He was sitting on the sofa wearing only a pair of big underpants, reading relevant information about "Basketball Masters Movie Version".

The general content is the same as what Chen Ji heard from others in his previous life. In the end, he did not win the national championship, but he also 'won' the national championship. It was an unexpected but reasonable result.

"This reward is good, but it comes too suddenly." After roughly reading the script, he felt that this reward was a bit strange.

"Shouldn't all the rewards given by the system be tokusatsu dramas?"

"Is it closely related to me?"

Chen Ji was confused.

That summer, a Digimon came out, a car driver came out with the initials D, and rewards including the Basketball Masters movie version came out as soon as they were distributed.

But what about the Balala Little Demon Fairy and the Fire Power Boy King?
He thought for a long time but couldn't figure out the reason, but no matter what, my Linlang studio accepts everyone!
As long as it's not dark animations like Black Beast, Different World Harem, Home Guard, and a Certain Ward, it'll be fine!

He carefully picked up the new task from the system panel.

This was a big surprise.

It’s a car company again!

The new mission is still a world-class IP!

Linlang Studio.

Since Han Hongda and Xiaolu saw the useful information on Weibo, they had many doubts in their hearts. Why didn't they know anything about Initial D and the Basketball Masters movie version?
I wanted to ask the boss in person, but on the first day he said he had something to do and he couldn't come. Today, there is no news at all and he doesn't answer calls.

"Is there a possibility that the boss said nonsense on the Internet, and was forced to question the truth and lies offline, and finally the angry animation fans knocked him out and sent him to the hospital?"

Xiaolu kept guessing about various possible things that might happen. If that was the case, it would be wrong. He could correct that silly boy's severely deformed heart.

"Probably. It's unlikely. Didn't you say that the boss has mentioned the content of the second season to you?"

"He mentioned it to me before, and it really didn't sound like he was joking."

The two of them are taller and shorter, and the truth of the matter is constantly restored during the conversation.

Han Hongda was extremely confident: "The plot of the second season of Initial D should not be fake. There is no need for the boss to lie to us, but the movie version of Basketball Master is definitely fake!"

Xiao Lu curled his lips and said, "Yes, that silly boy."

"Well, keep talking." Chen Ji's face was full of joy. He came to the studio at some point and quietly appeared behind Xiaolu, who was about to let himself go.

(End of this chapter)

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