Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 307 Saved the world again, failed again

Chapter 307 Saved the world again, failed again

"Hiss!" Peter took a long breath, and his originally motionless body suddenly opened his eyes and started to move.

Strange, Thor, Vision and others on the side saw this and gathered around.

"How's it going? Are you done?" Rocket Raccoon looked at Peter expectantly.

Star-Lord twitched his butt: "Would you like to dance to celebrate?"

Peter: ".Failed. I'll try again."

With that said, without waiting for them to ask, Peter adjusted his mentality slightly, and before the whole cycle had completely changed, he directly moved time forward and returned to the origin of everything.

That is the initial state of the earth-2149 universe.

This time, Peter didn't care about the American captain and others.

Because the last experience told him that unless he could gain the trust of the American captain and the others in a very short period of time, or get them away directly.

Otherwise, flying in the air in a Quinjet, they would definitely become the first targets of the Zombie Sentinels.

Peter ends up on the side of the road, breaks into a convenience store, and makes a mysterious call from the store's phone.

This is Nick Fury's private number.

The number is directly installed in an elderly machine and has been encrypted, so most people don't know it.

And this was what Nick Fury told him at the end of the last time.

The call was answered almost instantly, and Nick Fury's voice immediately came from the other end: "You"

But before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Peter: "Listen, Director Fury, my name is Peter Parker, and I am Spider-Man. Your eyes were blinded by the Devouring Beast."

Nick Fury was silent for a moment, and his tone became serious: "Who told you?"

"伱, you in the future, you said that as long as I tell you this, I can gain your trust!" Peter said, "We need to have a good talk. Someone come and pick me up right now. I'm downstairs in Stark Tower. Wait for you."

"it is good!"

With that said, the other person hung up the phone.

Peter put down the phone, looked at the shivering convenience store owner in the corner, and stretched out his hand: "There's a disaster happening nearby. I can give you a ride. Do you need it?"

"Okay, thank you, I believe in you, little spider."

It has to be said that Spider-Man is trusted by people in most worlds.

This one is no exception.

Faced with Peter's invitation, the convenience store owner did not hesitate and reached out his hand decisively.

For Peter, there was not much difference between leading someone and doing it by himself.

Even if this Spider-Man's ultimate strength is only 10 tons, it is more than enough to carry a person.

Just think of it as payment for using his store phone.

Peter took him to the downstairs of Stark Tower, put him down, and told him to escape for his own life, preferably to a place with few people, the more remote the better.

Although zombies have a sense of fresh meat, before they are strengthened, they cannot sense it if they are too far away.

In the early stage, they usually move in densely populated areas, so as long as they hide, they can still delay.

As long as he could hide away until Peter sorted it all out.

Shortly after Peter saw off the convenience store owner, SHIELD's helicopter arrived.

Peter quickly got on the plane, and Nick Fury was on the plane.

So, he told Nick Fury about the zombie virus again, and tried to use the power of SHIELD to inform and integrate many superheroes and even super villains, and unite as one to solve the problem.

With the foreshadowing of that sentence, this time, Nick Fury's trust in Peter's words was much higher. After all, what Peter said made sense.

And on the way here, he had already seen the disaster in the center of Manhattan. Captain America and others were all killed by the zombie sentries that appeared in the cracks.

And he resurrected after being killed and turned into a zombie!
He was still having a headache, and Peter's appearance was like giving him a pillow when he dozed off.

So, he decided to just do what Peter said and try it.

So, on the way back to SHIELD headquarters, Nick Fury issued a few orders.

The first is to let the space carrier take off, and then they need to take the space carrier away from the city, trying to create a vaccine to destroy the zombie virus in the safest possible environment.

The second is to contact the Mutant Academy, because in the plots Peter has seen and experienced, the Mutant Academy always suffers disasters quickly.

The already powerful mutants were wreaking havoc everywhere after being infected with the zombie virus, which greatly accelerated the spread of the zombie virus.

And the key is Quicksilver.

He believes that as long as Quicksilver is in the Mutant Academy and the X-Men and mutants unite, it should not fall so quickly.

Moreover, Professor X can also try whether he can use brain wave attacks to destroy the zombies' brains.

Third, find Dr. Banner, Sandman, Iron Man, Mr. Fantastic, Ant-Man, the Wasp and others.

Mr. Fantastic still can't let him come into contact with the zombie virus, lest his brain twitch turns himself and his teammates into zombies.

Ant-Man and the Wasp are both too tricky to turn into zombies.

Fourth, he also informed the US military of the information.

To blockade the entire New York, it is definitely not enough to rely on SHIELD alone, but must rely on the power of the military.

Each method seems to have clear logic, but when it is actually implemented, many unexpected situations still occur.

For example, the Mutant Academy was attacked again shortly after being notified.

And the attacker is still Quicksilver!

and also.

Zombie Sentinels attack the Helicarrier again!
Although Peter and Nick Fury took action in time this time, he brought many fewer zombie heroes. However, with his powerful strength, the Zombie Sentinel was able to kill through the space carrier alone, resulting in a large number of superheroes. and supervillains are infected.

In the end, Peter's second salvation also failed!

But this time, he made a lot of progress compared to last time.

First, the Sandman of this world was found.

He was watching his daughter at his ex-wife's home when the incident occurred.

His daughter was seriously ill and terminally ill.

When the sand man saw the zombies outside, he could only guard his daughter.

Until his daughter was bitten by a zombie and turned into a zombie, but she "came back to life" as a result.

So, the sand man voluntarily quit the desert and let his daughter bite him, turning himself into a zombie.

Later, he also killed several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who went to find him.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, as long as the next operation comes here in advance, clearly states the interests to him, and then takes away the sand man and his daughter, the sand man can be solved.

In addition, he felt that he had guessed the reason why the zombie sentries would attack the space carrier inexplicably.

because of him!
Maybe it’s because I saw Zombie Sentinel and Captain America the first time they appeared in this world, so I have a special feeling for Peter.

Like... never forgetting your first love?

Therefore, whenever he has free time, he will come to find Peter, his "first love"!
(End of this chapter)

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