Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 309 Dream Walking Technique

Chapter 309 Dream Walking Technique

Same over New York City.

Same pink lightning.

The same weird crack.

Peter has appeared here for the nth time.

Even though his resistance to pressure was strong enough, he was actually a little close to numbness.

Especially during several of the rescue operations, he was mentally contaminated by the zombie Spider-Man.

Although this zombie virus cannot be transmitted to him through the soul, in the state of soul fusion, he will still continue to receive negative emotional infections from the zombie Spider-Man.

This also caused his spirit to be constantly washed away.

My mental state also became very bad.

At this moment, there is only one belief in his heart: "Save this world and let his friends return to their own universe safely", which has been supporting him in doing this.

Peter looked up at the sky numbly, turned around and ran behind him.

The first step is to go to the convenience store and make a phone call.

He has done this many times.

But this time, something was different.

When Peter turned around, the space behind him fluctuated, and then, a somewhat familiar but unfamiliar portal appeared there.

Then, a spiritual old man wearing a cloak walked out of the portal.

Peter was slightly shocked and looked at Doctor Strange coming out of the portal strangely.

To be honest, he hadn't seen Doctor Strange in a long time.

Since the first time he came to see Doctor Strange, causing Doctor Strange to collapse on the spot in 2149, he basically never took the initiative to find him.

However, there were many times that Doctor Strange was called to the Space Carrier by Nick Fury many times in 2149, but Peter did not see him.

But he paid some attention.

I found that Doctor Strange and Strange were far behind in 2149.

Not only is there no such thing as a time stone, even the spells are not very powerful, just like a passerby character.

Peter didn't pay much attention to him after that.

I didn’t expect that this time, he would actually come looking for me?
"Peter," Doctor Strange said directly, with a tone that was very familiar to Peter.

Peter was slightly startled.

Then Doctor Strange smiled slightly: "I hate barbecue patties with onions."

Peter was stunned again, and then his eyes widened: "Stephen?!!"

"That's right," Strange spread his hands, "Saving the world, how could you do such a glorious thing by yourself? Don't I, the Supreme Mage, have no face?"

Peter was a little moved, but also a little confused: "What are you?"

"I once saw a spell called [Dream Walking] in a magic book, but I have never practiced it with concentration before. I just practiced it unexpectedly and it seems to be pretty good," said Ste Lan Qi moved on the spot, "It's just that this body is a bit too old and lacks exercise."


"Ouch!" Strange screamed and covered his waist.

He quickly ran up to support Strange, knocked him on the waist, and complained: "Are you here to hold me back?"

Strange rubbed his waist and retorted: "What are you talking about! If you hadn't seen this useless boy and failed over and over again, would I have come with you?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and take away those people on the plane, and look for Quicksilver down there, a energetic young man with silver hair," Peter said quickly. He was just talking.

In fact, he was already happy to see Strange come over!

Why did all kinds of accidents always happen in the past?
It’s not just about mobility!
Although Nick Fury can be convinced quickly every time, no one can trust Nick Fury after he has been an agent for a long time.

Every time, Nick Fury listened to his instructions with suspicion, and he would hold back in some places.

Moreover, if SHIELD wants to pick up people, it can only rely on helicopters.

As a helicopter flies over a city experiencing a zombie crisis, you can imagine how dangerous it is.

There are quite a few superheroes and supervillains who can fly or have anti-air capabilities!

And how can a helicopter be as fast as a portal?

In short, in terms of efficiency, security, etc., SHIELD was defeated by Strange!

With Strange's help, Peter is much more confident in the success of this rescue.

"Okay," Strange's back stiffened, but his hands moved extremely fast.

One by one, the teleportation spells were released out of thin air.

Swish swish!
Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow and Wonder Man in the Quinjet were sent directly from the fighter to Peter and Strange.

The shocked Captain America looked at Peter and Strange, but he didn't know Strange, the Supreme Mage, so he turned to look at Peter and asked doubtfully: "Spider-Man? What happened? You brought us here?" Did you come here?"

"Yes, there will be a super zombie that can destroy the world in that crack, just like the one in "Resident Evil", but more infectious!" Peter said quickly, "Now, we have to work together to overcome the difficulties. !”

After hearing Peter's words, Hawkeye turned his head and looked up at the sky.

"Captain, there really is a 'person' in a golden suit flying through the crack!" After observing for a moment, Hawkeye said truthfully.

Peter looked at Hawkeye and then at the sky, a little surprised.

The zombie sentinel is at least several kilometers away from here at this moment. Can the eagle eye actually see it?

And without the use of any instruments?
Peter realizes that the Hawkeye of this world should be some kind of enhanced super soldier.

It's like being the captain of the United States.

"That's the Zombie Sentinel, an extremely powerful superhero who was infected and turned into a super zombie!" Peter said seriously, "Stephen, have you found Quicksilver?"

Strange shook his head: "I can't find him, maybe it's too fast, or he's not here in this world now."

Strange hesitated to speak.

"Then we have to get out of here first," Peter said.

"Okay," Strange opened a portal that led directly to the Supreme Sanctuary.

The four captains of the United States followed in and looked at the somewhat dilapidated Supreme Sanctuary, all looking quite surprised.

At this moment, they had not personally experienced the zombie crisis, and they obviously did not realize how heavy Peter's serious words were.

So their mood is relatively relaxed at the moment.

Before Peter could say anything, he was pulled aside by Strange.

Strange looked very serious and said, "Now I have discovered something even more incredible. Let's get out of here first."

"leave here?"

"Yes, restart, we need to discuss something." Strange's expression and tone were solemn.

Peter realized that he must have discovered something important.

(End of this chapter)

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