Chapter 315 The End
"Since it's so dangerous, why don't you just take action?" Peter asked doubtfully. He has personally experienced how powerful the observer is. The ability to travel in time is so powerful.

This time, if he didn't have the authority of the observer, which allowed him to jump back to the origin of time many times and let him keep trying and making mistakes, he might not have been able to find a way to deal with the zombie sentinels!

With such an ability, he didn't believe that the observers didn't have other means.

Observer Frog Tu said: "The oath still binds us. The Observer family has its own place in the order of the universe. As a member of the order, we can only obey it and cannot overstep it. One day, you will understand. "

"Because of the sacred spider web?" Peter's heart moved.

But he didn't ask this question.

After experiencing this trip to the zombie universe, he had a deeper understanding of these things.

He realized that the ability of the sacred spider web may not be lower than the observer's ability.

He could slowly continue to figure out the secrets hidden in it.

At this moment, he was more concerned about what Observer Frog Tu said.

Although it has been a long time for him - after all, he has been reincarnated in the zombie universe N times.

But his memory is very good.

He still remembered what Observer Frog Tu said when he brought them into this world: "There are too many dangers in the multiverse, and some people who don't know the rules may take the zombie story out of this circle."

Combined with what I just said, "Your universe has attracted the covetousness of many beings from other universes, and some people have even visited your universe. If it is not handled properly, the multiverse may also perish."

Earlier, when Strange came to him to talk about forming the Super Avengers, he also mentioned the multiverse crisis.

Moreover, Strange predicted at that time that their universe, which existed as a once sacred timeline, was likely to be the center of the storm for the coming crisis in the multiverse!
And he has discovered that powerful beings have visited their universe.

Peter also thought of the strange things that happened to Egg before.

According to Star-Lord and the others, Ego was originally dead, but he was inexplicably resurrected after his death.

Now it seems that it is probably the work of the visitor from other universes that Strange perceived!

The other party was actually able to resurrect Ego, and it seemed to make Ego stronger!

It can be seen that the other party is indeed not a simple thing.

For a moment, Peter's sense of crisis suddenly increased.

For an existence that has quietly visited their universe and resurrected a living planet like Ego, if it destroys the earth without warning, it is probably not a particularly difficult thing to do.

The formation of the Super Avengers is imminent!

Moreover, he had another idea.

That is. Defend the enemy from outside!

Just like in Infinity War.

If Infinity War took place on Earth, Peter can't even imagine how many people would die.

The Battle of New York in 2012 is a good example.

It was just an advance army sent by Thanos, a very small force.

But the damage caused is immeasurable. The remnants of the war can still be seen even after all these years.

But this time, in the more dangerous Infinite War, they took the initiative and took the battlefield outside the earth.

What is the result?

At best, a few warriors were lost.

To win such an interstellar war with the lives of some soldiers is actually a complete victory no matter how you look at it.

So, he thought of two methods.

On the one hand, Strange can continue to form his team of super Avengers and build a defense line within their own universe to protect their civilization.

On the other hand, he can use his divine spider web ability to join forces with Spider-Man from other universes to form a "Multiverse Spider-Man Alliance" specifically to monitor dangerous elements lurking in the multiverse.

Once they make any dangerous moves, you can take the lead to eliminate them and nip the danger in the bud!

Of course, we still need to discuss how to implement this idea with Strange and Stark after we go back.
After Peter came out of the "brainstorm" in his little theater in his head, he found that the observer Frog was looking at him.

".So, guardian of the sacred spider web, goodbye," Observer Frog Tu seemed not to realize that Peter had just evolved countless recent scenes in his mind, but was saying goodbye to Peter.

"Wait a minute," Peter said, stopping Observer Frog Picture.

Observer Frog Tu looked at him.

Peter said: "You once said that after I solve the problem of the zombie universe, you observers will fulfill one of my wishes when necessary, but how should I contact you?"

Observer Frog Picture thought for a moment and said: "In this case, I will not take back that pocket dimension. It was made with the technology of our Observer family and has a certain connection with me. When necessary, Just use it to contact us."

"Okay." Before Peter could finish speaking, he disappeared.

Then, Peter realized that his perspective was falling rapidly.

Soon, he reappeared in the Quinjet.

Strange has also returned a long time ago and is currently telling Thor and the others about their actions in the zombie universe.

But he was very tired at the moment, so he just said a few words, then closed his eyes and meditated again.

Strange's soul power has been exhausted at this moment.

After all, he trapped the zombie sentry alone without being able to absorb dimensional energy!
Noticing that Peter had woken up, Star-Lord and others gathered around him and gave Peter a big compliment.

From Strange's mouth, they already know that Peter saved two worlds in one breath this time!
Even if Strange had some credit for it, he still accounted for the main part.

After all, the heroes of the zombie universe, the vaccine for the zombie virus, and finally killing the zombie sentry to end everything were all his work.

Now, Peter was the real savior.

Moreover, Peter’s actions were also helping them.

The zombie universe is so dangerous. If it weren't for Peter's ability and they had just crashed into it, they would have been eaten up by the zombies long ago. How could they still be standing here?
It is worth mentioning that after breaking the time and space cycle, the timeline of this universe at this moment is the timeline of Peter's elimination of the zombie sentries.

It is equivalent to adding a storyline of "Zombie Sentinels descend from the sky, all heroes work together to kill the Zombie Sentinels, and Spider-Man makes a heroic sacrifice" in the "historical process" of this world.

(End of this chapter)

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