People live in the Ming Dynasty, evil spirits are soaring into the sky

Chapter 169 The privileges of scholars are about to be diluted! Solving the clan problem is on the a

Chapter 169 The privileges of scholars are about to be diluted! Solving the clan problem is on the agenda!
Although such detailed quantification cannot guarantee everything, it should be able to handle 80% to 90% of the work.

For example, a government office reported that a road would be built within a year, with a total length of fifty miles.

Then this matter can be assessed. If you have only completed ten miles, then you must be in the C grade.

The reason why officials think this assessment mechanism is abnormal.

Because this assessment method is not conducive to them. Just feel the thickness of the envelope to know whether it is qualified or not.

Ancient officialdom paid most attention to human relations and sophistication, and there were also assessments.

For example, if a local official goes to the Ministry of Civil Affairs to report on his work every three years, the Ministry of Civil Affairs will see that you have not made any serious mistakes and will relax. After three years of office, you may be promoted.

As for Beijing officials, there is the so-called Beijing inspection, which happens once every five years, which is more humane and sophisticated.

Everyone looks up but doesn't look down. They all went to the capital to serve as officials, so they won't make things difficult for each other.

But it’s different now. Everything has been measured with quantitative indicators.

Although it is a bit mechanical, Chen Han gives enough flexibility.

As long as you complete the second level, everything will be fine for you.

The higher you strive, the more promotions and rewards you get.

Just like the high school and college entrance examination, as long as you pass everything, you have actually defeated 90% of the people.

Chen Han established the Tax Inspection Department, which is usually responsible for financial supervision at the local level.

But it can play a key role when it comes to assessment.

Two sets of competing team assessments can be relatively fair.

Just because this was relatively fair, these ancient officials were very uncomfortable and disliked it.

Officials are a privileged class, and all of them consider themselves scholars. How can they decide promotion issues based on completing work goals?

Can't we rely on discipleship relationships? Fellowship? Year friendship? Is my father related to Li Gang? Bribery related?

Do we have to make such a troublesome assessment?

Doesn’t this make things difficult for the court and us officials?

Chen Han, you are destroying the traditional culture of scholars. Do you know that by then our friendship and friendship will be diluted?


You rough guy really doesn't understand what elegance is at all.

How can we be so clear about scholars?


Bai Ding!

After all, how can the matter of scholars be called bribery?
How can the selection be quantified?

Absolutely not.

We have to leave enough room for humaneness and sophistication.

But Chen Han didn't do it at all, and all the requirements were about 60% completed.

In this case, if my boss's son becomes the prefect and county magistrate under my command.

He only completed 30%, shouldn't I give him a pass?
If I don't give him a pass, will my boss make things difficult for me?

What will happen to these favors in the future?
They are very conflicted when they think that it may be implemented from this year.

Because many people present have already received the money for this year's three-year performance assessment in advance.

It will be very difficult to go back because the tax inspection department created by Chen Han will be troublesome when the time comes.

If you don't go back, you won't be able to stab someone in the back if you take other people's money and don't do their business.

So they all gritted their teeth until their molars were broken.

This Chen Han is really a piece of rat shit. Originally, although the clear soup in our Ming Dynasty pot soup contained little water, everyone could still eat a little.

When Chen Han came and sprinkled sand into the soup, no one would be able to benefit from it.

The most important thing is that in his legal examination, everyone from the cabinet to the county magistrate must be assessed together.

This is the legalist method.

The reason why Confucians hate Legalism is because they feel that Legalism is impersonal.

Although everyone knows that it is Confucianism and Dharma, at least the Confucian stuff is at the front.

What Confucianism pays attention to is human touch. The important thing is that you are good to me and everyone is good, and reciprocity is the courtesy.

The mean, isn’t that what the mean means?
You must never be a leader, you must not be sharp, it is best to be a harmonious one.

Who can remain a yellow flower forever in the officialdom?

Who can be the sun that never sets?
Sooner or later, it will set, tomorrow will fade away, and the sun will set in the west. This is the rule.

If you offend a colleague today, and after you divorce him, he will deduct the money you paid for your divorce, how will you survive?
So when I think about this, all the officials look unhappy.

At this moment, Zhang Juzheng stood up again: "Your Majesty, when formulating the details of the reform six months ago, the Duke of Liao commissioned his ministers to conduct a detailed investigation of the current situation of the clan.

At present, Wei Chen and Xu Wei, a talented man from the southeast, have completed the investigation of the situation of clans in various places, and it is just in time to take advantage of this new law to solve it together. "

After hearing this, Emperor Wanli immediately said: "It doesn't matter what Mr. Zhang Ge said."

Zhang Juzheng said: "The current situation in the clan is seriously polarized. The rich are extremely rich and the poor are reduced to beggars."

When these words came out, the officials present, Emperor Wanli, and even Chen Han were all surprised.

Because the clan of the Ming Dynasty was different from other dynasties.

He could receive unlimited salary from the court, so he raised countless pigs.

According to the law, these clans are not allowed to engage in business, imperial examinations, or other industries.

I can only wait for the court to give me a salary like raising pigs.

Therefore, many historians believe that the fall of the Ming Dynasty was closely related to the clans that ate the royal food.

Moreover, these clans are doing evil and doing evil, which is one of the very unstable factors.

But I never thought that these clans could be so poor.

Zhang Juzheng suggested, "Your Majesty, since the clan has been passed down for two hundred years, and many clans are eight or nine generations old, the bloodline is already thin. If we let the poor get poorer and the rich get richer, we might as well let them go." constraint,
They were allowed to engage in business or imperial examinations, or engage in other industries.

In this way, the vitality of the clan is released and the pressure on the national treasury is relieved. What do you think, Your Majesty? "

Emperor Wanli immediately replied: "What Mr. Ge said is true, so how should we implement it according to what Mr. Ge said?"

Zhang Juzheng said, "According to the ancient law, within the fifth generation, the court can provide salary, and after the fifth generation, they will be allowed to live on their own without any need to take care of them."

Most of the officials present agreed.

If you were a civil servant who lived in the early Ming Dynasty, you would definitely be dissatisfied with those clans.

Because they are all extremely rich, but the salaries the officials receive are very low.

But now, first of all, they are more corrupt, and they don't care much about the clan's money.

Secondly, the imperial court can no longer take care of so many clan members, resulting in many clan members starving to death at home.

In order to survive, there was even a joke during the Jiajing period that the clan members took the initiative to confess their sins and were imprisoned in the ancestral home of Fengyang Mansion.

Why do they do this?

The reason is to be able to go to Fengyang Mansion to eat in prison, otherwise they will starve to death.

It's really embarrassing to reach this level.

Since the imperial court cannot support them, let them fend for themselves.

That is to say, after the Five Dynasties proposed by Zhang Juzheng, no salary will be provided.

This article is very effective.

Because there will not be many clans within five generations, and they will not accumulate.

There is a lot of information showing that among the entire national fiscal expenditures in the Ming Dynasty, the largest expenditure was actually the expenditure of the clan.

When it is high, it can reach about 30%.

It’s terrifying to think about it. According to that data, it’s equivalent to one-third of the national finance being eaten up by the Zhu family.

This is what Chen Han put forward as soon as he arrived, regardless of the life or death of those clans.

Although a very few clans would starve to death in their own mansions, in fact most of the clans still lived quite a comfortable life, relying on the imperial court to support them.

By releasing the burden of this group of people, the court could travel more lightly.

Chen Han raised his hands in agreement, but some officials had to speak as soon as they took the first step...

PS: Third update!

(End of this chapter)

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