Chapter 156 Hua Ye who contacted Su Mary

"Thousands of demon warriors?" Listening to the report of this void warrior, the Buck was a little confused.

He didn't quite understand, what was Morgana planning to do? A thousand demon warriors is not a small number.

At a large scale, these one thousand demon warriors are enough to destroy a fleet, and at a small scale, these one thousand demon warriors are enough to protect the safety of a defense zone.

But after thinking for a long time, the Buck still couldn't figure out what Morgana wanted to do by sending these thousand demon warriors.

However, although the Buck did not know what Morgana wanted to do, he was sure that Morgana's dispatch of troops must have her own purpose.

Thinking of this, the stag raised his head and spoke slowly: "Morgana's action must be a big move."

"Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for Morgana to make a large-scale deployment of troops at this time."

"Let's ignore this demon warrior team for now and let's see what these demon warriors plan to do."

"If we discover that this team of demon warriors is going to be detrimental to our Styx civilization, then we will take action directly to cut off the retreat of these demon warriors and let them all die here."

"If you don't do this, what can you do?" A red light flashed on the buck's scanner.

"Then what did he say to you?"

"And after Hua Ye's attack plan is completed, we only need to attack according to the attack plan."

As the stag's order was given, the void warrior who stood up to report the situation nodded and sat down again.

"Even all the strength he has today was only given by my god Karl!"

Hearing this, Zhuolu spoke slowly and said: "Hua Ye said that our plan is very crude. Even if we want to attack the stronghold of Cyber ​​Heaven Civilization, we can't do what we said."

"After gathering these male angels, Hua Ye will discuss with them a plan of attack."

"He doesn't even think about what his outdated male angels can do."

After complaining for a while, the Buck looked around at the surrounding void warriors, and then slowly said: "Since Hua Ye does not agree to our plan, we will stay put for the time being."

"Hmph~!" Listening to what Zhuo Lu said, Buck snorted coldly, and then continued: "This Hua Ye is really very proud!"

"If it weren't for my god Karl, would Hua Ye still be as impressive as he is now?"

Listening to Zhuolu's words, the stag looked at Zhuolu, and then said aloud: "Didn't you give an immediate answer?"

A city in North America.

Looking at the already somewhat angry Stag, Zhuolu immediately spoke up and said: "According to Hua Ye's words, he intends to summon his male angels scattered throughout the known universe to the earth. ”

Obviously, the Buck was irritated by Hua Ye's tone!

"Bucks, I just informed Hua Ye of our plan, but he didn't give an answer right away."

At the same time that the void warrior sat down, Zhuolu had already finished communicating with Hua Ye, and turned back to the Buck to report what he had just learned from Hua Ye.

"It just so happens that we can take advantage of this period of time to take a closer look at what the thousands of demon soldiers dispatched by Morgana want to do."

While the Bucks and the void warriors were making arrangements, Hua Ye came to a star-rated hotel.

Because the entire North America is occupied by demonic civilization, there are no living people in this hotel.

Looking at the luxurious chair in front of him, Hua Ye hugged Ruoning's waist and rushed directly to where the chair was. After getting into a comfortable position, Hua Ye took a whiff of Ruoning's scent, and then opened his communication channel with a lewd look.

As the communication channel opened, Hua Ye quickly found an old friend.

This old friend is none other than Hua Ye's former subordinate "Su Mary".

Sumary was once Hua Ye's confidant general and a leader among the Tianzha warriors. She had outstanding combat abilities and was quite skilled in small tricks. She was called the "Ancient God Slaughter" by the angels.

And if Hua Ye remembered correctly, the location where Sumary was finally exiled was exactly where he is now on Earth.

So when Zhuolu contacted him, Hua Ye thought of his former general.

The moment Hua Ye initiated communication, Su Mary immediately connected.

"King, why did you remember to find me at this time?"

As soon as the call was connected, Sumari spoke directly.

Listening to Su Marie's voice on the communication channel, Hua Ye gently caressed Ruoning's belly, and then slowly said: "Because I am on the earth now."

"Oh?" Su Mary was a little surprised when Hua Ye's voice appeared.

Because in his memory, Hua Ye probably didn't know that he was hiding in the corner of the known universe at this time.

So it was precisely because of this that Su Mary was surprised by Hua Ye's arrival on Earth.

After a brief moment of surprise, Sumary then spoke up and said, "Wang, why are you looking for me?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I still be looking for you?" Hua Ye sat up straight. "You are on Earth now. When can you return to the team?"

"I am organizing a plan to attack the Cyber ​​Heaven Civilization stronghold. If you don't come, I will be missing a lot of combat power."

As Hua Ye's voice sounded throughout the communication channel, Su Mary spoke up and said: "Wang, you know."

"Although I killed many of He Xi's men tens of thousands of years ago, I was instantly killed by He Xi's move later."

"It was then that I discovered that the female angels had developed the so-called divine body technology."

"Also, I have read all the rankings during this period. There are many so-called divine beings on the earth now."

"So, King..."

"I might have to say sorry about returning to the team."

"I need to find a way first to improve my technological skills and knowledge of the divine body."

"Otherwise, when the war between the gods breaks out later, my current fragile body may not be able to withstand a single blow."

"Okay." After listening to what Su Mary said, Hua Ye stood up from his seat. "Then you should figure it out yourself first."

"I have a lot of anxious male angels here. Once they all arrive on Earth, I will launch an attack on the stronghold of Cyber ​​Heaven Civilization."

"I will send you the coordinates when the time comes. When you are done over there, come find me at the coordinates."

(End of this chapter)

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