Chapter 72 News about Big Bear
Wang An was collecting money when he heard the mahjong players not far away talking about the big bear!

Lu Deshu and Zhang Tiegang were obviously listening attentively.

It is said that a few days ago, a hunter from Heishantun saw a big bear chasing a black blind man at Qingshi Gang, fifteen or six miles south of Heixiazi Valley.

Not only was that big bear, but he also killed the hunter's two dogs. The hunter used a double-barreled shotgun, but he didn't dare to use it and went home directly!

Wang An didn't listen to anything else, he just kept thinking.

Both the big bear and the blind man are bears, the big bear is a brown bear, and the blind man is a black bear.

It's just that as long as a big bear sees a black blind man, it will definitely chase him up and kill him, but it will not eat the black blind man's meat. No one can understand the specific reason!
At this time of year, the black blind man is basically hibernating. But big bears are different. Some are hibernating, while others are not hibernating and are all walking around outside.

It's dangerous enough to dig out the Black Blind Man's warehouse. If the Black Blind Man doesn't hibernate and instead wanders around, the risk is directly multiplied several times.

But for a big bear, it must weigh at least 500 kilograms. The normal weight is 1000 to kilograms, and the largest one exceeds kilograms!
Moreover, if the big bear kills the black blind man, the black blind man has no ability to resist! How dangerous is Daxiongba? How hard is it to fight?
Besides, Wang An has never been beaten before! The most important thing is that not only has Wang An never been beaten, but he has never even met him! How can this be so arrogant?
Wang An put his mind back, collected the money and started shuffling the cards, and noticed that Lu Deshu and Zhang Tiegang seemed to no longer pay attention after hearing that it was a big bear!
It seems that even if they heard about the big bear, the hunters didn't care! I guess they don't want to take that thing seriously because they are afraid of losing their lives. If they really lose their lives for a big bear, then everything will be in vain!

Wang An couldn't decide what he was thinking, let alone fried gold flowers, because he couldn't make a fortune from this thing, and even if he spent a thousand dollars, it would be in vain. There will always be a stronger person among the strong, and there will always be someone better than you!

When it comes to gambling, the longer you gamble, the deeper you get into it, because everyone wants to get something for nothing, and everyone wants to get rich overnight!
Of course Wang An is no exception, but he has experienced a lot and has seen through it all!

I played for a while, winning a few hands and losing a few, always keeping the winning amount of more than ten yuan, and did not guess the size of the cards based on the micro-expressions of the people in the game!

There are only three words for the reason: I can’t do it!

Feeling that it was really boring, Wang An let out another round of smoke, said hello, turned around and went home!

That's how it is with Fried Golden Flower. Sometimes people join and sometimes people leave. Under normal circumstances, no one cares at all.

On the way home, Wang An still didn't dare to make up his mind, because the shadow of the blind man rushing towards Wang An that day was a bit too big. Just thinking of that scene made him feel uneasy!

However, Wang An has too few sources of information. It is not easy to know where such a particularly valuable mountain animal can be found!

Of course, most ordinary hunters have this kind of virtue. If this was news about a black blind warehouse, the news might not have spread at all, and the hunter from Heishantun would have paid for it himself!

Or tell other powerful hunters to go secretly and get the share! Just like the warehouse that Feng Chengmin led Wang An to dig out.

Why do you say it was secretly done? Because I’m afraid others will know!

A hunter's wealth is the accumulation of various valuable prey!
But bear bile accounts for a large part! Why can gunners get five or six bear bile a year, but many hunters struggle to get even one bear bile a year?
It is because of these warehouses that the veteran gunner knows about many warehouses. There will be a few warehouses every year, and new black men or bears will go in and squat in the warehouses.

As long as the first snow falls after the beginning of winter, and then about ten days later, wait for the black blind man or the bear to fall asleep completely and enter deep hibernation! Then you can go to the warehouses that you know and skip the ones that are out of stock. If they are in stock, just go for it!

In this way, for those gunners or experienced hunters, making money is so simple!
You know, even the cheapest straw gallbladder is worth more than 200 yuan. This is the price of gallbladder for a black blind man who has just grown up and weighs about 200 kilograms.

If it is iron gall or gold gall, it is more than 300 and more than 500 respectively. Moreover, there are also black blind man skins, corrugated caps, noses, meat, and black blind man palms that can also be sold for money!

So we can know that a gunner or an old hunter can earn the salary of a regular government employee for four to five years just by digging out a warehouse this winter. What is this concept?
Bear bile has always been priced in grams. Of course, it was first calculated in terms of “qian”, which is the unit after “liang”.

China's own units of measurement are "jin", "liang", "money" and "cent". The first was hexadecimal, and after liberation it was all decimal!

Of course, the commonly used words are "jin", "liang" and "qian". Because bear bile has bile skin and impurities on the skin, it is accurate to "qian"!
The word "fen" is generally a unit of measurement used for weighing gold, silver, wild ginseng, etc.

Later, in order to be more accurate, all valuable things were basically counted in "grams", one catty = 10 taels, and 1 tael = 50 grams.

Normally, when a black blind man has just grown up, his bile will basically be more than 50 grams after drying in the shade.

In other words, grass gall is 4 yuan per gram, iron gall is 6 yuan per gram, and gold gall is 10 yuan per gram.

The gallbladder of a big bear is not as valuable as the gallbladder of a black blind man. The best gold gallbladder is the same price as the grass gallbladder of a black blind man.

But, but, it’s big! That big boss!

When it was first taken out, it was as big as a child's head. After drying in the shade, it was basically 100 grams or more!
Even if it is the cheapest big bear grass bile, which costs 2 yuan per gram, even if it is a small bear bile each time, and it is only 100 grams of small bile, it still costs at least 200 yuan!
What is this concept? Half a year’s salary for formal employees!

Therefore, mountain hunters basically inherit their father's legacy, except for their hunting experience, skills, and methods.

And the old mountain man himself is a real living treasure!
In the mountains that are thousands of miles away, there are not only Heixiazicang and Xiongbacang, but also where there are big skins, where tiger cubs often appear, where there are deer deer, and even many old ginseng crops, and other very valuable things! They all know where it is!
Deer deer, also called fragrant deer deer, is the original musk deer. It is much smaller than silly deer deer. The male buttocks have a sachet, which produces something called musk. It is a medicinal material that is more expensive than gold, and it can also be said to be a spice!
Laotunzi is a Bangchui nest, a large piece of land with several large and small Bangchui!

This is why a few years later, when times and situations became less rigorous, they or their descendants could suddenly become rich!
In fact, today's gunners are also very rich, or have many valuable things, but these days, if people know about their wealth, it will cause big problems!

The most difficult thing is that Wang An has no inheritance and no one to teach him through words and deeds for a long time! Naturally, no one would tell him the traces of these valuable things!

You have to learn hunting skills, methods, etc., and you have to sum up your experience by yourself, without any information or resources!

Everything depends on yourself! You can only rely on yourself!

Besides, the thing about finding wealth and wealth in danger is done!
 Please pursue reading, please pursue reading, please pursue reading! My dear friends!

  The data is sparse! One day in the sky and two days in the earth, my God!
(End of this chapter)

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