Full-time mage: My wife Ning Xue, Suzaku Fentian!

Chapter 133 Clear the area and fight the ghost woman!

Chapter 133 Clear the area and fight the ghost woman!

The sky was full of ice and snow, and eight ice crystals enveloped Flame Fairy in all directions, imprisoning her inside.

On the ground in the distance, Mu Qing stood there and glanced at the eight high-level mages who were standing in the center of the manor performing constellations...


The blazing flames continuously bombarded the eight ice walls that seemed as thin as paper but were extremely indestructible.

After a few moves, the tyrannical calamity flames mixed with a little space power had no effect on it.

Yan Ji's movements gradually slowed down, and she seemed to realize that this ice and snow magic circle seemed not simple.

Mu Qing was just about to help Jiang Feng, but suddenly a chill ran down his back.

Chaos magic was activated almost subconsciously, and several colorful magics passed by Mu Qing.

It was several manor guards, and Mu Qing's face darkened.

You are kind enough to save your master, but you are putting it aside to sneak attack on me?
Just as he was about to speak, Mu Qing suddenly noticed something.

"Sea Rock Guards?"

Mu Qing frowned slightly and called out tentatively, but the result was somewhat unsatisfactory.

Mu Qing responded with anger.

He was just an intermediate mage. Mu Qing dodged sideways and looked at the guard captain who was leading him up the mountain, his face darkened.

"Has it been controlled?"

He glanced at the guards standing in front of him one by one, and they all looked numb like zombies.

"Ghost woman......"

Mu Qing felt a chill in his heart and glanced at Jiang Feng, who was already imprisoned in eight ice walls.

"Don't blame me, I won't pay for the medical expenses if you get injured."

Seeing the people rushing toward him with magic in hand again, Mu Qing raised his hand and threw a fireball on the ground.

A wall of fire instantly rose between the two sides.

Just as Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, he saw this group of people stepping over them without risking their lives!
The corners of his mouth twitched and he looked at the group of people lying in front of him...

"Probably not dead."

With a wave of his hand, the flames attached to their bodies dissipated instantly, and he looked at the dying people lying on the ground, their bodies scorched black.

As long as they are not dead, fortunately, I have saved some hands, and they should have defensive magic equipment or some magic that can withstand the fire.

Shaking his head slightly, Mu Qing turned around and looked at the trapped Jiang Feng.

"Fire Fist!"

Fire shot into the sky, and Mu Qing punched the ice wall that trapped her——


It's just that this blazing flame didn't seem to hit the target, but was stopped by another barrier halfway.

"Huh? There's more?"

Mu Qing was slightly cold, but he quickly reacted.

Should this group of people be said to be cautious, or should they be said to be fearful of the monarch?

Unlike the ice wall that trapped Jiang Feng, this barrier was very fragile. With a few punches from Mu Qing, the barrier cracked like a spider web and completely dissipated.

Hearing the sound of an explosion, Mu Qing paused slightly, turned his head and glanced over there.

"The ghost woman is a high-level mage. Shi Gui and Zhao Yulin should not be that fragile."

Apparently Ye Xinxia recovered much faster with his help, and the ghost woman was discovered even before Chen Ying could take action.

Mu Qing was going to release Yan Ji first.

The ghost woman should be a curse, high-level in the three elements of soul and earth, so it is still a bit tricky to fight.

I hate fighting with this kind of mage the most. The curse of the mind can cause mental attacks at every turn. It's still very difficult if you don't have the means to deal with it.

Mu Qing approached the seriously injured Jiang Feng, perhaps seeing that Mu Qing had no ill intentions. Jiang Feng slowly put away the dark flames surrounding him and opened a way for Mu Qing.

Although Jiang Feng was frozen, it was obvious that her consciousness was still very clear. Mu Qing secretly put away the Suzaku pendant and looked at this queen who was full of kindness to mankind...

"What a crime."

Mu Qing raised his hand and was about to try to touch the seal, when suddenly fine sand fell from the sky.

"Eye of the Rock Demon·Petrification!"

Mu Qing was also shocked by the sudden change.

He turned around and quickly left the place, away from that area.

The petrified powder fell on the ice wall that trapped Jiang Feng. Although it had no real effect, it covered its outer layer with a layer of gray rock.

The dust continued to float towards Mu Qing, and Mu Qing was not used to it.

He raised his hand and punched the ground hard, and a wall of fire rose into the sky and surrounded him.

The fine gray sand petrifies the flame, but the flame is never just a wisp.

When the time was right, Mu Qing withdrew the flames and finally saw clearly who was attacking him.

"Are those two guys, Zhao Yulin and Shi Gui, so weak?"

Looking at the distorted ghost woman standing in front of him, Mu Qing was speechless.

However, the ghost woman not far away raised her hand and laughed.

With this look, Mu Qing felt that it would be a waste for her not to go to the Black Church.

"That loser is worthy of being compared with me?!"

"Only that old guy, hahahahaha, I'm afraid he's still fighting with his own people!"

The ghost woman shouted at Mu Qing unscrupulously.

"I didn't expect you to be a high-level person. You hide it so deeply that even I can't see it? Maybe we are the same kind of people?"

Mu Qing's eyelids twitched when he heard this and he spat.

"Don't put your own face on it. A genius is the same type of person as you."

After saying that, he didn't waste any time and went straight to attack the ghost woman.

Originally, I wanted to rescue Jiang Feng first, but now it seems that it is better to deal with this poisonous woman first.

Let’s get the Fire Tribulation Fruit first, then it will depend on Jiang Feng’s choice.

If she is willing to let Mu Qing take it away, then forget it. If he doesn't want to, then Mu Qing has no choice but to fight again. It's not his style to return empty-handed.

"Fire Fist..., Hongtian!"

Mu Qing punched the ghost woman without holding back.

The violent flames immediately engulfed the entire area, but after being dominant here for many years, the ghost woman is not that easy to kill.

In the sea of ​​explosion and fire, several rock barriers broke through the ground and stood in front of them.


Explosions resounded across the sky, and rock barriers were instantly shattered.

"I really underestimate you!"

After forcibly blocking the attack, the ghost woman gritted her teeth and looked at Mu Qing in horror.

There's something wrong with this guy's strength!
Mu Qing still looked calm and calm.

He turned around and glanced at the empty center of the manor and the ice-blue light that was constantly flashing over there.

"It's very tiring for my colleagues to control eight high-level people. You can do two things at once, but I believe your psychic system can't be used anymore."

With a slight smile, Mu Qing looked at the ghost woman.

Now that you are missing one department, it is still the psychic department that he thinks is the most annoying. Why are you qualified to challenge him in a 1v1 duel?

Just rely on the dual elements of curse and earth?

Mu Qing did not summon the Fire Lion. This battle may have been noticed by many people...

(End of this chapter)

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