Chapter 61 Disaster Is Coming

"Sister, shall we go back to Bo City?"

Looking at the blue sky outside the window, Mu Qing said softly.

The holidays are already here, and if you go by your own calculations, the disaster in Bo City should be coming soon.

What was supposed to come, has come.

Mu Qing had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"What's wrong? You don't seem to be in the right state lately."

Mu Ningxue walked up from behind, walked to Mu Qing, looked at Mu Qing's side face, and said softly.

Mu Qing was silent for a few seconds and smiled at Mu Ningxue.

"It's okay, sister, just tell dad and we'll go back tomorrow."

With that said, he walked back to the living room and picked up the phone.

"I'm going out to sell the things I got from the last commission."

Seeing Mu Qing's leaving figure, Mu Ningxue shook her head, took out her cell phone and dialed Mu Zhuoyun's number.

"Dad, Xiaoqing and I..."


In the blink of an eye, Mu Qing and Mu Ningxue had already placed their luggage and sat down on the moving train.

"It's so fast."

Looking at the speeding scenery outside the window, Mu Qing couldn't help feeling that time passed so quickly.

It seems that my self-magic awakening was just a few days ago, but now I am already a strong person...

A sudden heavy weight on his shoulders interrupted his thoughts.

Mu Qing turned around and saw that Mu Ningxue was leaning against him with her eyes closed. Her slight snoring seemed to tell Mu Qing that she had fallen asleep.

Smiling and shaking his head, Mu Qing did not disturb Mu Ningxue.

Just rest it on your pillow. Your shoulder was originally meant for Mu Ningxue to lean on alone.

The train entered a tunnel, and the interior lights powered by magic stones were turned on.

Returning to Bo City this time, if the disaster continues for the mage, then his most important goal will be to protect his family and friends.

As for the Winged Wolf......

Salang and Wu Ku, these two big troubles are definitely the existences that Mu Qing has to be careful about in this disaster.

It can only be said that if these two men were not there, Mu Qing would have killed the bird wolf with his combined force in a matter of minutes.

However, this possibility is almost zero. Sa Long may not be here, but Wu Ku will definitely be watching this feast created by his own hands in a corner of Bo City.


After a few days' drive, Mu Qing and Mu Ningxue returned to Bo City without any hindrance.

Outside the station, they met Mu Zhuoyun who picked them up.

Because they arrived at the station in the afternoon, it was already evening when they returned to Mu's Manor.

After cleaning up briefly, the three of them went back to their rooms to rest.

Sitting cross-legged in the room, Mu Qing replaced his original sleep with meditation.

The standard configuration process for people with insomnia is yes.

Mu Qing went out early the next morning. This time it was not Mo Fan who asked him out, but another good brother, Comrade Zhang Xiaohou.

"Xiao Hou, where is Mo Fan."

Sitting in the restaurant, Mu Qing looked at the third person who had not been seen for a long time and couldn't help but feel confused.

Mo Fan, this guy, it’s true that he came back occasionally during the holidays, but he was the first to find him.

What's going on today? There's no news and no one around.

But soon, Zhang Xiaohou answered Mu Qing's doubts.

"Brother Fan, he went to the Holy Spring to practice!"

"Brother Qing, let me tell you, after you left, Brother Fan made rapid progress and soon became the great genius of our Tianlan!" elder brother!"

Zhang Xiaohou explained with a smile.

Mu Qing suddenly paused while picking up the food in his hands.

But it soon returned to normal.

Well, without Yu Ang causing trouble this time, nothing should happen.

But now that Mo Fan has entered the Holy Spring, no matter what, the disaster in Bo City seems to be within a few days.

After the meal, Mu Qing hurried back to Mu's Manor.

Mu Zhuoyun goes out every day, while Mu Ningxue stays behind closed doors.

Mu Qing was sitting alone in the large living room, and couldn't help but start thinking about how to make Mu Zhuoyun gather more money recently to prepare for the next thing.

At least they can't rely on others after Bo City is broken, right?

But the only thing Mu Qing is worried about is Mu He, the old fox.

Living deep in the Mu family, any movement here would be easily noticed by him.

Alas, it is difficult to handle!
And based on the daily contact with him, there is a high probability that this person is also a high-level mage, which is really unexplainable.


Early the next morning, Mu Qing saw someone he didn't expect when he went out.

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the man in black robe passing by him and walking through the crowd.

"Yu Ang, you are indeed not dead."

A hint of danger flashed in Mu Qing's eyes.

He turned around and followed him. He was sure that the man in black robe was Yu Ang.

How dare you show up in Bo City? He even walked over in front of him without blocking his breath at all.

It can only be said that they are very brave. Did the disaster begin immediately? These people from the Black Church began to be a little overconfident?

In the noisy market, Yu Ang seemed to have noticed someone following him, and couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Naturally, Mu Qing would not give up. This time he encountered him, and he had no intention of letting him leave alive.

The flow of people around began to gradually decrease, and Mu Qing followed Yu Ang in an upright manner.

As for the reason...

Because now he is not Mu Qing, but "Qingque"!
Just now, he had changed his clothes and prepared to go to the Hunter League, but he unexpectedly ran into Yu Ang by chance.

Really, it seems that it is God's will. God doesn't want Yu Ang, a birdman, to continue to live.

Two men in black clothes were walking through the morning market. Mu Qing or the hunter hunter "Qing Que" no longer pretended to be pretentious, and just followed Yu Ang in an upright manner.

Not to mention Yu Ang, he turned directly into a small alley among the crowd in the market, apparently wanting to get rid of Mu Qing.

But this happened to suit Mu Qing's wishes. Zheng was worried about where to deal with Yu Ang. Now that it was better, he would be better at solving the problem himself.

"Hey, aren't you tired?"

The noise of the crowd gradually disappeared, and Yu Ang finally stopped in an alley where there were five old people.

He took off his hood and looked back impatiently at Mu Qing, whose face could not be seen clearly in black clothes.

The moment Yu Ang turned his head, Mu Qing almost thought he was following the wrong one!

Looking at Yu Ang whose entire face was disfigured, Mu Qing couldn't help but lament the vicious methods of the Black Vatican!

"No matter who you are, if you dare to follow me, then go to hell!"

Looking at Mu Qing who was silent, Yu Ang bit his teeth under the pieces of rotten flesh.

No magic was released, but a black shadow suddenly appeared on the ground.

Mu Qing raised his eyebrows slightly, oh, is it a black beast?

Don't tell me, this is your first time seeing this thing. Are you still looking forward to it?
Looking at Mu Qing who was indifferent and refused to run away, Yu Ang couldn't help but clenched his fists.

He hates this kind of person the most, because this kind of person always reminds him of Mu Qing, the man who took everything away from him!

(End of this chapter)

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