There is no way I can be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 147 146 The Defeat of the Dark Giant

Chapter 147 146. The defeat of the dark giant

Flame, still flame!
A one-trillion-degree high temperature reappeared, erupting at a very close distance. The monstrous heat wave directly enveloped Camila's body, swallowing up her vision and perception together.

I saw Camilla, who was originally full of momentum and wanted to make a profit, instantly turned into a gray-gold shadow and fell straight towards the sea.

" could this happen?"

Camilla was suddenly startled, her eyes filled with astonishment.

When she was observing from the outside before, she had not realized how deadly the flame was, and she just thought it was an ordinary burning breath.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be bold enough to swallow a huge gift package like Bai Ye + Gatanjie.

But after this contact, Camilla suddenly realized that the power of Bai Ye's one-trillion-degree fireball was far beyond that of ordinary flames. She couldn't bear the powerful burning alone, let alone the tyrannical destruction caused by the explosion of flames. force.

The strong air flow carried flames and slapped on Camilla's forehead, which made Camilla's head confused.

What she didn't expect, however, was that this was just the beginning.

"Help help"

Camilla made intermittent calls for help, seemingly wanting to call her old teammate Durham.

Camilla struggled wildly in the fireball, but it was still to no avail. The surrounding flames seemed to be endless. She could not leave the range of the deadly flames even with all her strength.

Didn’t the eldest sister Camilla say that she would attack this mysterious monster from the left and right? How could it be that in the blink of an eye there was only one fireball three times bigger than me?

What's even more terrible is the reactions coming from everywhere in the body.

This is the strongest skill of the original Hypjadon. It has been repeatedly abandoned by Bai Ye due to various disadvantages such as high consumption, low accuracy, and difficulty in breaking through defenses. However, it has one advantage that is particularly obvious - it is extremely powerful.

Camila only felt that her body was burning fiercely. Even her limbs seemed to be burned out. She actually gradually lost control of her limbs.

The huge golden flame, which was several times larger than Camilla's giant body, completely engulfed Camilla's body, wrapped her entire body, and blasted toward the sky together, like a rocket. Retrograde meteor.


"Dark Fireball!"

Duram, who had arrived at this time, looked at the situation in front of him and was instantly stunned.

But even the sound was swallowed up in this deadly fireball.

Camila was still in a dazed state at this time, and suddenly felt a cold feeling on her back.

Bai Ye's aura surged, dark flames lingered throughout his body, and he took action again.

The burning pain and various feelings of powerlessness became more and more obvious in Camila's heart. She even felt that her body was melting inch by inch and was about to completely become a part of the flames.

Bai Ye glanced at Camilla coldly, without any sympathy for this crazy woman in his heart. In an instant, he appeared directly under Camilla's falling route.

Bai Ye obviously also noticed Duram's arrival. He turned his eyes and his cold gaze was instantly locked on this somewhat honest dark giant, but he did not take the initiative to attack.

Dalam noticed Bai Ye's gaze and took a step back unnaturally. Fear and panic were already written on his face.

The opponent's strength doesn't seem to be as strong as Camilla said, and he can easily kill himself anyway? "Chiton! (Don't leave once you're here!)"

Dalam's flinching did not make Baiye feel even the slightest bit of pity. He roared angrily, and in another blink of an eye, he came directly in front of Dalam who had just jumped up.

Seeing this situation, Durham trembled with fright and subconsciously wanted to retreat. How could he still have the majesty of the super-ancient first-power warrior?
But Bai Ye was faster, and now he punched Durham directly in the chest!

Only a 'bang' sound was heard!
A strong force directly impacted Duram, causing his whole body to hit the ground of the Luluye ruins, and a deep pit of several kilometers was blasted downwards. He was about to be destroyed before his eyes. Return to the warm nest where he was sealed!

Durham felt as if his chest was being pressed hard by a huge stone. He had difficulty breathing. He opened his mouth several times to call for help, but no sound came out of his throat.

It wasn't until he fell to the ground that he could barely react and spit out a large mouthful of blood (dark particles).

The same look of shock as Camilla's appeared on Durham's face at the same time.

It was really unimaginable to him that even he, whose strength was second to none among the dark giants, could not defeat Bai Ye's punch.

Durham raised his head and looked at Bai Ye, only to see the other party looking at him with a sneer. The smile seemed to look at him like looking at an ant. He instantly realized a sad possibility - the other party's strength was completely different from his. Not on the same level!

Durham knew that he was going to be in trouble today, so he couldn't help but collapsed on the ground with some dejection.

As soon as Bai Ye raised his hand, several flame chains surrounded him and locked him firmly in the abyss.


Quickly controlling Durham, Baiye turned to look at Camilla, who was struggling to break free from the dark fireball.

At this time, Camila's breath was weak, and she was even a little unsteady when standing. Obviously, being able to break free had consumed most of her energy.

And now, she has to face Bai Ye, who can fire countless such dark fireballs.

The word victory seems so elusive.

Bai Ye didn't hesitate, and immediately stepped forward, first taking the initiative to feed Camilla three fireballs, which made the dark female warrior's aura even more chaotic.

At the same time, the flames quickly surrounded Camila's body under Bai Ye's exquisite control, forming strong chains of flames, trapping her.

What comes next is the highlight.

A flash of light was seen in Bai Ye's cross-star-shaped single eye, and a yellow light shot out of the sky and shot into Camilla's body instantly.

With the action of the light, a strange bronze color gradually appeared on Camilla's body, spreading slowly from the area where the light hit.

It is the petrified light that has not been used for a long time!

Bai Ye has not used the petrifying light many times before. Although this move is powerful, due to the long charging time and slow effect, Bai Ye thinks it is a bit useless compared to the Dark Fire Ball.

After all, Bai Ye can easily deal with monsters whose strength is lower than his own without resorting to this power, but it is difficult for this trick to work against opponents of the same level as himself.

Now facing Camilla, he used this petrifying light entirely because Bai Ye was already angry at this time.

Since she dared to sneak attack on her, she should pay the price!
(End of this chapter)

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