Chapter 191 190. Cooperation!

Hakuno, headed by the three Ultra Warriors who came, was no stranger. He was Ultraman Eddie, the ninth among the Ultra Brothers.

The other two are a little bit unfamiliar. One is Ultraman Neos from the Warriors Command, and the other looks like Severn from the Ultra Brothers, but there are some subtle differences. Obviously It's Severn21, Naos' good brother.

Eddie also recognized Bai Ye at this time. He was very surprised and shouted to Bai Ye: "Excuse me, are you Hypa Jetton Bai Ye? We are from the Kingdom of Light, and our target is also this Lugaset !”

When he said this, Eddie felt a little unsure. Although he had long heard that Bai Ye was one of the rare monsters that he could communicate with, he had never seen him before, so he always felt uneasy.

However, Bai Ye's response quickly made Eddie's worries disappear: "Come on, Eddie. Let's surround this Lugset together, don't let him go!"

Eddie nodded immediately after hearing the words, and quickly arranged for Naos and Seven 21 to attack separately. Together with Bai Ye, they formed a situation of encirclement on all sides and surrounded the Lugaset inside.

The three Ultra Warriors joined the battle. Not only did Baiye's pressure drop drastically, but at least he also lost some energy.

Rugoset was very sane and knew that Bai Ye might be the hardest bone to crack among the enemies coming from all directions. He was determined to defeat one of them first to open a gap and break through, and immediately set his target on Naos.

After all, apart from Bai Ye and Eddie who had fought against each other, Naos looked the weakest.

Its eyes quickly fired out a lightning-like laser ray, heading straight for Naos's shoulder.

Naos's body shook violently, and he quickly took a step back, barely avoiding the laser. However, Rugoset was still prepared. The spikes on his back quickly turned into countless light bullets, and they all attacked not far away. Naos was the Rain of Creation that he had used against Bai Ye!
This time, Naos was not so lucky. He didn't react at all. He almost turned his head and was about to hit the dense rain of light bullets. He was about to be splashed with blood right before his eyes!
However, at this moment, an extremely transparent energy barrier that looked like glass suddenly stood in front of Naos, blocking all the power of the Rain of Creation.

And Bai Ye was already prepared. One-tenth of the energy stored in his body was converted into flames at this moment, and escaped from all parts of the body at the same time, turning into tongues of fire and spreading towards Lugoset.

Lugoset originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to escape, but before he could move, the distance of four to five miles around him was completely enveloped in flames, like a huge net trapping Lugoset alive.

The three Ultra Warriors, including Eddie, nodded heavily and jumped back at the same time in a tacit understanding, leaving enough space for Bai Ye.

After working hard in the Brave Command for so many years, how could Naos fail to recognize that what was in front of him was Hypa Jayton's signature skill, Jayton Barrier?

Facing Lugoset, Bai Ye didn't have that much leisure time.

"There's no need to say more to thank you. The more important thing is to get rid of Rugoset as soon as possible."

Bai Ye focused his gaze and took the initiative to lay out tactics for the other Ultra Warriors: "I'll try to trap Lugoset first, and you guys will sweep the formation aside and be ready to kill him with one blow!"

It is no different than the previous Moge Serpent and Gordis cells. It will not only resist, but even run away. Once time passes, it may change.


"Thank you, Brother Bai Ye!" Naos felt happy and quickly thanked Bai Ye.

The only thing that made Lugoset happy was that the flames that formed the cage of heaven and earth seemed to be exaggerated and shocking, but they did not hurt him in the slightest. They only raised the surrounding temperature a lot.


The three Ultra Warriors watching the battle not far away originally wanted to take advantage of the situation and throw a few light bombs, but now their vision is completely covered by the flames, and they can only stand and watch. Looking at the flame cage that covered nearly ten miles, Eddie couldn't help but sigh: "I used to think that Jayden's one-trillion-degree fireball was quite outrageous, but I didn't expect Bai Ye to be able to do this. "

You must know that the maximum range of Jayton's one-trillion-degree fireball is only a few meters. The range of Bai Ye's flame cage is not only thousands of times that, but it can even control its shape independently, which is really incredible.

Seven 21 asked curiously: "But... isn't this just to temporarily trap Lugoset? It's useless if we can't move."

"Idiot, let's take a look first, maybe there are changes."

Naos chuckled and silently prepared for battle. As soon as the situation changed, he would immediately unleash the New Magnum Light and give Rugoset a taste of the wrath of the Kingdom of Light.

At this time, Lugoset was still trapped in it and made no move.

Just as Bai Ye thought, his flame cage seemed so powerful that it would suppress Rugoset and at the same time blind its perception. With Rugoset's not too high intelligence, ten Eighty-nine will sit there silently waiting for the opportunity to appear.

Now, the time has come. Bai Ye snorted coldly: "Idiot! You fell into the trap!"

At the same time, as Bai Ye's hand shape changed, the flame cage that spread for thousands of meters quickly closed in, forming chains of flames that were bound towards Lugsett!


Lugoset could only roar angrily, and a purple protective shield appeared on the surface of his body, trying to shield the powerful defense of Creation Seal and stop the erosion of these chains.

However, these flames have more than just a burning effect.

With the blessing of Baiye's devouring power, these flame chains had extremely powerful penetrating power and quickly penetrated Lugoset's defensive shield, completely covering Lugoset's body from top to bottom. And it is still gathering at a rapid rate!

Lugoset's roars became lower and lower, and the color of his body's skin was gradually invisible, because those strange flame chains had completely penetrated Lugoset's flesh.

Lugoset, who was not angry, struggled desperately, but the energy Baiye used was so huge that it was impossible to break free in a short period of time.

"Brothers, do it!"

Following Bai Ye's angry shout, the three Ultra Warriors behind him took action at the same time.

They all know that now is the best opportunity, don't miss it, it will never come again!

"Regia Shoot!"

"New Magnum Light!"

"Shakusium Ray!"

Three different rays of light rushed towards Lugoset from three different angles, bound to destroy this cosmic white blood cell that had gone completely crazy!

At the same time, Bai Ye also reached out and squeezed, and the flame chain on Lugoset's body completely erupted at this moment, completely interrupting Lugoset's movement of summoning a defensive shield!
(End of this chapter)

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