LOL: It’s so happy to be a Chinese aid in LCK

Chapter 178 This game is a sure win! With such strong protection, Uzi can’t die even if he wants to!

Chapter 178 This game is a sure win! With such strong protection, Uzi can’t die even if he wants to!

“666! You forced Faker to pick Karma, right? Faker never picked Karma when playing against other teams before./Sunglasses”

"I'm Chao! Tiger!!"

"Xiaohu is still very talented, and he has basically never been at a disadvantage against Faker."

"Speaking of Xiaohu and Faker, I have to mention the MSI group match in season 6. On May 5, Xiaohu's Ahri killed Faker's Tsar alone!!"

"Although I admit that Faker is very strong, he definitely felt a little pressure against Tiger General."

"There aren't many mid laners who can put pressure on Faker, but Xiaohu is definitely one of them. If he's not happy with you, he'll kill you alone!/squinting smile"

"Xiaohu is really getting better and better. Apart from Xiaohu, who else can force Faker to choose Karma?"

The royal bastards are so proud of themselves.

That’s right, just because Faker chose Karma, they all instantly became superb!
They were all flattering themselves, praising how great Xiaohu was, and especially mentioning the only highlight of Xiaohu's career, the solo kill of Faker.

But when they mentioned these, they seemed to have completely forgotten that in S6, they made it to the semi-finals and Faker was the champion. Xiaohu was useless except for that solo kill.

In the games that followed, including S6 and S7, Xiaohu was always suppressed by Faker.

Especially in the S7 World Championship, even when he took up all the ban positions, he was still beaten to an incredible gap in position.

Of course, even if they remembered these, they would not mention them. Against Huang Za, he could lose to you countless times, but if he catches one of your mistakes, he would target you for the rest of his life.

Their awkward praise, coupled with their previous awkward explanation for not banning Jayce, finally discouraged some e-sports fans who had to support RNG because of the LPL.

Damn it, supporting the same team as these products of faith is so shameful, so embarrassing! I can't stand it at all.

Originally, many people followed the trend and cheered for RNG together with Huangza, but now, they are too embarrassed to continue.

Back to the game bp, for the last pick, RNG's support counter position, they chose the latter between Janna and Morgana.

It's a very simple idea. RNG is best at four protecting one. Morgana's protection performance is much stronger than that of Janna, especially when targeting Alistar's second combo and Sejuani's ultimate. Therefore, choosing Morgana is undoubtedly the finishing touch of RNG in this bp.

After this pick, wAwa couldn't help but praise RNG with a smile on his face: "This Morgana pick is amazing, it's like Uzi can't die. Conservatively speaking, RNG's win rate has increased by half!"

Miller nodded in agreement: "Uzi was really hard to kill in this game. As long as Xiao Ming's Morgana stayed with Uzi, he was basically invincible. No matter if you used Sejuani or Alistar, it was useless. So this game was Uzi's home court."

Both commentators said so, and there was no doubt that Huang Za's superb skills in the barrage were once again triggered.

They were extremely confident and arrogant, and were full of confidence in the game against SKT. Now, they are even more confident!

In the barrage, people kept popping champagne and predicting that SKT would lose and Xu Junyan would die...

With RNG winning the last pick, the lineups of both sides were completely finalized, and after a simple rotation, the specific battle information was presented.

Blue side SKT vs red side RNG
Top Lane: Jayce vs Ornn
Jungle: Sejuani vs Lee Sin
Mid: Karma vs Ryze
ADC: Ezreal vs Varus

Support: Minotaur vs Morgana



"come on!!"


"come on!!"

Off the field, fans from both sides once again raised their cheering signs and loudly cheered for the teams they supported.

The RNG side was very vocal. There were really a lot of RNG fans who came to the MSI this time, and the momentum was huge.

SKT, as an old and strong team, has won the S-League for three years. Although the number of fans from LCK is not too many, there are many foreigners who are also fans of SKT. All in all, they can barely compete with RNG, which has a lot of supporters this year.

Of course, what caught the eyes of many LPL fans, KEFEN fans, LCK fans, and SKT fans during the live broadcast was that the leader of the fan group holding up signs to cheer in the SKT fan seats was actually the old acquaintance Bae Joo-hyun!

"Huh? She's here?"

"I remember it was a female team leader from South Korea. What was her name? Oh! Bae Joo-hyun, right?"

"This young lady is really pretty."

"It seems like she is still a die-hard fan of Brother Yan, but I don't know if the two of them will have a chance to do that~Haha!/squinting smile"

"Hey, Bao's die-hard fans! We've all come to Berlin to cheer for you. Brother Yan, what are you waiting for? Just A!"

In the several live broadcast rooms on the LPL side, it is rare for fans and fans to have a chance to discuss among the dense barrage of comments from the emperors.

The LCK side is even more interesting.

After recovering from the unfamiliar environment, Xu Junyan not only did not lose his form, but he continued to kill in the training match. Later, he also killed in the group match, winning four consecutive MVPs. The Extreme Party was directly put into an extremely embarrassing situation.

They didn't know how to continue to criticize, and even if they were anxious to send a few mocking comments, they would be suppressed by the fans of Sai and SKT almost instantly.

Now Bae Joo-hyun has appeared again, and the eyes of Bae Joo-hyun's fans, who had been waiting in the live broadcast room for a long time but had not participated in any confrontation, suddenly lit up.

They fully demonstrated that wherever my idol is, I will be there, and whoever my idol supports, I will definitely support him with all my might.

Therefore, when the LCK extremists once again blindly posted barrages of comments mockingly saying that Xu Junyan would definitely act and the hybrid team SKT would definitely die, they immediately suffered multiple attacks!
Not only did the fans of Serie A and SKT curse, but fans of Bae Joo-hyun also joined in the curse, causing the power of the LCK extremists to be infinitely squeezed once again.

It can be said that in LCK, the extreme party is now completely powerless, and the fans of Sai and SKT have won a one-sided victory.

Of course, if they want to maintain this trend and prevent the disgusting LCK extremists from ever turning over, SKT's victory is even more necessary.

After all, the LCK extremists are like maggots hiding in the shadows of a toilet. Once they find a loophole, they will all crawl out immediately and launch vicious and disgusting attacks on you.

As for the current game.

On the LCK side, the opinions of the two commentators, Roaring Emperor and Helios, are actually not much different from those of the Haier Brothers.

RNG's BP was indeed very smart, and the method of leaving the support in the final counter position was also perfect. Morgana gave Varus enough sense of security. Because of this, Roaring Emperor and Helios also expressed similar feelings like "Vairus is really a big trouble for SKT in this game" and "In addition, RNG is a team that is very good at four protecting one. In this game... their AD is very difficult to kill."

In addition, their additional opinion compared to the Haier Brothers is that Roaring Emperor and Helios trust Xu Junyan's Jess very much.

That’s Jayce, the master who made Kiin cry!

After one game, the invincible Jayce who was directly called by LCK genius boy Kiin to see a psychiatrist!

"I think that if SKT wins this time, it will be on the top lane. Even though Jayce was weakened once in the last version, it still cannot be denied that if this hero takes off early, the damage will still be explosive!" Helios said with fanatical eyes.

The Roaring Emperor nodded slightly: "That's right, whether Silence can take off in the early stage is really crucial... and to be honest, SKT can't drag this game. If it drags to the late stage, it will be over."

Compared to RNG's four protecting one, SKT's lineup is also very distinctive, an ultimate poke lineup.

Although there are Sejuani and Alistar in this poke lineup who are responsible for initiating team fights, they are useless when it comes to the late game!

Especially the Alistar, although it is true that it can initiate a team fight, everyone can basically see that SKT uses Alistar mainly for protection, not for the purpose of initiating a team fight.

"Hmm? It's started!" Suddenly, the Roaring Emperor's eyes became sharp and his mood became excited.

The game officially begins!
In the live audience seats, the fans of RNG and SKT once again cheered loudly and unyieldingly.

From the bp to now, I don't know how many waves of people have taken the lead in cheering. Even the original leader of RNG has shouted his throat out, and a new "fan club leader" has come up to lead the cheering.

On the SKT side, Bae Joo-hyun is very stable. As a singer, she is very steady and has a great voice. Besides her fans, Xu Junyan knows this best, because every time the two of them... Forget it, I can't say more. It would be against the rules if I say too much.

After officially entering the Summoner's Rift, both SKT and RNG behaved in a relatively restrained manner. Unlike the fans of both sides, they were tit-for-tat and easily irritated, and couldn't wait to clash and fight to the death.

This situation is actually normal.

For SKT, their lineup cannot fight against invasion at level 1, while for RNG, they can fight, but they are afraid!
Of course, they are not like what they said to the royal gang, that they completely look down on SKT and will kill them with absolute confidence when they meet them.

Before coming to MSI, they studied SKT's game videos the most, and even analyzed them frame by frame.

Naturally, after such research, they are well aware of some of the strange things that have happened in SKT games.

For example, KZ's level 1 invasion was perfectly avoided by SKT's blind vision. Then Xu Junyan's Shen inexplicably kicked into the blind vision bush, interrupting KZ's return to the city.

This kind of playing style is like cheating, and so far no one has figured out how SKT did it.

They didn't see through RNG either.

Therefore, they will definitely not take any risks in this game. After all, this game is really too important!

The one on the opposite side was their RNG's abandoned pawn, Xu Junyan, who was the most hostile to their RNG.

They dare not take any risk at all.

Uzi said sullenly in the team voice chat: "As long as we don't give up in the early game, and the jungler takes good care of the bottom lane, and you guys protect me in the late game, I'll kill them all! Xu Junyan can only dream of winning!"

No one objected to Uzi's arrangement in the team voice chat.

To put it bluntly, there is no point in refuting it because RNG has been playing like this all year.

Level 1 was spent peacefully.

SKT started at red buff in the bottom lane, and RNG also started at red buff. Of course, the spicy hotpot was opened with the help of Letme Ornn.

When Xu Junyan discovered this point online, he couldn't help but laugh.

No, you're playing with a crappy tank against him. You don't even come up to level 1 and hide in the bushes to gain experience. Do you dare to help the jungler to open the red buff?

"There's a road to heaven but you don't take it. You like to be sent away, right?"

Xu Junyan narrowed his eyes, walked directly across the line of soldiers, and instantly attracted the hatred of the first wave of soldiers who had just arrived at the battlefield.

But he was stuck outside the maximum output distance of the soldiers, twisting left and right until his own soldiers crossed the center line and turned into the grass.

This little trick is not so rare in S8 today. Xu Junyan's purpose is also very simple. You like to be online at night, right? Then you might as well not eat any soldiers.

This will create a perfect push back line!
After entering the grass, he walked out again and stood in front of the line of soldiers, blocking Ornn's position.

In fact, according to common sense, he shouldn't play so arrogantly. After all, the other jungler started with a red buff in the top lane. What if he was caught at level 2?
But now Xu Junyan doesn't care about these things at all. The meaning of the single title of [World's No. 1 Shock Wave!] is also very simple: only operation, no awareness, just rush in and it's done!

Once you get the title, all you can think about is operations!
And the fact has proved that there is nothing wrong with him doing so. RNG only knows how to play four protecting one, and the top lane is purely for pressure resistance. Even if Mala Xiangguo opens the top lane, he will never look at the top lane for a second time. He needs to go down immediately to help Uzi catch people.

As a result, letme suffered a lot.

As soon as he came online, he couldn't get out of the defense tower because Xu Junyan stood abnormally not far in front of the defense tower and didn't move.

If he didn't go out, Xu Junyan wouldn't move either, and wouldn't even kill him. He just took in the experience and just stood there to put pressure on him.

It would be fine if it lasted only one or two seconds, Letme could tolerate it, but if it lasted for a long time, he couldn't tolerate it anymore!
"Even Theshy didn't dare to play like this when he was playing against me. What are you pretending to be, Xu Junyan? You clown! You're pushing me across the line of soldiers. Do you really think you're invincible at level 1?"

Although Letme was afraid in his heart, he also had a bad temper. He especially didn't want Xu Junyan to have a good life.

So, seeing that the second wave of soldiers was coming soon and the number of his own soldiers was about to increase dramatically again, he pushed forward directly!

Of course Xu Junyan would not let it go. He used Q followed by A, pulled back, then A again and pulled back again. When he was about to enter the hatred range of the soldiers, he still used A, then Tunnel. At the moment of activating the hatred value of the soldiers, he went directly into the grass and disappeared from sight. At the same time, he cut the hammer and moved upwards!
At this moment, Letme, who was pulled and hit with a Q and three A, felt his face temperature rise suddenly. He didn't click W, but directly clicked Q, [Volcano Burst], and smashed!
But he had no idea that Xu Junyan had predicted almost all of this. The moment he made his Q move, Xu Junyan had already accelerated by cutting the hammer and moving upwards.

So, his Q is empty!

Xu Junyan walked out of the bushes without any haste, in a full health state.


The temperature on Letme's face rose instantly.

This scene was also perfectly broadcast by the director in the Berlin studio, without missing a single frame.

All of a sudden, there was an uproar in all the major competition areas.

(End of this chapter)

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