Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 13 I once had a friend, his name was Su Muqiu!

Chapter 13 I once had a friend, his name was Su Muqiu!

"Dark Night Cat's Eye Stone? Hahahaha!"

"I didn't expect that I was really lucky. The first time I downloaded the dungeon, the materials I needed to use were revealed. I am really lucky to be sleeping this month."

"Qin Mu, I want this thing, and the other things are yours, how about it?"

Ye Xiu saw the shining dark night cat's eye stone almost at a glance. The reason why he came to this dungeon was to explode the cat's eye stone. After all, this thing is an important material for making the Thousand Chance Umbrella. He thought it would cost more. For the next few dungeons, I have even made plans to stay up all night tonight to farm cat's eye.

But who would have thought, this is the first time it broke out.

"No problem. Didn't we already agree when we entered the dungeon first? If there are materials you need, just take them. But are you sure you only want this? Don't regret it later." Qin Mu stared with a smile. Looking at Ye Xiu.

The latter was clutching the Night Cat Demon Stone, looking happy and unwilling to think about Shu.

At this moment, Ye Xiu naturally doesn't want anything else. In his opinion, except for the cat's eye stone, nothing can impress him. Now he just wants to go back to the warehouse and synthesize the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella.

"No, no, just pick it up quickly." Ye Xiu waved his hand and refused.

See this.

Qin Mu was no longer polite.

He just waved his hand and picked up everything on the ground.

Then looking at the message prompt, a smile appeared on the face and he said: "Interesting, I didn't expect that the boss of this novice village would actually reveal such a top-notch thing."

"What?" Ye Xiu asked curiously.

"Skill Stone."

"What? Damn it, isn't this the server that just opened? The game planner's brain was kicked by the ass, and they even released such a top-notch reward? And, it's still on this newbie monster BOSS."

Ye Xiu, who was originally very calm.

After hearing Qin Mu's words, he was immediately shocked.

His calm expression was now covered with surprise.

You know, skill points are very important in the entire world of glory.

As of now, it is a character with a full level of seventy.

A total of four thousand skill points can be obtained by completing various tasks.

However, this is only the upper limit for tasks, not the upper limit for the total number of skill points.

According to rumors, the real upper limit of Glory’s skill points is 5,000 points!
But this is just a legend.

Since the launch of the Honor server until now, no player has ever broken through.

The game character with the highest record of skill points currently is the Yiye Zhiqiu account that Ye Xiu previously controlled in Excellent Era.

This game account can be said to have invaded the entire Excellent Era's efforts.

The management of Excellent Era Union.

In order to get updated skill points, I used all my strength.

But even so.

The so-called Fighting God account, Yiye Zhiqiu, has only reached 4,840 skill points. As for the remaining 160 points, it cannot be obtained no matter what.

I didn’t expect such precious skill points!

It was unexpectedly caught so easily.

This is simply a miracle!
"How was it? Do you regret it?" Qin Mu asked with a smile.

"Fortunately, it's nothing. If I were still in Excellent Era, I would really want these skill points, but now, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't need to play professional games."

After Ye Xiu heard Qin Mu's words.

Smiling and waving his hands.

Then he decisively refused.

Since I have agreed before, I only want the night cat's eye stone.

So, no matter what kind of good stuff comes out, Ye Xiu will never want it. He still has this pride, not to mention that now, he has left Excellent Era!

In the following time, he just wanted to build the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

Create a separate path.

I don’t want to participate in the professional competition, so skill points are not that important.

After all, if you just deal with ordinary players in the game, the skill points earned from the missions are enough.

"Really? If I'm not wrong."

"You should be planning to play the Sanren profession, right?" "Sanren needs a lot of skill points to be stronger. Otherwise, if there are not enough skills, the power of the Sanren profession will be worrying! Sanren cannot change professions, but there is no Big move." Qin Mu asked knowingly.

As a time traveler.

He naturally knew that Ye Xiu planned to play the umbrella profession this time.

But if you know it, you know it, but you still can't directly point it out.

So Qin Mu deliberately used a guessing word!
After all, there was no way to explain time travel, and he didn't want to tell anyone about it.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that you actually know about the Sanren profession?" Ye Xiu said in surprise.

In his opinion, Qin Mu should be a novice player.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually understands Glory so well.

You must know that most new Glory players will not know about the Sanren profession.

"I was reading the forum earlier and came across a post that specifically introduced Sanren, so I paid attention to it, and also looked at the skills you just used to clean up the monsters. They are not fixed to a certain profession, but are small skills for each profession. You can It's in use, so it's not difficult to guess!" Qin Mu casually made an excuse.

"That's it! Yes, I do plan to give Sanren a try."

"A long time ago, a friend of mine designed a weapon for me that is only for Sanren."

"Now that he is gone, I hope to carry forward his design. One day, I will let everyone know that the Sanren profession is also very strong."

When Ye Xiu said this.

There was still a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Obviously, the friend he mentioned was Su Muqiu.

After hearing what Ye Xiu said.

Qin Mu's face also showed an expression of emotion.

If nothing else, at least Ye Xiu, as a brother, really has nothing to say!
It has been so long since Su Muqiu died in a car accident.

An ordinary person would have forgotten all about it a long time ago.

But on the other hand, Ye Xiu has been taking care of Su Mucheng since Su Muchiu left.

Now it is to fulfill Su Muqiu's last wish.

Change jobs and start playing Sanren!

This brotherhood is truly admirable.

Thinking of this, Qin Mu stopped teasing him and threw the skill stone to Ye Xiudao: "Here it is! Since you want to play Sanren, this thing is more useful to you than me."

"This..." Ye Xiu wanted to refuse.

But Qin Mu didn't give him a chance at all, and directly blocked what he was saying: "If you plan to be friends with me, don't be polite, otherwise, don't play dungeons together in the future."

"That's fine!"

When Ye Xiu heard this, he stopped being polite and condescending.

After all, this skill stone is indeed what he needs.

So there was no more nonsense.

Use skill stones directly.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light flashed, and the skill points were increased by 52 points.

I have to say, this is quite lucky.

You know, generally speaking, it is quite amazing to be able to open ten to twenty points, but Ye Xiu was lucky enough to directly open more than fifty points. This kind of luck is simply unbelievable.

"How about, how much?"

"52 o'clock!" Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"You're lucky. Okay, we've finished cleaning up here. Let's go back to Novice Village quickly." Qin Mu said with a smile.

Ye Xiu also nodded when he heard this.

At this moment, he could no longer hold back the joy in his heart.

After all, this Thousand Manifestations Umbrella is of great significance to him.

The two directly chose to send out the copy.

A burst of white light flashed, and the two disappeared into the Green Forest copy.

(End of this chapter)

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