Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 15 Jun Moxie is willing to help others

Chapter 15 Jun Moxie is willing to help others

The chat channel was originally empty.

After these announcements!
The excitement instantly boiled, and all the players were curious about what grudges Lord Grim and Jun Moxie had with the owner of this announcement? It's actually worth blasting the speakers to declare war.

You know, in the glorious world.

There is no charge for chat channels.

But there is a charge for small speakers, which is almost like paying someone to curse.

How much hatred? How much hate?
Could it be that he was digging his ancestral grave?

"Ahem, Qin Mu, those two names look familiar. They seem to be you and Ye Xiu. What outrageous things have you done? You actually made people spend money to scold you. He just said that you were robbing the BOSS. Could it be possible that that copy Did you rob someone else of the BOSS you killed first?"

Chen Guo asked curiously after seeing the message on the screen.

"All I can say about this matter is that we are innocent."

"Originally, Ye Xiu and I just wanted to form a team to play a dungeon and get some equipment and materials, but who could have imagined that when we met that scheming guy in Yue Zhongmian, he actually wanted to trick the newcomers, so we gave him a lesson. "

"If he hadn't plotted against others first, he wouldn't have been plotted against in turn."

Qin Mu simply told Chen Guo the whole story.

After hearing that Zhongmian actually wanted to harm new players, Chen Guo suddenly looked furious, as if she wanted to rush into the game to settle accounts with him.

What this guy did.

It reminded Chen Guo of when she first entered the game.

I have been tricked by old players.

Now, seeing Yue Zhongmian being taught a lesson by Qin Mu and Ye Xiu, Chen Guo felt a little relieved.

At this moment, she couldn't wait to buy some small speakers to blast back the screen.

Seeing this, Qin Mu waved his hands and said: "It's not necessary. The pure will become pure, and the turbid will become turbid. Anyone who is not a fool can see that Yue Zhongmian has no good intentions, and there is no need for us to waste time arguing with him. "

"Well, since you two parties don't care, let him be spared this time. But speaking of it, you two are really bad enough, but you pretended that the keyboard was broken? What about going to the toilet? Your reason for changing the key positions really insults Yue Zhongmian's intelligence. No wonder that guy is so angry."

Chen Guo said this with a smile on her pretty face.

"Madam boss, you are wrong. It's not the two of us, but Qin Mu. He came up with the idea. I'm just following his arrangements." Ye Xiu was standing next to him.

At this time, I also finished the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

He took off his earphones and looked at the one-man show Yue Zhongmian was performing on the chat interface with a smile.

"Well done. In view of your excellent performance, my boss lady plans to treat you to breakfast. How do you like it? Just tell me what you want to eat and I will go out and buy it." Chen Guo gave him a thumbs up as if encouraging.

Obviously, they are quite supportive of the matter of sleeping in the moon!

"Tofu nao, fried dough sticks." Qin Mu said unceremoniously.

"Just give me a cup of soy milk." Ye Xiu followed closely.

After hearing what the two wanted to eat.

Chen Guo just turned around and left the Internet cafe.

Watching the beautiful figure leave, Qin Mu turned back, looked at Ye Xiu and said, "How is it? Judging from your expression, the Thousand Chance Umbrella was successfully built?"

"That's right, thanks to the night cat's eye stone." Ye Xiu nodded.

Then as if he remembered something, he looked at Qin Mu, his eyes full of gratitude and said, "Thank you, brother. When I first learned the skills, I almost didn't have enough skill points. If it weren't for the skill stone you gave me, I'm afraid, even if the Thousand Chance Umbrella is built, it will be difficult for me to bring out its power." When talking about this.

There was still a hint of gratitude in Ye Xiu's eyes.

You must know that the meaning of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella to him is different from other weapons.

This was designed by his old friend Su Muqiu.

The reason why Ye Xiu returned to the Glory World after leaving the team.

Just to prove to everyone that the Sanren profession is also very strong.

It was also to realize Su Muqiu’s dream.

However, the moment the Thousand Chance Umbrella was completed, Ye Xiu realized how difficult it was to play the Sanren profession well. The most important thing among them was skill points. After all, Sanren could not change professions, nor could they learn ultimate moves. The only way to do this was to What is used is the small skills of all professions.

But if you want to maximize these skills, the most important thing is to obtain skill points.

Otherwise, the Sanren profession would not be able to exert its power at all.

The skill stone given by Qin Mu just made up for this shortcoming and gave Ye Xiu hope of success. Therefore, at this moment, he was really grateful to Qin Mu from the bottom of his heart.

"You're welcome. You said it yourself. We are brothers. In this case, why bother saying thank you?" Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Indeed." Ye Xiu nodded, as if he agreed.

Now, he recognized Qin Mu as his brother from the bottom of his heart.

After all, others may not know how important skill stones are in the Glory World, but he, the Glory Encyclopedia, knows it very well. Previously, in order to obtain skill points, Excellent Era mobilized the entire guild and consumed countless financial and military resources. It was not easy to stack up the skill points of the God of War.

But Qin Mu was lucky enough to give it to him for free.

Who can do this except a close friend of life and death?

In this case, there is no need to be polite.

"Okay, now that the Thousand Chance Umbrella has been successfully built, it's time for me to see its power. How about it? Are you interested in giving it a try?" Qin Mu looked at Ye Xiu with a wicked smile.

The latter's interest was also aroused and he said: "Go to the arena?"

"Why are you going there, looking for abuse? Now your skills are three to four times better than mine, how can I fight you?" Qin Mu said helplessly. If the professions were equal, he would still be interested in playing with Ye Xiu. Yes, but this Thousand Umbrella is a BUG in the early stage, especially when you have enough skill points.

There are at least twenty skills in Ye Xiu's skill panel now.

This can be used in almost seamless combos.

Coupled with Ye Xiu's terrifying skills, Qin Mu didn't want to bring trouble on himself.

"Not going to the arena? Where to go?" Ye Xiu asked curiously.

"Isn't this a suitable target?" Qin Mu showed a smirk on his lips, and pointed his finger at Yue Zhongmian, who was complaining in the chat channel.

See Qin Mu's appearance!

Ye Xiu was certainly not a fool. It was obvious that this guy was planning to plot against Yue Zhongmian.

However, this was just what he wanted.

It was enough for this guy to curse a few times. It was not over yet. It was time to teach him a long lesson. Therefore, Ye Xiu agreed without hesitation, and then the two of them teleported to the copy.

(End of this chapter)

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