Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 153: The end of the road, deleting the account and practicing again

Chapter 153: The end of the road, deleting the account and practicing again

"Okay, I promise you."

In the end, he chose to agree. After all, the current situation did not allow him to resist. Nearly a hundred people from the two major unions, Lanxi Pavilion and Domineering Ambition, were surrounding the place.

In addition, two masters, Jun Moxiao and Jun Moxie, dominate the battle.

If he wants to resist, he has no chance.

So it is better to choose to admit defeat.

What's more, I can't even defeat Tang Rou. Continuing to resist will only make me more embarrassed. Therefore, I secretly turned around and looked at everyone and said, "Why are you still standing there? Take off all the equipment and go back to the city!"

"Boss, are we just going to admit defeat? There are still so many of us working hard, so we may not have no chance! Even if we all die here, we will definitely be able to escort you out, boss." A younger brother was not convinced. said.

"Stop talking nonsense and just listen to me. There is no need to die in vain."

Hear what his little brother said.

An Ji has no intention of resisting at all. After all, he is not that blind little brother. He is very aware of the strength gap between the two sides. Once a fight breaks out, he will never have any chance. It is better to simply delete his account and practice again, although there are some It's a pity that the current equipment is better than killing everyone.

Anyway, if you have to bear it alone.

In the end, you can earn a good reputation.

After hearing An Ke's words, the younger brothers stopped talking and took off all their equipment, threw it on the ground, then turned around and left. After watching them leave, An Ke also chose to delete his account and practice again.

Looking at the darkness that turned into a ball of light and disappeared.

Qin Mu finally felt relieved. He thought this guy was going to make a last-ditch effort, but he didn't expect that he actually gave in. But it was better this way, as he would save himself the trouble to do it himself.

Then Qin Mu looked at Ye Duhantan and Lan He and said, "Thank you for your help this time. If it hadn't been for your help, I'm afraid Lao Ye and I would have been in trouble here today, maybe with weapons He’s going to be blown out too!”

"You're welcome, brother master, this is what we should do." Lan He said with a smile.

"That's right, if you hadn't helped us create dungeon records, I'm afraid the three major unions would have turned into the four major unions long ago, and Excellent Dynasty would have taken the opportunity to develop. So, in the final analysis, we owe you more. "More." Ye Duhantan also said with a smile.

In fact, they know it very well in their hearts.

Although Qin Mu helped make copies of records and charged a certain amount of materials as a fee.

However, those things were nothing compared to those that could restrain the development of the Excellent Dynasty. Therefore, when Qin Mu was in trouble, they were naturally willing to help. What's more, with their strength, they could do it without even using their hands. Scaring Excellent Dynasty away, in this case, is almost a free favor.

The presidents of the two major trade unions are naturally not stupid either.

This kind of favor should not be in vain.

I can't tell you in the future, why should I ask Qin Mu to help?

"Anyway, I still want to thank you. The equipment they took off will be given to you as a thank you gift! If it weren't for your help, the trouble this time would indeed be a bit big." Qin Mu said, still Pointing at the equipment behind him.

With his homemade weapons, he naturally doesn't need these things.

So from the beginning, it was requested from the two major unions. As unions, they naturally need a lot of professional equipment. And these equipment can be favored by the masters of Excellent Dynasty, which is obviously very important. Not bad.

Therefore, as a thank you gift, it is naturally the most appropriate. We can't let their trip go in vain, right?

"Brother master, so much equipment is too expensive, isn't it? This is your thank you gift! Although Excellent Dynasty is not that good, their master's equipment is also the best among the best. I saw there are quite a few in it. Orange suit, you just give it to us two?" Lan He said in surprise.

After all, in his impression, Qin Mu was famous for his money-making.

This time he was so generous.

He actually gave them all so much equipment.

"What? If you don't want it, you can just give it all to Baqi Xiongtu." Qin Mu laughed when he heard that Lan He was taking advantage of him and still behaved.

"I think it will work. If we have this batch of equipment, our guild will be able to train a few more masters." Ye Du Hantan said with anticipation.

"Come on, you have a beautiful idea! Your Domineering Ambition has recruited so many expert players recently, and you still want so many equipments? What do you want to do? Do you want to unify the Glory gaming world?" Blue River couldn't help but wonder. He rolled his eyes and said.

This guy is really shameless and wants everything.

"It's not impossible. If I have the chance, I really want to try it. The three major trade unions are still a bit harsh. It would be much more pleasing to the eye if we were the only ones with domineering ambitions." Ye Du Hantan said with a smile.

"Be careful, the higher you climb, the harder you will fall!" Lan He said.

These two people often quarreled, so naturally they were not to be outdone now. Looking at the noisy two people, Qin Mu just said: "Okay, okay, who of your two unions wants to dominate the game?" I don’t care about the world, I can leave the equipment to you, let’s retreat first! Contact us if anything happens.”

Not bothering to watch the two bickering, Qin Mu just left with the others.

Seeing that Qin Mu, Ye Xiu, and Tang Rou were all leaving, Yedu Hantan and Lan He couldn't care less about the quarrel. They both looked at the equipment spread out on the ground in front of them. Then, four people When they looked at each other, they could see a trace of evil intentions in each other's eyes.

as predicted.

The next moment, Yedu Hantan and Blue River almost shouted the same words.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and pick up the equipment!"

"Go quickly, don't worry about good or bad, just grab them all for me."

As the two presidents spoke, the younger brothers behind them naturally did not hesitate and rushed forward, quickly starting to grab them.


In the jungle not far away.

Looking at the players from the two major unions who are grabbing equipment.

Ye Xiu couldn't help but ask: "I said, if they are like this, they won't really fight, right? After all, they are here to save us. If they fight because of these equipment, it will be too much. Old Qin, are you sure? Don’t we need to take care of it?”

"Care? How to care? Who will be given to and who will not be given? Don't worry! After all, we are players from the two major unions, and the two presidents are still here. There won't be any trouble. Let's go." Qin Mu looked at Looking at the players who were looting, he shook his head and said.

I have no intention of meddling in my own business at all.

(End of this chapter)

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