Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 218 Tang Rou was taken away for training

Tang Rou thought about the scene and decided to stand firm. "Then I'd rather eat and cook at home."

Qin Mu didn't care what he said, he directly picked up the person and walked over.

The two of them were chattering next to each other, but Huang Shaotian seemed to be much more serious. "Why are you looking at me so seriously all of a sudden? I don't know why I thought something big happened."

"Of course it's something big, don't think I don't know who that guy is." Huang Shaotian raised his chin, pointing to the exact spot where An Inch Gray stood just now.

Ye Qiu smiled helplessly. "You are too sensitive, as if you can read minds. I will have to be more careful when talking to you in the future."

Huang Shaotian's eyes widened and he was a little surprised. "Which team is this kid from?"

"It's Tiny Herb, I didn't expect those guys to be so disrespectful, so I just dragged him over. And looking at it now, he probably hasn't even been on the field yet." Ye Qiu shrugged helplessly.

"That's fine. It's better than staying there and watching the water dispenser. These guys don't know how to mine resources at all. Such good seedlings will just be left there to gather dust. After I get back, I will have a good talk with Captain Yu and ask him to take care of them. Dig it over here." Huang Shaotian curled his lips and was a little dissatisfied.

But Ye Qiu on the side was amused. "You guys, Captain Yu, have been following you and haven't had a good meal at all. I hope you know so much and no one will silence you later."

Huang Shaotian snorted twice, didn't talk much nonsense to him, turned around, waved his hand and left directly. "See you next time. I hope you can feel more relaxed during the next PK."

Ye Qiu turned around and saw the people making a fuss next to him, as well as Miao Guang who was staying with Baozi, and simply walked forward. "Would you like to play a dungeon with us? I remember that your guide was very unrealistic. Why don't you let us help you fix it?"

"Is that possible?!" Miguang's eyes widened in disbelief.

Was it Lord Grim who just invited me?

Those are the top gods in the entire server.

How De He could be chosen by him was even more surprising than winning the lottery.

Baozi next to her saw this scene and walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder, preparing to comfort her.

Before he even put his hands on it, the Dark Light Man was no longer where he was.

Baozi turned around and saw that he was taking three steps and two steps faster than the wind. He still looked like the frail summoner.

"I'm so willing! Happy cooperation! Great God!" Miguang's eyes turned into stars.

"But not today, we have other things to do later, and there are so many people in the first-line canyon, we will definitely be targeted when we go to download the dungeon." Ye Qiu said with a smile.

Miguang nodded sensibly. "I understand, then you must be more careful to avoid being attacked by those guys."

Then he looked back every three steps and every five steps.

Seeing his reluctant look, Baozi felt even more annoyed. "The little brother I just took in becomes yours right away."

Ye Qiu squinted his eyes and smiled. "With this relationship between the two of us, do we still care about whose younger brother it is? Besides, if he can really write the strategy well, it will be a big help to us. If we have more contacts in the future, things will be much simpler."

After hearing such comforting words, Baozi curled his lips and said nothing more.

Tang Rou on the other side has already followed Qin Mu and started killing monsters.

I don't know if it's because she fought too many people today, but it feels like Tang Rou's level has improved a lot. "I should have a big fight like this for you next time. I see that your condition is much better than the past two days." She didn't feel anything when she was beaten just now, but now Tang Rou only feels pain in her fingers, and even My wrists are very sore. "I don't want it. If there is a group of people like this chasing me again, I don't even think about whether my menopause will come early."

What Baozi heard when he arrived was Tang Rou's words, and he couldn't help but complain in a low voice next to him. "Isn't it the same as menopause now..."

"Baozi, what did you say?!" The two of them were not far from him, so Tang Rou naturally heard what he muttered in a low voice. If Qin Mu hadn't stopped her, Tang Rou would have taken off her earphones and come over to beat him.

Baozi had a sad face and couldn't be happy at all.

The younger brother is gone, and even his dignity within the team is gone.

But suddenly a ray of light flew from the corner of his eye, attracting Baozi's attention.

He took two steps that way and happened to see a huge man deep in the bamboo forest.

"Holy crap! What kind of luck is this today? Even if there is a wolf in front and a tiger in the back, we actually encountered the once-in-a-century wild boss Ronin Aoqing." Baozi's voice suddenly attracted the attention of several other people.

Qin Mu was the first to arrive at the scene. When he saw the tall figure, he immediately confirmed that it was the new wild boss.

Tang Rou behind her also had hope in her eyes.

If I could beat the boss, I wouldn't have to deal with these little wild monsters today.

But unexpectedly, Qin Mu suddenly turned around and saw him in the crowd at a glance. "Don't think you can be lazy today."

Baozi was ready to go next to him, and when he was about to rush forward, Qin Mu grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back.

He looked at Qin Mu with a puzzled expression. "Why don't you just go up? When the boss of the wild map is discovered, won't he seize our opportunity?"

"Because it has been discovered." Qin Mu pointed at the six people surrounding the tall figure.

"If I guess correctly, this should be someone from Domineering Ambition." Tang Rou squinted her eyes and tried to identify.

Ye Qiu behind him gave a positive answer. "Not only is he a member of Hegemonic Ambition, he is also the president of Hegemonic Ambition. Looking at his posture, the five around him should be the elites he brought from the realm of God."

After hearing these words, Baozi and Tang Rou around them showed different expressions.

Tang Rou was a little worried about what would happen next, but Baozi next to her was full of excitement. "Then why are we hesitating? Just go up and snatch him away! It just so happens that the guy returns empty-handed, so that he doesn't like to go against us when he has nothing to do."

"Do you think they are fools? These guys are also elites with domineering ambitions. They will definitely not follow us to fight like those guys." Qin Mu next to him was also amazed at Baozi's idea.

But then I thought about it, it’s not impossible, it just takes some time.

Just as Baozi was about to persuade him, Qin Mu had already made up his mind about the follow-up decision.

"Now that Baozi has decided to snatch it, the rest of us can't back down!"

When Baozi heard this, he straightened up his back instantly, with a proud look on his face. (End of chapter)

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