Although Ye Duhantan's movements were a bit stiff, he quickly adapted to it, and a faint smile appeared on his face. "What you said makes no sense. If I knew him, I would definitely not hide it from you. What? Is my credibility so low now?"

Chen Yehui did not reply directly to him, but stared directly at him. He didn't know whether he was confused or thinking about something. In short, this feeling of thorns on his back still made him a little uncomfortable.

But the next second Jun Moxie left him a mess.

After the opponent took the first kill of the wild boss, he was not in a hurry to leave.

Ye Duhantan was still thinking about what they were going to do, but the next second the other party said something like a knife, directly on his neck.

Qin Mu looked around and looked at everyone with a smile. "Since you're all here, let me reveal a little secret to you so that you won't be accused of being stingy when you leave."

"This time we came here with the people from Domineering Ambition, and naturally we picked up on their mistakes in this copy. Thank you all. If it hadn't been for the time you created, we wouldn't have been able to accept it."

"However, you all arrived very quickly. Unfortunately, you didn't get a share of the pie. However, they got most of the reward. If possible, you can ask them if they are willing to share some with you."

After saying these words, no matter how muddy the water was, the few people quickly retreated and left. Even Baozi behind them couldn't help but give a thumbs up and sigh with emotion.

If this had been the time when they were still fighting each other, he would probably be able to make a name for himself in it.

It's a pity that times don't create heroes.

Hearing Baozi sigh behind him, Qin Mu turned around and asked. "What's wrong with you? Or maybe you didn't get enough rewards?"

Baozi immediately straightened his expression and said, "How is this possible! Brother Qin, don't worry, I am yours in life, and your ghost in death!"

Hearing this, Qin Mu patted his arm in disgust, as if to get rid of the shuddering feeling on his arm.

When he returned to the main city, Qin Mu counted the rewards left behind after defeating the boss. "There are several materials here that you should be able to use. I will help you build what you need in a moment."

When Ye Qiu heard this, he couldn't help but tease Baozi a few words. "Now Baozi finally doesn't have to worry. The Yinwu he has been waiting for for so long is finally here."

After Qin Mu heard what they said, he should be quite satisfied with this action. "Then let's end it today. Let's go offline first and let's talk about the follow-up. These guys will never let us go."

After hearing these words, several people kept their voices in agreement and instantly agreed with his decision.

The people on the other side were having a huge quarrel, and everyone thought it was due to the domineering ambition.

"It's all because you are so greedy and insist on sneaking up on this wild boss. Now it's better, but you will lose both your people and money."

"It's no wonder that we are asked to accompany you this time. It turns out that you have already thought about it. If we are the forward, you can get all the benefits."

Even Gu Yin, who usually has a good temper, is now so irritable that he wants to go crazy. "You are really crazy. You dare to accept this kind of thing. Without our efforts this time, how could you have achieved your current prestige? Although you did not get the first kill of the wild boss this time, the rewards must be quite a lot. .”

Upon hearing this, Chen Yehui's eyes instantly lit up.

Excellent Era Dynasty is indeed lacking something recently, so why not ask them for it now, so that they can successfully score some points this time.

Chen Yehui coughed twice, "We can't blame them entirely for what happened this time. After all, no one expected it, and I think if he wanted to hide it from us, he wouldn't let that guy send the news."

Gu Yin next to him couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard that he was willing to step forward. "If you have anything to do, you two can discuss it among yourselves and don't say it here, okay?" Chen Yehui saw that his intentions were known to others. Although he was a little embarrassed, he still said it shamelessly. "Am I this kind of person in your mind? I am here to avenge the injustice for the rest of us."

This time it touched Gu Yin's heart, and he immediately turned to look at the person beside him. "Since you said so, it should be no problem to share these things with us."

The people in front of me were really dumbfounded when they heard this.

I had known for a long time that Chen Yehui was willing to scheming, but I didn't expect him to say such a thing.

Obviously everyone has dealt with it, but in the end the good thing happened to one person. Under any circumstances, it would be impossible to just let things go.

I didn't expect him to have the nerve to say these things to me, so he should be taught a lesson.

But Yeduhantan on the side could not escape the disaster.

Everyone was in front of him, seemingly planning to ask everything about this incident.

"Have you already known this result? Isn't it fun to play tricks on us?"

"Yes, if you hadn't changed direction here, we wouldn't have been deceived at all. Most of these guys would have been arrested by now."

"Or should you say that from the beginning you just regarded us as a tool that can be used to provide intelligence to your president anytime and anywhere in exchange for everything that follows."

Even Chen Yehui, who usually had a good relationship with him, showed a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

This also makes Yedu Hantan a little confused. He doesn't have the final say on this matter alone.

Besides, if the president didn't speak up and let himself say it directly, wouldn't it be undesirable if he made some changes presumptuously?

I don't know who suddenly mentioned it in the crowd. "Stop the quarrel. Look, Jun Mo Xiao and Jun Mo Xie have gone offline!"

"It's true that even the buns here are black. I'm really cheated now."

"Even Soft Mist is offline. Oops, I really fell into the trap this time!"

Even the inch of gray and the sudden appearance of the driftwood disappeared together.

This time I was really deceived. I just opened a wild boss and didn't even get the final reward.

And a few people didn't do anything, yet they were saddled with so much infamy.

Those who didn't know thought they had done something outrageous, and besides, they didn't defeat this wild boss alone.

Aren't there several others? Why is it that only myself is left in the final reckoning?

While everyone was thinking, Ye Duhantan quickly sent a message to his boss. "What should the President do now?" (End of Chapter)

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