No matter how powerful they are, today is the time to teach them a lesson. The Domineering Ambition Guild is not empty, and it is not good to always bully them like this.

Soon at five o'clock in the afternoon, after spending an hour squatting in front of the screen, I finally found my answer.

The friend list has changed from gray avatars to familiar colors. "Your friend Lord Grim is online!"

When Jiang You saw this prompt, he immediately went to the guild channel to call someone. "Lord Grim is already online, please come out soon. This event will be fully led by Zhang Xinjie. Everyone can just follow his command."

But those who participated in the last encirclement and suppression operation also had great fear of another ruthless character, Jun Moxie. "Where is this Jun Moxie?"

Jiang You frowned and went back to look at his friend list again.

This Jun Moxie is indeed not online, what can the two of them think?
But today Zhang Xinjie is in the battle, and if I hesitate too much, I'm afraid it will only arouse his resentment. "Don't worry, don't two people usually have their front and rear feet on the line? We only need to separate them and deal with one first, and the rest will be self-defeating."

After hearing this, everyone immediately thought it was a good idea, and their eyes lit up.

Anyway, there are two great gods here now, even if Lord Grim has three heads and six arms, he can't escape.

On the other side, Ye Qiu, who had just gone online at the Internet cafe, yawned.

After playing outside for a while today, they were still packing things in the house. They didn't know why they were so crazy today. They went to the amusement park and started shopping, buying a lot of snacks along the way.

Baozi's dissatisfied voice while sharing snacks upstairs also reached downstairs, and when he heard it, Ye Qiu shook his head helplessly.

Tang Rou was naturally unwilling to be outdone, and the two of them started arguing over a piece of marshmallow.

Qin Mu also felt a little headache after seeing it, and was busy preparing to turn around and run away secretly.

As soon as he walked downstairs, he saw Ye Qiu concentrating in front of the computer.

Qin Mu walked to his side and stared at his computer screen. "You're quite fast, so I'm the only one left to deal with the two of them."

Ye Qiu controlled the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand, while his other hand kept moving on the screen. "What's the matter? Isn't Chen Guo here? I believe the four of you can coexist peacefully."

Before Qin Mu could say anything to him, he saw a figure flashing across a corner of his screen and hurriedly called him. "There seems to be someone here."

Ye Qiu manipulated the character to turn over there. After a closer look, he found that it was indeed a team of six people.

Qin Mu was a bit gloating at the side. "It's too late for me to get online now. It seems you can only deal with it by yourself."

Ye Qiu manipulated the character to slowly walk in front of those people. "I'm here, but I don't even say hello."

Zhang Xinjie felt a little disdainful when he saw his familiar tone. "Why do I have to say hello to you? I haven't settled the matter from last time yet."

Ye Qiu smiled brightly and did not refute him. "Yes, the last time you sent people to hunt us down is not over yet."

Qin Mu on the other side did not just sit down and turn on the computer in front of him.

No matter what, you have to go and join him first. You don't know what those guys will do. Precaution is better than nothing.

Ye Qiu looked at the IDs of the people in front of him and examined their positions. "I didn't expect that today is indeed a little different. Could it be that Jiang You is giving you a small lesson alone? He seems to have made some progress."

Hearing this, Jiang You's face looked a little embarrassed and ugly.

What happened last time undoubtedly taught him a lesson, but he didn't expect that he would bring it up again. This really made him lose face in front of Zhang Xinjie.

But Zhang Xinjie didn't care about this. He probably didn't care at all. "Just throw fire bombs and frost snowballs!"

After Jiang You heard the command, he quickly controlled the staff in his hand and directed two attacks at Lord Grim. Lord Grim couldn't help but lightly jumped up and blocked an attack with the Thousand Planes Umbrella. "That's all."

"Why is the gunman standing there stunned? Why don't you hurry up and fight!"

"Fire blast at his left foothold!"


With Zhang Xinjie's command, the cooperation of several people gradually got on the right track.

Jiang You stood there and chanted, and no one noticed this inconspicuous attack.

The gunman on the other side became Lord Grim's target.

The bullets in his hand were not as fast as the Thousand Planes Umbrella's transformation speed. The opponent directly transformed into a Gatling gun and shot the gunman off the hill.

With a stagger, the gunman rolled directly behind him.

But the circle of people surrounded them became smaller and smaller, and Lord Grim was forced to move to the edge.

At this time, Qin Mu stood up and walked behind him. Looking at the battle on the screen, he couldn't help but make a few comments. "There must be an ambush here. If you wait and pay more attention, you might be able to catch him off guard."

Ye Qiu's eyes flickered, and instead of following his previous plan, he obeyed him.

When Lord Grim fell to the ground, a burst of smoke obscured his surroundings, but the rapid impact of the wind caused both of them to look over there. Unexpectedly, a boxing expert suddenly appeared.

"I don't know if you can dodge this punch." Zhang Xinjie said calmly, standing behind him.

But Lord Grim made no sound.

Seeing this, Zhang Xinjie frowned and continued to command.

"The remaining people gathered their firepower and pointed directly towards the nine o'clock direction in the air!"

"The cursed arrow points to six o'clock!"

"Open the flame blast directly!"

As Zhang Xinjie commanded, everyone began to attack.

But it also made them a little puzzled.

Except for the direction where everyone gathered their firepower, the rest of the attacks were all directed towards uninhabited areas. Would hitting the air be useful?
However, with the help of Qin Mu on the other side, Ye Qiu had already opened his body's defenses the second before he fell. These attacks could only hit the shield on his body.

But everyone didn't know this and thought that all the attacks fell on him, so they all cheered happily.

"Is that all you have?" Lord Grim walked out of a puff of smoke. Although he was not dead, his health bar had dropped by two-thirds. If they had concentrated their attack, they would probably be able to kill him today. Take it in your hand.

Zhang Xinjie snapped his fingers. "You think it's over that easily?"

What followed was a dark black chaotic light ball, and countless light balls rotated to form a chaos.

He was attacking Lord Grim's foothold.

But suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air, and Lord Grim appeared in the air above. (End of chapter)

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