Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 227 Han Wenqing watches the video

This Lord Grim is a good prospect that I haven't seen in these years. It's better to go back and discuss it with Old Han.

After Jiang You analyzed the specific situation, everyone around him suddenly realized. "I see. No wonder Team Zhang was dissatisfied with us just now. It seems there is still a bit of a strength gap between us and professional players."

This sentence made Jiang You laugh. "Look what you said, if there is no strength gap, then why should we spend so much money to support them and just drag the big guys into the team and wait for you to participate in the competition?"

Ye Weiyang scratched her head, with a somewhat embarrassed look on her face. "That's true. I didn't think carefully."

Jiang You did not blame them. After analyzing, he clapped his hands and let them disperse freely. "This operation can be regarded as teaching us a lesson. There is still a gap between his strength and ours. Next, everyone must train hard and try to narrow the gap as much as possible. By the way, we can make up for all the levels we lost before. , as a reward, I ordered afternoon tea for you."

"Oh my god, Captain Jiang, you are so good. You are my only god."

"That's right, don't grab Captain Jiang's thigh from me. I will definitely hold Captain Jiang's thigh until he is imprisoned."

"Team Jiang is using my account today, so you guys have to queue up." Ye Weiyang, who was beside him, stopped everyone's drawings with excitement, and then pushed them to train.

Jiang You smiled when he saw this look, and shook his head helplessly.

However, when I saw him today, I could clearly understand the reason why their seven major unions failed in their last encirclement and suppression campaign. This guy is indeed very powerful, and one against six is ​​no problem.

Ye Duhantan didn't know it yet, but Jiang You had already comforted him several times in his heart.

Zhang Xinjie on the other side drove back to the base in a hurry.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that the lights on the second floor were still on, which made him look happy. He rushed up to the second floor in three and two steps.

When he opened the door, Han Wenqing looked at him strangely.

Although Zhang Xinjie is not particularly stable on weekdays, he has never been so active. Why did he change his temper today?
Looking at his somewhat surprised face, Zhang Xinjie realized his recklessness and calmed down his breathing. "I went to the guild today, and I unexpectedly found a person with a pretty good level there. It just so happened that this guy was the one who had a conflict with the guild two days ago."

Looking at Han Wenqing's confused face, he knew that he never cared about the union's affairs. He sighed helplessly, inserted the USB disk into the computer and continued talking. "This is the guy who wiped them out last time."

Hearing this, Han Wenqing was somewhat impressed, and he also heard many people talking and crying behind his back.

But I just thought that their skills were inferior to others, so I didn't care too much. After hearing what Zhang Xinjie said today, I'm afraid there are other signs.

Zhang Xinjie skillfully opened the video on the USB flash drive and selected a video in the forest.

Unexpectedly, what they saw when they opened it was the face of a fire elf, pressed tightly against the camera, which shocked both of them. Han Wenqing looked at Zhang Xinjie with some disapproval. "Where did you get this?" He touched the sweat on his forehead and quickly pulled the progress bar under his hand. "I made a mistake just now. It was a new recruit they recruited called Dark Light."

Han Wenqing frowned and didn't look too good. Zhang Xinjie didn't dare to show off and hurriedly moved the video to when Lord Grim appeared. "Look, this is the guy I fought today."

Han Wenqing carefully observed his movements, which were no different from those of ordinary players, until he saw him using the weapon behind him to push back the others. "What is this?"

"It is said that the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella is a weapon specially equipped for Sanren. The ones I have seen so far can be transformed into four forms: spear, gun, shield and sword, and there is no lag at all during the transformation process." Zhang Xinjie After careful consideration, he told the truth.

Han Wenqing finally looked at the screen with a bit of seriousness. The look at him also made Zhang Xinjie breathe a sigh of relief. Although his strategy today did not eliminate him, it did not mean that the Korean team was not good. The Korean team took action. That's one person worth two.

The progress bar quickly came to Jun Moxie's body. The moment the camera locked on him, Han Wenqing noticed the strange weapon on him. "What is this? Are two people using the same weapon?"

Zhang Xinjie hesitated for a moment and said, "I haven't fought with him yet, but according to my guess, this person's weapons are the same as Lord Grim's and can be changed at any time. Moreover, his profession is a sharpshooter, and the weapons are limited to firearms. conversion.”

Han Wenqing dragged the progress bar impatiently. "Next time, don't bring such boring things back to me. I thought you were meeting some powerful guys."

As soon as the progress bar came down, Jun Moxie was seen standing in front of six people. The heavy cannon in his hand didn't know how to connect the movements, but he managed to kill all six people in half a minute.

The assassins on the opposite side also have some good equipment, so they won't be beaten to death.

This made him suddenly become interested in Jun Moxie, and he became more attentive while watching the video.

When he saw the two of them acting together, Han Wenqing's eyes lit up. "That's not bad. No wonder he's quite capable of escaping from so many people."

The sudden appearance of Han Yanrou disrupted the battle. Just when she was about to be attacked, Jun Moxie's gun hit directly above her. For some reason, those bullets seemed to have eyes, heading straight for the sneak attack. Her people went forward.

"This kind of tracking bullet is not a skill that ordinary people can train. This Jun Moxiao and Jun Moxie are definitely not ordinary people." Han Wenqing's men kept pulling the progress bar repeatedly, watching the tracking bullet being fired and then hitting the person's chest. picture.

Zhang Xinjie scratched his head beside him, but he didn't see any way out. "It's more exciting than others, but it doesn't seem to have any real power."

Han Wenqing glanced at him and said. "This is not just firing bullets, but it can only be done with extremely high gun control capabilities. Each bullet is not a tracking bullet, but it can accurately predict where those guys will end up. Just rely on this alone , I don’t know how many professional players I killed in a flash.”

"And... he seems to be very similar to an old acquaintance of mine..." Han Wenqing touched his chin and thought deeply.

I don’t know what happened to the guy who loves to play with editors. (End of chapter)

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