Faster than his next attack was Han Wenqing's attack. "Eagle Tread!"

This attack was not finished yet, Han Wenqing used the force to perform two more Eagle Steps in the air.

The three attacks all hit the same place, and Lord Grim took the damage forcefully.

But this also brought the distance between the two closer.

Lord Grim looked up at him, his expression still as relaxed as ever. It was impossible to tell that he was nervous at all, as if his every move throughout the game was controlled by Lord Grim.

This feeling makes Han Wenqing feel like a stick in his throat.

Just as he was about to say something, the other party grabbed him by the neck.

The moment he saw his elbow preparing to lift himself up, Han Wenqing punched him in the abdomen.

But he didn't expect that the other party had already predicted this, and dodged and moved behind him.

Han Wenqing still couldn't avoid the fate of being thrown out.

Jiang You next to you was a little surprised, "The gangster choke and judo takeover are impossible. How can these two skills be used so coherently!"

In so many professional league games, I have never seen such an outrageous ability.

But Han Wenqing only needed one move to confirm this guy's true identity.

He stood up and punched Lord Grim in the abdomen. The opponent had no intention of dodging and simply used the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella to catch the blow.

When the two of them got extremely close, Han Wenqing yelled. "You traitor, you have already left this arena! You should not come back again! You are not welcome here!"

"You're being a bit of a rogue. No one said you can't come back if you quit." Jun Mo smiled and fell in front of him. His condescending look made Han Wenqing look a little embarrassed.

But while the other party was chatting, the movements of his hands did not pause for a moment, and he attacked him directly, and the distance between the two became closer and closer.

In this flash of lightning, Lord Grim's character suddenly stopped in place without any reaction.

Jiang You behind him couldn't help but sneered when he saw this scene. "At this level, he still has the nerve to compete with our seven major trade unions. He was lucky last time. If we encounter him again next time, I will definitely not show mercy."

But Zhang Xinjie next to him saw some clues, which were not as simple as he imagined.

Most likely the person opposite had something to do and left in a hurry before the fight was over.

There is no confinement skill, how could it be like this?

Han Wenqing launched a series of combos, and Lord Grim's health was reduced to only a layer of blood, but at the moment of the final blow, he stopped what he was doing.

There was a noisy sound coming from the other side of the earphones, and it didn't sound like someone was operating it at all.

After a while, the sound came again and gradually became clearer. "I'm back. I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for a while."

"Can you pay more attention? Whether it's what happened now or what happened before, you are too perfunctory." Han Wenqing's men kept moving and attacked him directly in the face.

In Jiang You's eyes, he suddenly noticed that his movements had become much more agile, and he even rushed towards Han Wenqing.

The two figures overlapped again, and it was impossible to tell the front and back. Jiang You said in disbelief. "This is……"

The next second, the Thousand Chance Umbrella locked directly on his cheek and wiped past his face. "You are the one who should focus most."

"You know if you leave, you can't come back, and everyone will look down on you." Han Wenqing did not give up persuading, but Jiang You behind him was confused.

But Lord Grim opposite him didn't take it to heart. "So what? As long as I have the ability, no matter where I want to go, isn't it all up to me?"

When Han Wenqing heard this, he was instantly laughed out of anger. Sure enough, he was still the familiar person, and the domineering tone in his tone was exactly the same as before. "Okay, then let me see what you are capable of."

But as soon as he said these words, the action of the person opposite him became much slower, as if he was hesitating something.

But Han Wenqing failed to stop his movements and punched him directly in the side. This punch directly reduced his blood volume to the lowest level.

Seeing this scene didn't make Han Wenqing feel any better. Isn't this the same as putting food in his mouth?

It was completely different from what he had imagined, and he was also completely different from the person he once was.

Zhang Xinjie, who was beside him, looked over silently. If he guessed correctly, not only was the fight very unsatisfactory, it even made him a little annoyed, but it was also a helpless move.

But before the other party could quickly withdraw, he finally asked what he had always wanted to say a second before parting. "Then will you come back?"

Lord Grim's character turned his head against the light and shadow and looked over, as if his body was shrouded in light. "Of course, this is not only your arena, but also mine."

Hearing these words, Han Wenqing breathed a sigh of relief for some reason. "Then you have to hurry up, otherwise the championship will be in my pocket by then, and you won't have any room left."

Lord Grim just squinted his eyes and smiled, saying with some yearning. "There's no rush, you can wait a little longer, it's still not too late."

Ye Qiu quickly logged off the line and went to the front desk to see his meal in a red bucket.

After all, I just took a look at the customers outside, but I didn't expect them to place other orders. I didn't have the time to talk nonsense with them. Making money was more important.

Han Wenqing probably never dreamed that he could not compare to the customers in his Internet cafe.

"Here you go, your braised beef noodles." Ye Qiu put the things on his table with a smile, but the other party ignored him.

If he were to know that this was the legendary Lord Lord Grim, there would be no telling how he would jump up and hug his thighs.

Jiang You on the side thought he had won, and the look on his face was much happier, as if he was honored. "That is to say, as long as the Korean team takes action, these things will not be a problem at all. This time, thanks to you, we guarded the last retreat."

Remembering the last time he was treated as a wild monster, Jiang You paused and said. "If he continues to swipe like this, not only will the reputation of the union be damaged, but it will also be difficult for us to continue the progress of the next dungeon."

Listening to his long words, Han Wenqing rubbed his head and then waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to say more.

But Zhang Xinjie next to him took a step forward. "He lost on purpose just now, could it be...?"

Han Wenqing interrupted him directly and turned to look at Jiang You. "Why do you think he lost to us on purpose?"

This confused Jiang Youwen. How could it be his turn to answer such a question? "Perhaps they think our Domineering Ambition Guild is too big and don't want to compete with us head-on?" (End of Chapter)

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