Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 232 Domineering Ambition Retakes the Record

"What's so daring about this?!" Ye Duhantan threw this sentence out of the water.

Jiang You on the opposite side stared at him, seemingly confirming his determination, then sighed helplessly and waved his hand to ask him to call everyone over.

"It's okay to call everyone here today. A few days ago, we carried out an encirclement and suppression campaign against Jun Moxiao and Jun Moxie. The results have been obtained today. It was successful. In the evening, we will directly go online to refresh the records of the first-line dungeon!" Jiang You The voice got louder and louder, which suddenly gave everyone some confidence.

As for Ye Duhantan, who was on the side, he looked at him in confusion. This guy went to the battle team, how could he have learned how to be brave as if he had just crawled out of some devil's cave?

"Come with me." Jiang You called Ye Duhantan aside.

What he said next was so surprising that Ye Duhantan couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. "I went to confirm with Team Han and Team Zhang today. Then Lord Grim is the Great God Ye Qiu."

"What?! Master Ye Qiu!" This result was beyond his imagination.

Jiang You on the opposite side nodded calmly, and at the same time looked at him with a bit of pity.

When I first heard the result, I had the same reaction as him.

Fortunately, I did a lot of psychological construction on the way back and didn't embarrass myself in front of him, otherwise the two of them would be lamenting this guy's true identity together now.

"Then will he... What if he really holds a grudge? We have done so many wrong things before..." After the surprise, panic suddenly came to mind. Who doesn't know the strength of that guy?
If that guy really planned to attack them, even if he had eight lives, he wouldn't be able to escape his pursuit.

However, Jiang You's calm expression gave him some confidence. Maybe he didn't intend to care about it from the beginning.

"Anyway, don't think so much about the rest. Hurry up and refresh the dungeon records with them. We have already agreed with Lord Grim and the others that no one will touch the dungeon records of the Domineering Ambition Guild." Jiang You He was told to lead one team, while he led the other team.

Everyone really thought that Lord Grim was too beaten to dare to come again, and their morale immediately rose a lot. Compared with the previous encirclement and suppression by the seven major trade unions, it was like heaven and earth.

One night simply created many miracles.

On the World Channel, we first saw that they had broken the record for the First-line Canyon Dungeon by twenty-nine minutes.

Following closely behind was the record of Glazed Land, which also entered within twenty-five minutes.


"Who says it's not the case? I don't know what happened to this Domineering Ambition. It was like a chicken blood all night. It didn't do anything else except clear dungeons."

"Maybe it will be Jun Moxiao and Jun Moxie who fight on their behalf again, wasn't it the same thing last time?"

Everyone thought of that ridiculous scene again, and couldn't help but feel a bit of ridicule towards Domineering Ambition.

After all, their record has improved so much that there is actually a two-minute deviation. According to common sense, the difference between each copy is within twenty seconds, which is already very good. Now it is more like I found a substitute.

The team led by Ye Du Hantan came out feeling very proud. Not only did they set the record extremely well, but they even got the rewards they wanted this time.

Then he immediately distributed some rewards to everyone. "The dungeon this time has been improved a lot. Everyone will have rewards. I will distribute them one by one when I return to the guild. If you have any missing materials, just come to me to get them."

"President, you are too kind!"

"In other guilds, there is no such good treatment as ours."

"Oh my god, I will continue to clear the dungeon tomorrow. Don't bother us then." Who wouldn't be happy to be able to get all the materials that he had been looking for for a long time in one night? ?

Ye Duhantan had only been happy for two seconds when the disaster star came.

Looking at the message sent by Master Ye Qiu, his understanding now was completely different.

You must know that when I carried out the encirclement and suppression of him, I only regarded him as an ordinary person.

But now in his own mind, he has transformed into the great god Ye Qiu.

The difference in treatment between them is not the slightest bit.

If Ye Qiu knew that they had this mentality, they would probably take advantage of this opportunity to make money. He never gave up any opportunity.

However, the message from the other party made Ye Duhantan rub his eyes in disbelief. "Are you short of strategies now?"

"Huh?" Ye Duhantan asked in disbelief.

"It's just that kind of ordinary strategy. We've just written a lot of them here. Aren't you guys doing dungeons? Maybe you can use them and I'll ask. If you don't, it doesn't matter." Ye Qiu said as if. He mentioned it unintentionally.

"But congratulations to you for setting the first-line canyon record." Ye Qiudu had already sent his second sentence, and Ye Duhantan slowly recovered.

"You're too polite. If it weren't for your help, we probably wouldn't be able to break this record, but this copy..." Ye Duhantan hesitated, but still couldn't clarify his words directly.

But Ye Qiu, who was opposite him, knew very well what he was worried about. "Don't worry, we won't touch this copy again. If no one surpasses it, the record will be the one you keep now."

Hearing this, it finally gave him a reassurance.

At the same time, he was also wondering when Master Ye Qiu switched from playing games full-time to playing online games, and now he actually switched to making strategy guides.

This span is too big.

However, he did not give a definite reply, just vague, saying that he would think about it again.

Ye Qiu did not continue to press, but went offline to see Qin Mu and Baozi.

Anyway, it is only a matter of time before this guide becomes famous, and more people will buy it when the time comes.

And with the help of Mingguang, under their dictation, several copies were divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower.

Each different level requires a different level of strategy. If it is the lowest level, you can pass the level even if you are wearing cloth and leather armor.

I don’t know what kind of applications it will have in the future, but looking at it now, it is definitely a sure profit.

I don’t know if Yeduhantan has not bought the first-hand resources now. Will he cry with his head in the future and regret his decision at that time.

Ye Qiu was thinking about what would happen in the future, but he didn't expect Baozi's sudden appearance and almost knocked him out.

At that moment he almost thought of his last words. (End of chapter)

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