Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 245: Discovering Qin Mu’s identity

Huang Shaotian thought back to the days when he worked as a black slave for the two brothers, and he couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved. "This guy is definitely not a newbie. Zhou Zekai's competition this time is still a bit difficult."

But Yu Wenzhou didn't talk to him.

But in his heart, he had already come to a conclusion for all this.

Just from the judgment of the ballistic trajectory, it can be seen that Zhou Zekai is no longer his opponent. It is simply impossible to defeat Qin Mu with only his original skills.

If he could have such skills, then everything would be at his fingertips, but it's a pity that he is not the material.

After being hit twice in succession, Zhou Zekai did not hesitate to pick up his Gatling gun and switch directly to rapid fire mode.

With the crisp sound of the eggshells falling to the ground, the situation on the field became somewhat heated.

Everyone's eyes were focused on them, wanting to take a closer look to see which part they had missed.

But looking at it again and again does not mean that they can understand the mystery.

However, the audience off the field saw other ways.

Someone in the crowd gasped first before everyone noticed.

The two sides quickly intertwined while dodging, and the two figures locked together in the same place, making it difficult for the audience to see clearly.

"Don't talk about estimates, it's almost the same now. Look at their eyes, which are so bright that they're on fire. If there weren't people around to stop them, they would probably start to rob people by now."

Qin Mu's skills were extremely fast, and he controlled the character in his hand to dodge every bullet he fired. He kept shuttling around the battlefield like a shadowless man, and then he also switched to the Gatling gun in his hand.

"Oh, it's just a fun challenge, not a professional challenge. Don't ask too high."

But Qin Mu's operation was to dodge, but instead turned into an unprofessional operation.

At this time, the Gatling gun's firing range was very far, but none of the bullets actually hit him, as if there was some gap between the two people, it completely opened the place.

The range of Gatling gun shooting is naturally very far. Isn't it easy to hit him?

"It seems to you that Qin Mu was shot."

Sure enough, he was right. Several team leaders off the field were indeed very interested in this guy. Although they didn't know his true identity, those who could perform such operations must not be ordinary people.

"I didn't expect Zhou Zekai to be serious. Then this guy does have some skills. I don't know where he came from. He challenged Zhou Zekai as soon as he came on stage, and now he has performed such high-end operations."

"At first glance, he looks like an outsider. It's no problem to rush forward with this kind of damage. Maybe his skin won't even be broken."

The audience was more tolerant of Qin Mu and didn't care that his operations were full of flaws.

But only those who knew his true identity, Huang Shaotian and the other two, did not react at all.

"If this had happened before, I would have probably been snatched away by those guys down there one by one, and I would have liked to have dragged him into my own club."

At the same time as the attack fell, Qin Mu quickly retreated and put the machine gun on his shoulder.

With this momentum, he came directly in front of him and used the recoil to attack forward.

I haven’t seen this method in countless years. It’s rare to see it today. It’s really an eye-opener. Many professional players off the court were amazed.

The one who envied him the most was Yu Wenzhou, and Huang Shaotian next to him heard his emotion. "With this hand speed and this operation, people can hardly see the shadow."

While the rest of the audience lamented that Qin Mu had been hit, they turned around and discovered unexpectedly that Zhou Zekai beside them had been shot several times and looked miserable.

"Oh my God, how could Zhou Zekai be shot so many times..."

"No way, how could he not be able to beat an ordinary player?"

"But to be honest, this guy is really powerful. No wonder Zhou Zekai is serious."

Based on the exchange of blood lines between the two sides, Zhou Zekai obviously lost more.

Huang Shaotian hadn't seen any clues yet, but Yu Wenzhou had already turned his head and stared at him. "Shaotian, tell me what's the difference between them."

Upon hearing this, Huang Shaotian, who had just thought it was not very clever, immediately shuddered, and then turned his head to look sideways.

After receiving Yu Wenzhou's look, he couldn't help but smile awkwardly. "Captain, we are here to watch the game today, so there is no need to be so grand."

"Then why don't you never stop learning? Since you are sitting here, you have to gain some insights. You can't go back the same as before you came." Yu Wenzhou shook his head in disapproval.

In desperation, Huang Shaotian could only watch the confrontation on the stage bitterly.

However, after watching it for a while, he actually took it seriously. It was different from his usual state of downloading dungeons. Qin Mu's firearm switching was obviously much smoother than what he had seen before. It felt like he had Not trying my best.

"This guy was not so powerful when he downloaded dungeons from us before. Could it be that he is hiding something secret from us?" Huang Shaotian touched his chin and speculated.

But Yu Wenzhou on the opposite side knocked him on the head. "I want you to see how he operates, but I don't want you to study the way you two get along."

Huang Shaotian held his head and was almost on the verge of crying, but he quickly made a judgment. "His first action before each attack is to roll forward. This action can directly eliminate the back swing of the attack. Although it looks very embarrassed and he is dodging around, it is actually very effective."

Yu Wenzhou nodded with satisfaction. "Actually, this can be regarded as a psychological game. It seems that Qin Mu is constantly rolling to avoid his attacks. This will cause Zhou Zekai to expose greater flaws."

The audience in the audience were so surprised that they could fit an egg in with their mouths wide open.

"Am I reading that right? Not only did he not lose, but he also fought on a par with Zhou Zekai?"

"Yes, not only that, his skills are also very coherent. The rapid fire and burst fire just now were really powerful."

"The switch to gun mastery is also very fast. If I were a professional player, I would definitely not be able to react."

The figures of the two people on the field changed respectively, without any lethargy at all.

"Random shooting!" Zhou Zekai picked up the Gatling gun, pointed it at the figure in the white mist, and fired directly.

But it was difficult to catch the other party's figure, and he kept pulling against himself under the cover of white mist.

After dozens of bullets were fired, Kankan only hit a dozen.

And he was also seriously injured, which was not a good thing. (End of chapter)

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