The host on the side also noticed it and simply brought the topic back to the competition site. "Since Mr. Qin Mu has left beforehand, we might as well invite Zhou Zekai to come on stage for a casual chat."

The audience in the audience suddenly became angry.

"Okay, that's what you do for the All-Star Weekend, right? He's already lost the game, so why go up there and talk about it? Could it be that he's talking about how he lost the game?"

"I'm already under a lot of pressure, but I still say such sarcastic words."

"If it doesn't work, just refund the ticket. Don't take money here and do nothing!"

"Zhou Zekai, you move forward boldly. We Yongxiangsui lost a game. It doesn't matter. We still have many games to come and we will support you."

The audience was immediately unhappy, and a series of voices of resistance sounded here.

The sound of everyone shouting to heaven and earth covered up a small sob.

A girl was squatting in the fire escape nearby, holding her shoulders and crying silently. She looked quite sad.

The host smiled awkwardly and had no choice but to lead the topic elsewhere.

But after discovering that it was her, Qin Mu's surprise subsided, and then he patted him on the shoulder.

He was still thinking about Qin Mu's operations just now. If they could be used to his advantage, they would probably be of some use in subsequent games.

Then Zhou Zekai walked off the stage directly without even looking at the audience.

"I was attracted to this aspect of him when I was a fan of him. I didn't expect that it was really not in vain. With him working so hard, I have to work harder in my daily work."

Just as he was about to speak, Zhou Zekai stood up from his stool silently and stepped forward to take the microphone in his hand. "Don't get excited, everyone. Thank you for your support, but no one is perfect. I was really negligent in this competition."

But at this moment, Qin Mu appeared on a field outside the backstage.

It looked very leisurely and contented, but the calmer the scene, the more Su Mucheng felt an unprecedented throbbing, and then he quickly pounced on it.

"I am also relatively lazy in training on weekdays, so I will train hard again when I go back. I hope I can show everyone a better version of me."

"I also hope that everyone will not pursue the problem of the program team. Everything is really his strength, and my skills are not as good as others."

When Su Mucheng went out, she saw such a figure. He was sitting quietly on the bench, holding a dog's tail grass in his mouth.

Suddenly a person appeared, which also startled Qin Mu.

Unexpectedly, this group of die-hard fans were still praising him crazily.

"But just now that kid just lucked out and made an operation that no one has ever seen before, and he barely won the game. How can it compare to our consistent efforts week after week."

"As expected of Zhou Zekai, he has cheered up in such a short time. I don't know if he can perform better in this World Championship."

"Yes. Besides, losing a game doesn't prove that he is inferior to others. He is really too cruel to himself."

Many fanatic fans were heartbroken when they saw Zhou Zekai's current situation, and wanted to rush up to him and send him warmth and care, but the other party didn't seem to pay much attention to all this.

Just when I was about to pull him up, I felt a patch of moisture on the back of his hand. I didn't know where I had been wronged.

Qin Mu held the piece of grass in his mouth and smiled ruthlessly. "What's going on? Who bullied our eldest lady?"

Su Mucheng raised her head with tears in her eyes and looked at the person in front of her. "It's not all you. Did you throw me there on purpose? You knew it was all my fault before, so why didn't you tell me?" It turned out that he was still thinking about the previous incident, which also made Qin Mu a little confused. He shook his head helplessly and sighed, not knowing how to make him truly accept all this.

"I don't." Qin Mu spread his hands helplessly.

The two of them fell into a long silence, until Qin Mu sighed helplessly and was about to speak.

In the short time just now, he didn't know how many times he secretly glanced at me while he was squatting next to her. He didn't know what the child was worried about. He could have told him directly.

"I..." Qin Mu looked down at him.

"I..." Su Mucheng raised her head and looked over slowly.

Unexpectedly, even when they spoke, the two of them were so in sync.

With such a tacit understanding, Su Mucheng couldn't help but smile.

But what happens next may not be exactly what I know.

In a show of humility, Qin Mu still smiled and looked at the person in front of him. "You go ahead and say it."

"You should say it first." Su Mucheng seemed a little embarrassed, and she kicked the ball back after refuting it twice.

Qin Mu sighed helplessly and took out a tissue from his pocket. "Don't cry. I don't know who provoked you, but when Chen Guo sees it when we go back, she will definitely complain about me."

Su Mucheng burst into tears and smiled, a little concerned about his words. "If Sister Guoguo doesn't ask you, won't you be nice to me?"

"Young lady, you can learn from the world, you can see the sun and the moon. When have I ever done something like this and been scolded by others?" Qin Mu smiled with his eyebrows and eyes curved, and his face somewhat overlapped with the person in his impression. .

Su Mucheng stared at him, somewhat stunned.

But the next second he still trembled and asked the question. "How did you succeed in sniping Phantom Barrett?"

Qin Mu scratched his head and looked at his hands. "I don't know. It seems that everything can be solved easily while sitting on that court. Whatever suddenly pops up in my mind, I just use it."

Then he lowered his head and caught a glimpse of the finger in Su Mucheng's hand, smiled awkwardly, and prepared to pull him back.

I don’t know where this piece of paper was stuffed in, and it was so wrinkled.

It didn't match the clothes she was wearing today at all. It felt like a stunning beauty wearing an ugly dress.

"What are you doing?" Sensing that he was about to pull back the tissue, Su Mucheng's almond-shaped eyes widened and she stared at him intently.

"I'll give you another one. This is too ugly." Qin Mu pointed at the tissue in his hand and didn't dare to twitch it again.

Su Mucheng sniffed and said awkwardly. "No, I think this piece of paper is fine."

Qin Mu smiled helplessly and followed him.

But something happened in the venue the next second. The lights suddenly turned bright, and Qin Mu's silhouette under the light and shadow looked very much like his brother.

When Su Mucheng saw this scene, some memories were brought back, and she couldn't hold it in any longer. She once again lay on Qin Mu's lap and sobbed softly. (End of chapter)

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