Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 25 Excuse me, am I right? Fighting God! 1 Ye Zhiqiu!

Chapter 25 Excuse me, am I right? Fighting God! One leaf knows autumn!
"Yes! I have a bad stomach, and the doctor told me that I can only eat soft food, so I plan to eat soft food. When I succeed in taking over and become the boss, I will send you to clean the Internet cafe toilet, okay? ?" Qin Mu said jokingly.

"Come on, you can hide it from the boss lady, but you can never escape my fiery eyes."

"Based on your crazy hand speed just now, it must be at least about 800, right?"

"Furthermore, you are extremely skilled in leaping, linking skills, and moving. What if this is your first time playing Glory? I wouldn't believe it even to death. You are definitely a master, and you may even be a professional player. , but now I am very curious, which team are you from? Why do I seem to have never seen you before? It is impossible for someone with such an operation to remain unknown in the professional arena!"

Ye Xiu took the opportunity to raise his question.

At this moment, he was quite curious about Qin Mu.

After all, the hand speed this guy showed just now has even surpassed his own, and his understanding of the gunnery profession is even better than that of Xiao Mucheng.

A player of this level.

It stands to reason,

He, the Encyclopedia of Glory, should know this! However, after searching through the memories in his mind, Ye Xiu couldn't find any information about Qin Mu. This guy seemed to appear out of thin air.

Ye Xiu couldn't help but be surprised.

"Human! Who can't keep some secrets of their own? You think so? Master Ye Qiu."

After hearing what Ye Xiu said.

Qin Mu did not answer in a hurry. Instead, he looked at Ye Xiudao sitting next to him with a smile.

But what was said.

But it made Ye Xiu as horrified as if he was at the center of an earthquake.

His originally calm expression was now full of shock. Even though he had experienced many big scenes, Ye Xiu had cold sweat breaking out on his forehead at this time.

After all, he has been racing in glory over the years.

But he has never revealed his true identity. Even during competitions, no one has seen his true face. He refuses to answer any advertisements that require his face to be revealed. In the entire circle, except for a few close friends, no one has ever seen him. People know his identity, and those people will not betray him.

But how did Qin Mu know his identity?
Could it be that this guy is scaring himself?
Think of this.

Ye Xiu felt a little calmer in his heart, and immediately put on a smile and said, "Hey kid, can you please stop joking? What Ye Qiu, my name is Ye Xiu, and I have nothing to do with that Yiye Zhiqiu of Excellent Era. "

"Oh? Really? I didn't say you were the One Leaf Zhiqiu! Why are you so anxious to explain?"

"As the saying goes, explanation is cover-up, cover-up is fact, am I right?"

"Don't tell me that it's all a coincidence that someone who operates like you happens to appear in an Internet cafe near Team Excellent Era, and there's only one word difference between Ye Qiu's name? If that's the case, then it's really a coincidence. Open the door for Qin Mu, Qin Mu is home." Qin Mu said with a faint smile.

And see this smile.

Ye Xiu naturally understood that he couldn't hide it.

So he simply spread his hands and said: "Yes, you are right, I know the autumn with a leaf. Now that I have answered your question, it is time for you to answer mine, right? What you are doing is absolutely unacceptable. Maybe you’re not famous at all, so why is there no master like you in my memory?”

"It's very simple, that's because I have never played in a professional game! Moreover, I have never participated in a trial training of a professional team, so you don't know that I am normal." Qin Mu looked calm.

Yet his answer.

But it was Ye Xiu who had already calmed down.

My heart was shaking again. After a long while, he woke up and said, "Are you serious about what you just said? You have never participated in a trial training or experienced the training of a professional team, and you can actually do such an operation?"

"I never tell lies!" Qin Mu said.

"There are mountains beyond the mountains, there is heaven beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the world. This sentence is indeed true. I thought that my talent was strong enough. Even so, it was only through the training of the team that I could achieve the hand speed I have today, but you are a A guy who has never practiced at all is so strong? Is this really justified?"

When Ye Xiu said this, there was still a bitter taste in his voice.

You know, in order to achieve today's operation.

Over the years, he has been practicing hard day and night.

But Qin Mu was lucky. Before he joined the team, his level was almost the same as his own.

Even the hand speed is slightly higher.

"It's not that exaggerated. Although I have never joined a team, I have been practicing in private for many years." Qin Mu said with relief.

After hearing this, Ye Xiu calmed down a little.

"By the way, was the weapon you just used your own? It looks so powerful. It can actually take into account both attack and defense. If used properly, it can work wonders even in the professional team arena." When Ye Xiu said this, there was still a sense of admiration in his eyes.

After all, Qin Mu is not only capable of practicing so well.

It's actually possible to create such a powerful homemade weapon.

It's true.

"That's right, it's called Doomsday Rip. It's a homemade weapon I specially built to participate in the professional competition. How about it? Are you interested in forming a team with me? Dominate the Arena of Glory!"

Qin Mu smiled and sent out the invitation.

Now that I have traveled to the world of full-time masters.

It also has a career system.

What if you just stay in an Internet cafe and play games?

That would be too boring, right?
In comparison, Qin Mu still yearns for the professional arena.

Under the spotlight, enjoy the crowd-pleaser.

In this case, it is necessary to form your own team, and Ye Xiu, who is known as the God of Fighting, is naturally the one invited by Qin Mu, and he will definitely be more powerful with him.

"Are you going to compete in the Arena of Glory again?" Ye Xiu muttered these words, and his eyes regained some luster.

"That's right, let's rewrite the myth of being undefeated. With you and me together, no one can stop us from reaching the top." Qin Mu said again.

"Okay! I promise you. However, I can join the team, but it is unlikely to be possible within a year to play in the game. You also know that when we join a professional team, we have a non-compete agreement. After leaving the team, we cannot compete on the court within a year. , otherwise, the organizing committee will disqualify the competition." Ye Xiu nodded and agreed.

"Small problem! There are only two people in our team now, so we are not in a hurry to compete." Qin Mu said with a smile after seeing Ye Xiu agreeing.

As for the competition.

Take it easy.

After all, what kind of competition are two people participating in?
(End of this chapter)

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