"The angry dragon pierces the heart!" As Ye Qiu's voice came, both of his skills hit Du Ming.

I thought the game was over, but someone in the audience saw the health bar and immediately shouted loudly.

"I missed it, I missed it, there's still something to watch!"

In a cloud of smoke, Du Ming stood up tremblingly, looking a little pitiful and helpless.

The clothes on his body were already in tatters and even splattered with blood.

Chen Guo grabbed Qin Mu's arm and said in a panic. "Fortunately, it's not Xiaotang on top, otherwise it might have left a huge psychological impact. This guy is still too powerful."

Qin Mu said leisurely. "It doesn't matter. Xiao Tang's starting point is just too low and he doesn't know much about skills. Otherwise, Du Ming wouldn't have been able to win so smoothly every time."

Chen Guo looked at him curiously. "Then you said that now that he has evaded two skills, does this player still have a chance to win?"

Hearing his words was like hearing a fantasy. Ye Qiu was the undefeated God of War. If he could lose, his opponent would have won a Grand Slam in the Glory professional circle.

Then he was a little disdainful, but his tone was full of determination. "Don't worry, no one can dominate this battlefield better than him."

Ye Qiu was not merciful and directly used Fulong Xiangtian.

With Du Ming's current physical condition, it would be difficult to dodge this attack.

But there was no reason to give in on the field. He still gritted his teeth and manipulated his men, turning their bodies over, and then he was able to avoid the attack.

This made the audience smell something exciting.

"I didn't expect that Du Ming actually had the skill to dodge two of the Battle Mage's ultimate moves. This would be a big improvement in a professional arena."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you think such a battle mage can enter the professional arena of glory? Any small loophole may ruin everyone's efforts, and the captain of the team will never agree."

"Then look at his previous operations, they are simply amazing."

Before the winner was decided on the stage, everyone in the audience was already quarreling.

Huang Shaotian on the other side looked at the stage with a solemn expression.

Seeing his expression, Yu Wenzhou couldn't help but feel a little funny. "What's your expression like?"

"Of course I'm nervous for Ye Qiu. You don't know exactly how many tricks that guy has. If the ball hits the stage later, no one can help him." Huang Shaotian's anxious face didn't look fake.

But hearing what he said only made Yu Wenzhou feel funny. "There is no way he will lose. What you should worry about now is how it will end when he is recognized by someone on the field."

The next second his prediction came true.

Ye Qiu's Fulong Xiangtian was dodged by Du Ming. It seemed to disappear in the air, but as a dragon roar came, the dragon head appeared again, opened its mouth wide and bit the swordsman directly in the middle of the eye, leaving him nowhere to hide.

The last bit of blood bar was completely gone.

The audience didn't react at all.

The first ones to react were the professional players off the field.

Han Wenqing stood up with a serious look on his face. "Who is there? Come out quickly!"

Huang Shaotian was a little confused when he saw the captain of Domineering Ambition standing up. Then he turned to look at Yu Wenzhou. "Captain, what's wrong with Captain Han? Could it be that the past two days of training have been too stressful and I can't think about it anymore?"

Yu Wenzhou recalled the time between Han Wenqing and Ye Qiu, and knew why he was so excited now. "Don't forget the relationship between the two of them at that time. If they were strong rivals, that would be true. If he discovers that guy is Ye Qiu today, do you think this matter can be settled like this?"

Before Huang Shaotian could defend him, Han Wenqing spoke again. "You are the only one who has been able to raise his head for so many years. You'd better come out quickly!"

But the court was extremely quiet, and no one paid any attention to his words, which made him even more embarrassed. However, Han Wenqing had waited for so long and would not care about these superficial things.

"Ye Qiu, please stop hiding. You can tell us everything if you have anything to do." Han Wenqing spoke again. He felt that he still had some sympathy left, but there was no sound coming from behind the stage, which made him feel a little embarrassed. Some can't hang on.

The audience around him understood what he said.

If I guessed correctly, that guy is Yiye Zhiqiu.

For someone with such a huge fan base, his appearance will definitely bring a huge wave of traffic. Even the directors on the scene are looking forward to his appearance.

Unexpectedly, the backstage was empty. Hear the shouts from the audience.

Tang Rou, who was the only one left on the stage, couldn't help but roll her eyes. If that guy didn't want to appear, he could have chosen other methods.

If you leave yourself here alone, doesn't that just leave you a living target?
But the host on the side was also pressured by both parties and had to ask behind the scenes. "Challenger, please come out."

But Tang Rou was the only one who came out. The other person shrugged and didn't seem to care about their strange looks.

The host looked behind him curiously and found that there was no one there. "It's not you. We are looking for another contestant. Where did he go?"

Tang Rou thought for a few seconds. "I just said I had to go to the toilet. I was in a hurry, so I rushed out in a hurry."

The host on the side had an increasingly cracked expression and looked like he was about to lose control.

But Huang Shaotian in the audience suddenly burst into laughter. "It's been so many years, but this kid doesn't know how to change his speaking skills. He just says he needs to go to the toilet every day. There's nothing new at all."

Yu Wenzhou's expression next to him was also very dull. He was not happy to see him, but he was not dissatisfied either. "We definitely won't be able to catch anyone today. They don't have to worry about it here."

Huang Shaotian looked at Yu Wenzhou curiously. "I didn't expect the captain to know him so well."

Yu Wenzhou looked up at the spotlights and said slowly. "For so many years, he has rarely appeared in front of the public. He will try to avoid anything he can. How can anyone not know these little thoughts of his?"

Many spectators in the audience instantly became excited because of this unexpected situation.

"Ye Qiu!"

"Ye Qiu!"

"Hurry up and call Ye Qiu out! We have been waiting for him for a long time. If he is willing to pay, we will be the first to support him!"

"That's right! Even if the exhibition hall is not in his new club, we will move there."

The enthusiasm of many fans instantly overwhelmed the host.

The other party had a wry smile on his face and looked up at the broadcast room.

The director could only give him a gesture to calm him down for the time being. (End of chapter)

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