Tang Rou was amused by his words. "But you know it's difficult, but you still have such an idea. Doesn't it prove that you want to do all this? It's better to follow your own heart and you won't regret it in the future."

As if his words lit up the light in her heart, Chen Guo pursed her lips and smiled sheepishly. "I didn't expect to be comforted by you."

Hearing this, Tang Rou couldn't help but grimace. "What does this mean? Is it possible that I'm so ignorant on weekdays?"

Chen Guo also realized that she had said something wrong just now and hurriedly explained. "Of course not, it just feels like you have suddenly become mature. You were still an innocent little girl before."

Only Tang Rou herself knew why there was such a change.

Everyone is moving forward, but because he did not participate in the professional competition that year, he was inexplicably involved in the current whirlpool.

But today's game has given me great confidence. As long as I train diligently, I will definitely be no worse than any professional player.

The two chatted for a while, then fell asleep close together.

When she woke up the next morning, Chen Guo seemed to be thinking more than last night, and even her eyes looked confident. Tang Rou smiled knowingly when she noticed this change.

Then he patted the other person's shoulder and motioned him to get up and go find the two guys. "I thought about it carefully after I went back last night. If I always stop moving forward, it seems that it is not my usual style, so I still plan to speak clearly to them. Whether I agree or not, it is also for myself. An explanation.”

Tang Rou smiled and patted his shoulder, but did not forget to comfort him. "Anyway, this matter is the result of your careful consideration. If they are willing to accept it, that's great. But if they are not willing, it doesn't matter. We have other options anyway."

Chen Guo suddenly became more confident after hearing his encouragement. "Thank you so much. What would I do without you, Xiao Tang..."

Tang Rou was dumbfounded by his sudden act of coquettishness. "When will I be gone? When you say this, it will lead to the direction of some horror movies."

Chen Guo hurriedly stepped forward and covered his mouth.

Seeing his appearance, Tang Rou couldn't help laughing. "What are you afraid of in broad daylight?"

Chen Guo rubbed her neck and said with uncertain eyes. "I'm not afraid."

The two joked and joked for a while, got up, had breakfast and went straight to their room.

Qin Mu and Ye Qiu, who were still sleeping, heard a loud knock on the door. Ye Qiu immediately turned over impatiently, but had no intention of getting up and opening the door.

Seeing him like this made the people around him feel helpless.

Qin Mu kicked off his slippers and walked to the door. As soon as he opened the door, he heard two screams. "No, why aren't you wearing clothes?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Mu looked down in confusion. "It's not two sisters. Is there a possibility that I'm wearing it?"

Chen Guo raised her head and glanced, her eyes uncertain. "You're wearing too little. Why don't you put on another piece of clothing?"

Qin Mu felt a little funny when he saw the two of them like this, but he still felt that his sleep was being disturbed, which made him feel even more unhappy. "Isn't this what you two are here for? Tell me quickly. I have to go back to catch up on my sleep." Chen Guo looked at him suspiciously. "What did you two do last night?"

Qin Mu scratched his head and was a little confused as to why he asked this question, but he still told him. "What can the two of us do? Just sleep here. Is there any other business?"

When Chen Guo heard what he said, she suddenly felt guilty and suddenly raised her head and looked to the side. "That's really embarrassing. I don't know what you did last night."

Qin Mu couldn't help but feel goosebumps rising when he saw him looking at the sky and the earth. "If you have anything to say, just say it. It must not be because of such a trivial matter that you came to us so early in the morning."

Chen Guo hesitated for a long time, looked at Tang Rou next to her, and then at Qin Mu in front of her, but she still didn't say anything. Seeing him like this made Qin Mu a little interested. What else could he do? He was so embarrassed that he couldn't speak.

But he didn't know what he thought of, and he immediately changed his target and looked at Ye Qiu beside him. "This matter is very important. Wake him up quickly. I want to talk about it together."

"Ah, okay then." Qin Mu quickly stepped forward and pulled the person out of the bed.

Ye Qiu felt the cold outside and shivered before opening his sleepy eyes. "What's going on? Could it be an earthquake? We need to wake people up so early in the morning to go to work."

But then he saw a scene that would never appear in his life. Chen Guo was standing in front of him, caring for him with a gentle voice. At this time, Ye Qiu finally came to his senses. He immediately shrank back in fear and got into Qin Mu's arms.

Seeing his snake-like arms, Chen Guo was a little confused. "What's going on here……"

Qin Mu on the side smiled very happily. "Sister Guoguo, you must have scared him. He is too fragile and cannot withstand such torture from you."

Chen Guo was a little confused. "I haven't done anything yet, why is he doing this?"

Hearing that Chen Guo's voice finally returned to normal, he breathed a sigh of relief and poked his head out of the quilt, but his eyes were still wary. "What on earth are you doing here?"

At this moment, Chen Guo noticed how different their outfits were. One was wearing a cotton-padded jacket and the other was sleeping in shorts. Are these two people really in the same room?
She shook her head, not thinking about these unimportant things, and prepared to speak directly.

I have no intention of wasting time here.

I came here today to share my plans with them, and also to tell them what I have been thinking for so long.

Everyone has been together for so long, and no one knows what each other is capable of better than themselves.

What's more, if we don't talk about it now, we probably won't find a better opportunity in the future.

He took a deep breath and looked up at the people opposite. "Actually, I called you here today because I just want to tell you that I want to create a team and include you all in it. Let's play the game seriously and do what we want to do."

Qin Mu was stunned, and Ye Qiu on the side was also stunned, leaving Tang Rou smiling with satisfaction. "I wish I had said this earlier, Guoguo, whether they agree or not, it is their own decision." (End of Chapter)

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