Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 276: Several major guilds deployed undercover agents

Chen Guo suddenly screamed without any image. "If I had known, I would have gone to District 10 with you to open up wasteland, but I would have missed the opportunity to play games with Su Mucheng."

But Qin Mu didn't care and just looked at him with a smile. "What does this mean? You are now the boss of the team. Isn't it more reasonable to play games with him? I think he will not refuse your request. I hope to hear good news from you."

Chen Guo thought about the outrageous skills of her dish again, couldn't help but sigh, and decided to work overtime tonight to train carefully. She must not hold everyone back in actual combat.

But she suddenly remembered the article posted by the marketing account this morning and asked curiously. "I think Su Mucheng's contract is about to expire. Do you think she will consider joining our team?"

Qin Mu had a headache when he mentioned this matter. Fortunately, Ye Qiu calmed him down, "Whether you can sign a contract or not depends on you. I can't help you."

Chen Guo looked at him pitifully. "Help, please help me set up a line."

Qin Mu pretended to be reserved and said calmly. "Well, I can help you call her out for a meal, but the signing fee..."

When the signing fee was mentioned, Chen Guo's eyes darkened.

Such an upright young man has excellent operation skills and even has several awards to his credit.

Isn't this worth starting at seven figures per season?
Not to mention selling Xingxin Internet Cafe, even selling myself is not enough...

After several people on the other side were brought in, Ye Qiu took over and selected a few suitable candidates from the application list to enter the first-level guild.

As the first batch of people to join the guild, they must have a certain level of strength.

The main thing is to raise the threshold a little bit.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be shameful for the few remaining guilds to beat up their own people?

Ye Qiu pinched his eyebrows and looked at the people in front of him. "I have already screened these. If you find anything inappropriate, just tell me directly."

Chen Guo was so grateful that she rushed over and hugged his thigh, why would she say such disappointing words. "You are simply my big hero. Without you, we wouldn't know how long it would take for the screening to end. How should I express my gratitude."

Ye Qiu smiled and poked his head, then walked towards Qin Mu and discussed with him about getting the copy. "Although I promised them not to download dungeons before, that was all before. What's more, now that we have established our own team, even if he wants us to abide by our oath, it shouldn't be at this point."

Qin Mu also nodded thoughtfully. "I think we can pretend not to see it. Otherwise, with so many people waiting to download the copy, we can't slow down everyone's progress just because of one of us."

In fact, the presidents of those guilds have already thought of all this. Since Qin Mu and Ye Qiu founded the guild, they must have made full preparations.

In the past, because they were a personal team, they could be prevented from brushing the guild dungeon records, but now that they have their own guild, there is nothing they can do.

Ye Duohantan felt a little pity about this.

It would be great if he could come to his own guild. With their strength, it would not be easy to get through some troubles together.

But looking at the current momentum, it is probably difficult for my idea to come true.

But it can be considered a good thing not to be on bad terms with them.

The Excellent Era Dynasty was now in a dilemma, and she didn't want to be treated the same as him.

The presidents of the three major guilds were severely punished on the World Channel. They were all praising the Happy Guild founded by Qin Mu and Ye Qiuxin.

Not only were their several guilds ignored, they even lost a lot of people within their guilds.

All of them quit the guild and wanted to give it a try and apply to join the Happy Guild.

Several presidents discussed it, but no solution was found.

With their current momentum of getting stronger and stronger, even if they try hard, they may not be able to keep those people.

What's more, they originally wanted to go to Team Xingxin, and if they deliberately left people behind, they might end up with no one to please. After the decision was made, the few people could only stare at the rapid loss of numbers in the guild.

Seeing the familiar members leave, Lan He felt a little helpless.

When Ye Qiu returned from competition for a year, he was still at his peak, and there were even so many people willing to chase him around.

Just looking at this unique treatment in glory, they may not be able to squeeze in even if they break their heads.

Besides, with their scattered numbers now, they may not be able to stop them.

It seems that the number of people in Team Happy is about to be saturated.

If you detain someone at such a critical moment, wouldn't that just add fuel to the fire?

Instead of doing this, it is better to do nothing and let nature take its course.

As expected, it was exactly as they imagined.

Team Happy has just released a few spots, and the application list on the other side has been filled up.

Chen Guo, who was somewhat flattered, still cooperated with the actions of others and screened out a few specific people.

He had some surprises about this. I didn't expect them to be so enthusiastic.

As for Lanxi Pavilion, after discussing with the presidents of the other two major guilds, Mr. Chunyi also felt that he should be aware of each other's movements, so he found Blue River.

"Create some wild accounts, sneak into Xingxin Guild, and find out what they are going to do next."

"By the way, help me find out that so many people have entered the Orangutan Guild, and whether there are any significant losses of members in other guilds. After collecting these two pieces of information, come back and report to me immediately."

"You must be careful not to be discovered by those guys."

When Lan He heard his plan, he sighed helplessly.

I thought that after the last encirclement and suppression operation was over, I would never have to see him again in this life.

I didn't expect that when I turned around, we would meet again. This was really unfortunate.

If you think about it from another angle, people may not want to see you either.

In desperation, I could only follow what he said and find a few accounts.

But I just logged into one of them casually and passed the application as soon as I submitted it.

This speed surprised Blue River.

He was stunned as soon as he entered the guild. This guild, which could accommodate many people, was not as chaotic as he imagined.

On the contrary, things were organized in an orderly manner, without any quarrel or noise.

Ordinary members are doing their own guild tasks, helping to collect materials and increase contribution points.

But it seems that they are about to download the dungeon now, which happens to be the challenge of the Guardian Demon God after the guild reaches level five.

After passing this challenge, you can gain the power of guardianship and many free attribute points. The highest level is level 20. (End of chapter)

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