Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 285 3 people ambush several people

After hearing his decisive answer, Tian Nanxing believed him even though he was still a little hesitant in his heart.

Under Jiang You's urging, everyone was still ready to move forward.

But Tian Lanxing on the side always felt that his forehead couldn't stop beating, and he always felt that nothing good was going on.

But after observing for a long time, except for the few monsters in front of Qiancheng, there is no living thing around.

Lin Linzongzong probably doesn't seem threatening at all.

Jiang You was even more happy and directly ordered everyone to move forward. "Everybody attack!"

Everyone marched forward in force, but Qian Cheng on the side seemed to have eyes behind his back. He noticed their movements and quickly jumped into the lake, leaving everyone with a disappearing figure.

Tian Nanxing just wanted to stop them from jumping into the lake.

But he never expected that Jiang You's orders were much faster than his, and he directly ordered everyone to pursue them into the lake.

Tian Nanxing said with regret. "What if something goes wrong here? They are not as powerful as the men you trained before."

Jiang You spread his hands indifferently, looking like he didn't really care. "They have been planning for so long, and they must have some strength to participate in this operation. I still believe in them."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the lake in front of him suddenly set off a wave.

This wave slowly rippled and made everyone's hearts rise to the top.

The group of people who had just entered clearly went in vertically, but came out horizontally, and they all lay peacefully on the ground.

Na Yin wiped his eyes in disbelief and lowered his head to look here. "This is how the same thing?"

Tian Nanxing on the side had already thought of all this and was not surprised at all. "There must be someone waiting for them below. Do you think they will let Qian Cheng fight monsters here alone?"

Jiang You suddenly remembered what Lan He had reminded them before, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. "Oops, what Lan He said is true, right?"

Tian Nanxing also meditated, recalling Blue River's reminder to them. "This kid must know something, otherwise he would never say those words."

As more corpses were thrown to the ground like fish, a lot of people floating up quickly gathered on the lake. Some players thought they were here to gather, but when they went up to see them, they found that they had already lost their breath. .

They came back in a hurry and reported to Jiang You and Tian Nanxing. The two pondered for a while and felt a little headache about the current situation.

Finally, Tiannanxing is considerate of the people's sentiments. "Otherwise, let's retreat first. The longer we stay here, the less likely there will be any big fluctuations."

But Jiang You on the side was reluctant. "We have been here for so long. If we stay here for a while, we can find their traces and catch them all. Even if we can't knock them out of the glory game, we can at least kill them with the energy to kill them."

In desperation, they had to send those soldiers to move forward.

But he never expected that Qin Mu and Ye Qiu would emerge from inside.

Qin Mu on the side quickly stepped forward at this moment and appeared in front of everyone with the waves.

A player standing at the front suddenly shouted. "Oops, it's Jun Moxie! Run!"

Jiang You was a little surprised when he saw this scene. "How is this possible? They actually stayed underwater for such a long time. I remember we were lying in wait nearby for less than half an hour, not much less."

Tiannanxing said thoughtfully. "I do remember a less common operation. Following the frequency of wave fluctuations, you slowly get close to the water surface to breathe and exchange, so that you can get the oxygen you need underwater." Jiang You was dumbfounded after hearing this. "But we didn't see any ripples on the water at all."

Tian Nanxing said with a gloomy expression. "Of course, because they don't need to come out of the water at all, they just need to be close so that no flaws will be exposed."

Jiang You suddenly realized something. "If you say that, I'll have an impression, but shouldn't that be an operation that only professional players can do? The three of them..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered the identities of the three of them. Aren't these professional players? The last time several major trade unions tried to encircle and suppress several of them at the same time, they failed, let alone in a place like this that is easy to defend and difficult to attack underwater.

The screams all around came again.

"Oh my god, it's actually Jun Mo Xiao and Jun Mo Xie. They definitely won't be able to escape today."

"Come and save me. Why are you chasing me alone?"

"You do know how to talk. Aren't we also being beaten?"

Before the victim could finish speaking, a blue quantum cannon, accompanied by two lasers, hit directly above them.

This time, everyone was temporarily at a loss where they were, not daring to rush out at all.

Behind her, Su Mucheng emerged from the water with a cannon. "I really didn't expect you to have such courage. If you dare to do something or not, you are already at the door. Do you want to leave before the fight is over?"

Seeing that Mu Yuchengfeng was the only one, everyone made some considerations in their hearts and prepared to move forward at this moment.

But before they could move forward, two more great gods appeared behind them.

Qin Mu raised his eyes and looked down, and happened to see the steps they wanted to move forward. He looked at them with a smile on his face. "Why are you still fighting at this time? Do you want to float on the water like them?"

Everyone shook their heads quickly, with expressions of awe on their faces.

Discussions naturally arose one after another.

"I really didn't expect it. I thought it was a water monster, but it turned out to be Lord Grim's Gatling Gun. I think this guy is getting more and more powerful. With just the few moves he just made, how could he be able to practice like this in less than ten years or eight years?" It’s so amazing.”

"Who says it isn't? It would be great if I could get his true biography."

"Stop dreaming. After all, we are still part of the guild. Shouldn't we hunt them down and do our best for the guild?"

The people who were brought back from their thoughts by these words immediately looked at them with weapons in hand.

But everyone has their own calculations in mind. Now that the three great gods are pressing down on the situation, the best way is not to resist here, but to escape quickly.

As expected, everyone here has this idea.

Qin Mu saw their retreating steps and immediately turned to Ye Qiu. "Today they dare to come to our place to fight and kill, and tomorrow they dare to tear down our guild. Lao Ye can't show mercy to such people."

Seeing his pampered and arrogant look, Ye Qiu sighed helplessly. "Then leave them alone."

Su Mucheng rushed forward as if she heard some instructions from the side. (End of chapter)

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