Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 289 Tang Rou’s strength increases

"Wasn't it just now that you were here making a big show of saying you were going to get rid of us all at once? Now the situation has changed, and none of them have spoken. Is it possible that they are afraid of our strength?"

"Or is it that your president told you some secret?"

Yicun Hui next to him saw his ferocious aura, and he was a little stunned on the spot, not knowing what to do.

Then he tentatively turned his head to look at Baozi aside and asked him for confirmation.

But the other party just shook his head wildly and didn't dare to say any comments at all.

Just kidding, if he heard it, wouldn't he be dragged out and beheaded in public this time?

Tang Rou on the other side was still staring at them intently, seeming to be thinking about what to do next.

The person in the lead thought of something and spoke tremblingly. "We are just following the president's orders. It's useless for you to settle accounts with us now. Why don't you let us leave? Then we can find someone to help you solve these troubles."

But Tang Rou's eyes were full of consideration and consideration, and she didn't believe his sweet words. "During the last guild encirclement and suppression operation, you also used such words to prevaricate us. It seems that you really didn't learn a lesson, but we don't mind helping you this time."

Ye Qiu on the other side didn't know if he was very idle or what.

After not hearing anything from them, they actually came here and shouted loudly to cheer them on. Those who didn't know it thought something big had happened.

"What are you doing? Why don't you fight? I'm still waiting for you to assign two people to come over. There is really a lot of leisure here. Can you..."

As soon as Ye Qiu's voice reached their ears, An Inch Gray couldn't help but laugh out loud. The legendary great god indeed had a very good temper, and he didn't have those so-called empty airs at all.

The last time he came to her side to help guide her, it was also from that time that her view of him had changed greatly, and he was completely different from the person in her impression.

Ye Qiu is not only superior in strength, but also able to plan the overall situation, which he has never seen before.

When Baozi saw that the shoulders of the person next to him were shaking, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes and had a bad idea. He slapped Inch Hui's back fiercely. "What are you laughing at? Why don't you tell us too?"

Sensing everyone's gaze, even Ye Qiu's eyes drifted over, which made him sigh inwardly, something was wrong.

Then he immediately smiled and did not continue to make trouble on this matter. "What are you talking about? Of course it's because we're going to win a big victory and I'm happy for everyone."

Baozi couldn't hold back his laughter as he watched Yincheng Hui talking nonsense with his eyes closed.

Only then did Yicun Hui realize his intention and raised his arm to poke his waist. "Okay, I treat you as a brother, and you just play tricks on me like this."

Ye Qiu couldn't clearly see the situation on the field from a distance, but he vaguely noticed that they had stopped. He thought there was some trouble and immediately shouted cheers from the side. "Why are you hesitating? Just go up and knock them all down. They are not as good as you with just these two brushes."

Then Tang Rou thought about it and felt that what he said was not unreasonable, so she stepped forward and chased after him.

Just when he was about to take over the situation in front of him, a figure suddenly appeared next to him, forcing him to separate himself from the battlefield. He noticed that this action also made him realize that the situation was not good.

He quickly stopped the momentum in his hands, then turned to look to his side, ready to test his movements.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually followed him like a shadow, as if fighting him was completely effortless.

This gap also made him realize that something was wrong with the situation, and he immediately turned to look at the people behind him. I originally planned to ask them for help, but as soon as I turned my head, I saw the colorful expressions on their faces.

But no matter what their expressions were, it was not difficult to see that these people were just watching the fun.

It seems that the lesson he taught them last time was not enough, but he still had time to watch the fun.

Sensing her anger that was about to come out, everyone hurriedly ran back to their respective posts.

Tang Rou continued to fight with the person in front of her, although he did have two brushes.

But as time went by, I clearly felt that there was still a gap in strength between the two sides, and there was no need to take him too much into account.

As Tang Rou's staff blocked his movement and the ground. This person was completely trapped here by Tang Rou. Several companions around him noticed this and immediately shouted loudly.

Realizing that they were always looking at her made Tang Rou blush a little with embarrassment.

But the next second, he straightened his expression and turned to look at these people.

Everyone who was frightened by his eyes dared to do anything else and hid aside pretending that nothing happened.

Especially Baozi who couldn't help but sigh with emotion. "Sister Rourou's current temperament is more and more similar to those guys. I feel like she will become a master of extinction in a few years. I really don't know how these guys bring people out, so beautiful. Sister Rourou has become like this, I must be the first to disagree. "

Yicunhui next to him heard him complaining to himself, and was about to express his opinions when he suddenly felt a cold wind blowing on the back of his neck.

It was okay if he didn't raise his head, but when he raised his head, he was shocked.

The person beside him was none other than Tang Rou, the protagonist at the center of their conversation.

Sensing his expression, Tang Rou just smiled politely at him.

But Yicun Hui's whole body felt like someone had been hit with a dragon's tooth, causing a stiffening effect.

Baozi on the side thought he had a seizure and didn't forget to laugh at him. "What's wrong with you? These guys are not battle mages. Why do you feel like you were hit?"

One Inch Gray's smile was really uglier than crying, just looking straight at Baozi.

The other party didn't understand this yet, so he raised his hand and knocked the person in front of him unconscious with a brick. "Did you see it? This is the real strength!"

Tang Rou's voice sounded slowly. "So, you think I'm not qualified?"

Baozi immediately shrank into a small ball and worshiped in front of him. "Sister Rourou, what are you talking about? Aren't I afraid that those old guys will lead you astray? I'm just a little worried about you. My words must be wrong."

Seeing his dog-legged appearance, Yinchenghui twitched the corner of his mouth.

You shouldn't worry about him. Seeing as how he is doing well in this team. (End of chapter)

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