But the president of Yanyulou felt that this was a bit unfair. "Our people are deliberately far away, and they are only connecting on the periphery of Qianbo Lake. We can't go to low-level or high-level places, right?"

"And those guys were so unreasonable. It seems that the guy who called Baozi Invasion saw us and asked a large group of people to come with weapons to beat us."

"I think if we continue to let things go, Qianbo Lake will soon become their stronghold, and no one will be able to go there."

These words suddenly reached Jiang You's heart, and he immediately sent a message to express his agreement. "How about we go out for another round of encirclement and suppression! We are all an elite team, so calling in more people won't be a problem!"

But no one dared to pick up his words even after they fell to the ground.

Not to mention whether they can defeat that group of guys here, but if the entire army is wiped out or suffers heavy losses, it will be a huge loss.

It would be fine if only ordinary people were sent out now, but the remaining ones were all elite members.

If they dropped a level significantly, wouldn't it mean that they were lagging behind other guilds in the same period?

It is also detrimental to the development of the guild, so why bother being so strict on such a small matter.

It doesn't seem to matter if you give in occasionally.

After much thought, no one agreed with Jiang You's proposal.

Let's not talk about the strength of those people. Just with their current low morale, it is difficult to compete with them.

Jiang You was naturally very anxious when he saw them like this. Just when he was about to encourage them, the president of Baihua Valley next to him spoke up. "This time there is indeed a big gap. My suggestion is to resolve the problem peacefully."

Lan He on the side nodded, with a somewhat satisfied look on his face. "Based on the current situation, Jun Mo Xiao and Jun Mo Xie's Xingxin Guild is bound to become a big trend here. Our current personnel concentration is insufficient, so we should try our best to avoid it."

"Furthermore, this guy's true identity is Ye Qiu. Who in the entire Glory game didn't start playing this game because of Ye Qiu?"

"If they know that this guy is Ye Qiu, they will definitely not be willing to stay in our guild. Instead of doing this, it would be better to seek peace."

The president of Yanyulou next to him suddenly looked unhappy. You must know that there are no particularly outstanding players in their guild, they are just scattered people.

If it was true, as Lan Hekou said, that everyone was here because of him, then it would be a loss-making deal for him.

Before he could say anything to refuse the matter, Jiang You on the other side spoke first. Judging from his expression, he seemed not to be satisfied with Lan He's words. "Are you kidding? We are all the presidents of our respective guilds. We will lead everyone to glory. A successful future is definitely not a problem."

"No one would be willing to give up such a big game just because of an insignificant role."

"And the guild's development to this point is absolutely indispensable to the contributions of all the presidents. Can we all bear to let such a piece of fat go?"

After hearing Jiang You's words, the presidents did not rush to make a decision, but discussed countermeasures with each other. Thinking about how to solve this matter.

But Chunyi Lao and Lan He, who already knew his true identity, did not intend to have a head-on collision.

Others don't know this guy's strength, but he knows it. He alone is enough to cause a stir here, and now he is also bringing his members with him.

Qin Mu's strength is not simple, and now Mu Yuchengfeng is also in Xingxin Guild.

From this point of view, it is always right to be cautious. The four professional players are taking turns changing here. Even if a professional player comes to compete with them 1v1, they should think about it.

The president of Yanyulou was the first to stand up and express his opinion. "I still don't agree with your so-called peace. Isn't this tantamount to surrender in disguise? How will the members of the guild view us?"

The President of Baihua Valley also quickly followed. "It's true that we can't just consider our own feelings. We should also take care of other people's affairs more or less."

But they never dreamed that Jiang You, who was stubborn at first, would subtly change his attitude during the discussion.

After they all expressed their thoughts, Jiang You stood up again. "We also discussed this matter just now. It's true that I didn't think it through well. I agree with Blue River's proposal for peace."

Hearing him say this, not only the several guild presidents around him felt incredible, but even Lan He himself didn't realize what he was talking about.

Still, Jiang You didn't receive a reply, so he started to like him like crazy in the group.

Only then did Lan He receive his signal, and then he secretly sent a message to Chunyi Lao in a somewhat unbelievable way. "President, what's wrong with him? Could he have eaten something wrong?"

Chunyi Lao's reply was very calm, and those who didn't know thought that this guy was persuaded by him. "Now that he has agreed to sue for peace, wouldn't it be better? After all, there are not many guild presidents who support you. It is better to have one more of him than one less."

Lan He immediately straightened his expression and understood what Chunyi Lao meant. Suing for peace must still be put on the agenda.

Regardless of whether those guys agree or not, it will not affect the subsequent decisions of Lanxi Pavilion.

Then he went back to the group and asked them one by one. "Aren't you thinking of suing for peace? Once the list is finished, we'll forget about it."

The president of Yanyulou was the first to be unable to stand his pretentious appearance. "Are you the undercover agent sent by Ye Qiu and the others? You have been saying good things for them since just now. If you don't know, you think they are your companions and we are your enemies."

Lan He smiled faintly, not angry. "President, what are you talking about? Everyone here is calm and communicating, and they are not as cunning as you said."

"Furthermore, whether you agree to seek peace or not is your own decision. You have to bear the consequences of these things, and I will also take responsibility for my decision."

"Everyone is just doing it for themselves, so there is no need to say any unpleasant words."

After the words fell, Lan He immediately caught Yedu Hantan who was silent in the group. "Since everyone doesn't know much about Ye Qiu's true strength, why not let Ye Duhantan describe it to everyone."

When Ye Du Hantan's name was called, his expression in front of the screen instantly froze again and again.

He was even cursing Lan Lanhe secretly in his heart. "If this guy doesn't make trouble for me for a whole day, do you feel that today is not a satisfactory day? It's hard to see that it's the president who makes the decision, so I didn't say anything. I really can't hide." (End of Chapter)

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