Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 296 Dealing with people who step through the void

"Ye Qiu said that we can't just let them harass us like this. He wants your guild to send two teams over to clean up these guys."

Lan He looked at him in shock, and his words were a little more impassioned. "It's not like you are already fighting like this. Do you really need us to come over and help? I think it won't be impossible if you persist."

Qin Mu did not reply to him, but was busy with what he was doing.

Those guys really couldn't tell the difference between the big and small kings and would come here to harass them from time to time. It seemed that they were really going to learn a lesson from now on.

I went back and discussed it with Ye Qiu, but the other party didn't refuse. "I didn't expect you to be so thoughtful. I thought the matter of teaching people a lesson had to be postponed. Who knew those guys had really vicious intentions? They would come here to show off their power from time to time. I thought this was their territory.”

The presidents of the remaining guilds are also particularly dissatisfied with this.

"These guys really treat themselves as their own dish. I see that they have left a lot of people here. Do they really want to occupy Qianbo Lake? Do they want to make it their own base? How shameless!"

"Come on, then. I see that your attitude here is very exciting, and your skills should not be much different. Then we will leave all the specific affairs here to you. What do you think?"

"What are you talking about? Could it be that you are greedy for life and afraid of death, so you just try to push me out to suffer. After all, we have been friends for so many years. We will really fly away when disaster strikes."

The people in front of them also thought it was a bit funny when they heard this, because Lan He was the peacemaker here. They didn't avoid him when they created the group, but instead pulled him in together.

But seeing that everyone was not unanimous in their opinions, I also had some speculations in my mind. Maybe it was time for them to take a dose of harsh medicine.

Lan He immediately turned around to find Ye Qiu. "Those guys have already started discussing their next plan behind the scenes. They will probably attack you soon. Rather than being passive, it is better for you to take the initiative and catch them off guard."

Ye Qiu didn't know what he was busy with, so it took a long time before he replied to the message. "Don't worry, with just these two brushes and a hundred more courages, there's nothing we can do."

Hearing these words, the corners of Lan He's mouth twitched and did not reply to him.

This kid is really proud and complacent, and doesn't have the slightest bit of distrust in himself.

But that's okay, those guys have a few tricks up their sleeves, and I understand in my heart relatively well. If they were all as powerful as him, there would be no need to stay here.

Now that the cooperation here has been reached, there is no need for him to stay here.

He was about to quit the game when he received a message from Ye Qiu. "You ask the people in your guild to be careful when they are leveling up here in Qianbo Lake, and if there is nothing wrong, just flash the guild's logo."

This can't help but make Blue River a little confused. "It's okay to show off the guild logo. If you don't know better, you might think we're here to compete..."

After a while, when Lan He was waiting a little and was scratching his head, the other party slowly spoke, but what he said sent a chill down his back. "Of course it's because there are too many people nearby, and we're afraid of inadvertently injuring you, so we asked you to bring a sign just in case."

"Just because the people from the Domineering Ambition Guild didn't identify themselves in time, they were suddenly detected by the people from our guild, and their coordinates were revealed and they were erased."

"You don't want a good team to be intercepted by others before it has been running here for a long time." After hearing these words, the person who was originally admiring the face became even more sluggish at this moment, as if he was right. It's all like not caring at all.

After all, this current situation is something no one wants to see.

Although it will not affect any relevant interests, the vigilance should not be shied away from. If something unexpected happens because of this, wouldn't it be the most losing business?

After hearing his dissuasion, I would not be stupid enough not to take it seriously, but would directly agree. "Don't worry, I will definitely convey it when I get back, and explain it to you and Ye Duhantan."

Ye Qiu became even more satisfied when he heard what he said. It would be great if such a person could run the guild for him. With him here, why should he worry about the operation not running smoothly? Just worry about other people and don't look for things to get better.

It's a pity that it's too late to poach people now, and looking at him like this, he probably won't be very willing to come to his side.

It was a pity that Ye Qiu could only watch him go offline.

Baozi rushed over at this moment, diluting his so-called sadness. "Why are you still standing here and making a fuss over there? Why don't you hurry up and take a look?"

Ye Qiu was confused and had no idea what happened. "Didn't we just send the people from Wuthering Heights away? Why did someone come in just a moment later? Didn't I ask you to guard the door?"

Baozi looked up at him with a bitter look on his face. "There are so many doors in Qianbo Lake. It's impossible for us to divide into several parts to guard this place. Furthermore, there are so many guilds here. It will be difficult for us to stop them if they come through any number of ways. ”

Ye Qiu thought about it, but instead of continuing to embarrass him, he followed him there.

When he arrived at the place, he discovered that people from Baihua Valley and Yanyu Tower were here. He immediately sent a message to Qin Mu and asked people to come together.

Qin Mu had a good idea and asked the two of them to stay here first, while he went back and called Tang Rou over.

Tang Rou, who was hurriedly pulled online, was still a little confused and at a loss. "What's going on? Isn't the guild pretty good now? Why do you need me to step in? Isn't it because you did something that everyone is dissatisfied with?"

Hearing his question, Qin Mu's face became dull. "What kind of image do we two have in your mind? Can you stop adding drama to us every day?"

Tang Rou scratched her head sheepishly and smiled, with a somewhat embarrassed look on her face. "Can you blame me? Last time you overturned it without saying a word. Anyone who sees you two now should be more vigilant. You can't say it was me."

Qin Mu smiled awkwardly when he heard this, and then immediately changed the topic.

What a joke, if this matter is brought up, then the two of them will be blamed. It would be better to take his eyes away as soon as possible.

As expected, he was more interested in things here. (End of chapter)

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