Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 304: Jun Moxie was attacked in a sneak attack and was killed

When everyone comes online, he will still dislike them for being in the way.

I won't get involved and make people unhappy at this time, and the remaining guilds still need to distribute the next tasks.

Before you are sure about the next change in the guild's mission, you must make some preparations.

Those people surrounded Qin Mu and threw all their skills at him as if they were free of charge.

"I don't think they are very powerful. I really don't know if those guys are trash or what. To fight such a weak person, you have to think long and hard about it. I didn't expect that you would solve this matter as soon as you took action. What do you want me to say about him? It’s really better to leave the position of president to you. In comparison, boss, you are much faster.”

"That's right. He doesn't do anything on weekdays. Instead, he just instigates him here. If you want to do something, I should have replaced this person long ago."

"With the way he is now, under his leadership, we may not know how angry we will be. He can't even raise his head in front of the people from the Star Guild. Just based on this alone, he can't do anything now. It’s really embarrassing to be qualified to sit in this position.”

After hearing these words, the face of the team leader became better and better.

For me, their praise and support are what I need most at the moment.

If you want to successfully establish yourself in a guild, you need the right to speak.

The reason why I carried out the mission behind the president's back this time was entirely because I wanted to find such an opportunity to prove my strength.

Otherwise, you will always be looked down upon in the guild.

That kind of invisible pressure hangs over your head, and you really can't feel any joy at all. Instead, there is only silence that adds endless pressure.

But the captain at the head was still complacent and responded casually. "Isn't there someone else in the guild? We shouldn't go too far, so that everyone can't get off the stage. Wouldn't it be bad?"

But the people surrounding him did not have any dissatisfaction. Instead, they continued to follow his words, as if his words were the most correct.

"Why show mercy to them? If he hadn't been hesitant when he led us to take action, we wouldn't have ended up in this situation now without talking to him about the loss. How could he have the nerve to stand up again?" Come out and say something.”

"Captain, just feel free and bold to take over this matter. Besides, if they have other opinions, wouldn't we still be here to support you? People in the guild see that you have done such an important thing, How can I still be tongue-tied?"

"With our support, even if he wants to do something stupid next, he will have to restrain himself a little bit. You can rest assured. Besides, isn't the president worried about morale recently? Our success this time is Make great achievements."

"And according to what we saw today, this Qin Mu is just a primary school student. At this level, we don't have to be afraid of him at all. Just feel free to do what you want to do."

The team leader was so happy to be praised by them that he couldn't think about other things.

None of them realized that someone was approaching from behind.

Until one person planned to see if he could catch other people from the Star Guild nearby, he didn't expect to see Qin Mu appear when he looked up.

Qin Mupi looked at the person in front of him with a smile. "Why aren't you talking? Didn't you just call me a primary school student? It hasn't been long now, why is my expression so ugly?"

The man trembled slightly and was about to speak up to defend himself, but the person next to him heard a noise and came over. The moment he came face to face with the person in front of him, he almost fainted from fright.

But he still managed to stand up quickly and ran back to the squad leader. Seeing a few people in a panic, he looked over curiously.

He just happened to meet Qin Mu's eyes, which felt a little awkward.

The team leader felt his heart pounding. He had already thought about how to end the situation, but the person in front of him had no intention of talking properly. "I saw that you were quite powerful just now, weren't you? You are gesticulating here. Are you planning to get rid of me directly?"

The squad leader looked a little embarrassed. He was about to say something in defense, but was dismissed by the person in front of him. "I can't argue with you about what happened this time. You should leave quickly and don't let me see you for another second."

After hearing this, the team leader dared to delay for a moment and quickly ran away with a few people, but he never dreamed that Qin Mu was just saying a few polite words to him and had no real intention to let him go.

He was detained here again before he even got out of Qianbo Lake. Only when he saw Qin Mu's smiling face did he realize that things were far from as simple as he imagined.

In the next few minutes, they were like a ball that was thrown up and dropped again, without any ability to fight back.

As this team was completely wiped out, not a single person belonging to the 361 Guild nearby ran away.

Several people who were beaming with joy just now could no longer laugh at all.

Each one of them had a mournful look on their face, wishing they could burrow their heads into the ground right now.

But Qin Mu on the side didn't care that much.

If they hadn't appeared today, they wouldn't have been able to give themselves a logical reason to proceed.

Now might be a good opportunity to teach those guys a lesson.

The guild players who were leveling up in Qianbo Lake originally thought that they were having a peaceful day today, each doing their own thing. However, the sudden appearance of Qin Mu disrupted their plans.

"It's not like this guy is a robber. We didn't do anything. Why did he come up and make things difficult for us?"

"Who says it's not the case? Besides, why don't the people from Domineering Ambition and Lanxi Pavilion need to be beaten?"

"Is there something bad going on among the presidents? Otherwise, how could it involve us sitting together?"

"It seems to me that Lan He has always been sensible, and has a good relationship with Lord Grim and Lord Moxie. Could it be true...?"

As soon as these words came out, seeds of suspicion were immediately planted in everyone's hearts, and the members all complained a bit about the presidents of each guild.

But no one said it openly, with some reservations, but it failed to bring any happiness to many presidents.

After everyone followed President Yanyulou to quit the group chat last time, there was very little contact between the presidents. Until today, they were really helpless.

Headed by the President of the Void, each of them passed on information to each other. (End of chapter)

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