Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 307 Excellent Era’s Competition

As soon as it was time for dinner, I couldn't wait and slumped down on the table, unmoved.

Chen Guo, who came down to inspect, happened to see this scene, but was startled. She quickly went up and poked his face to confirm whether he was still alive. "Good guy, you scared me when you lay here."

Qin Mu raised his head and looked at him, his eyes even more confused. "I know you're the best, boss lady. Can you give me something to eat? I've been working hard all afternoon and I'm starving to death. You probably can't bear to watch me leave my body in the wilderness."

Hearing this, Chen Guo was a little bit dumbfounded, but she still happily cooked him a bowl of noodles.

When he smelled the aroma of the food when it was served, he felt like he came to life. He took a big sip with satisfaction. The food entered his stomach, and the fatigue of the whole day was swept away. "This is so happy..."

Tang Rou, who was on the side, came over to do the task, and she felt a little funny when she saw his expression.

While several people were sitting together for dinner, Ye Qiu also used some verbal violence against Qin Mu. The two of them made jokes and made jokes on the side, which obviously made the meal more lively.

But the evening routine will naturally not be cancelled.

Tang Rou looked bitter, obviously not wanting to participate in tonight's training.

But the two great gods on the side ignored his words and asked him to take the number as usual. Seeing Tang Rousheng's loveless expression also made Chen Guo feel a little distressed.

Just when he was about to say a few nice words for him, he didn't expect that the eyes of the two people next to him were locked on him. "Do you think you can escape? You have to come with us to participate in the training. Now you are the president of Xingxin Union."

Qin Mu on the side was still echoing here. "Yes, as the president, you actually took the lead in not participating in this training. What would you think if the people below saw it? You must not let it go like this this time."

Chen Guo, who had no choice but to be put on the shelf, also participated in the training. The moment he sat down, he looked a little dazed.

Are you kidding me? I haven't played this game in years.

I didn’t expect to be dragged into training now. What is this if not a nightmare? He soon learns that the real nightmare doesn't end with this.

The training of these people was simply inhuman behavior. Ordinary training could no longer satisfy his thoughts. Now he actually set his sights on taking them to the dungeon. Soon, this strange combination officially set off for the dungeon. .

After a night of training, Ye Qiu and Qin Mu's faces looked refreshed, but on the other hand, Tang Rou and Chen Guo looked haggard, with no energy left in them.

Qin Mu was still a little incredulous when he saw this scene, staring directly at the two of them. "Don't you still have the energy to go shopping? I don't think you practiced very late last night? Could it be that you set off early this morning?"

Chen Guo rolled her eyes at him, and the expression on her face wasn't very pretty. "You still have the nerve to say that the reason why we are so exhausted is not all because of the training goals you set. Now both of our faces are pale."

Qin Mu's eyes widened when he heard this, and he immediately opened his mouth to clear the relationship. "You can't talk nonsense. Look, Ye Qiu and I have been practicing all night. Nothing happened. I won't take the blame."

Chen Guo didn't have the leisure and grace to argue with him at all. She walked upstairs very tiredly, fell down on the bed, and fell asleep. But not long after he fell asleep, Qin Mu knocked on the door and called him. "Today is the league match day. The teams competing include Blue Rain, Tiny Herb, and your favorite Excellent Era."

Hearing a name that made people feel unhappy, Chen Guo couldn't even be nice and angry when she opened the door. "What are you doing again?! Didn't I just go to bed! If there's anything we can't talk about later!"

Chen Guo just finished speaking and suddenly recalled what he had just said.

Today does seem to be the first day of league game day.

After hearing the news, Chen Guo was stunned for a moment, quickly rushed into the room, washed her face and rushed out again.

As soon as I arrived downstairs, I saw them sitting together and discussing. There were countless people gathered in the Internet cafe.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw his appearance.

"Boss Boss, you are finally here. We are still waiting for you to watch the game together. The players against Excellent Era Dynasty this time do not seem to be particularly strong. I see that there is no scene broadcast for them on the big screen."

"That's right. We all came here because we wanted to watch his game. We happened to sit together and discuss it."

"But to be honest, the team he faced today is really not that good. There is no need to worry about it. It's not a sure win."

Listening to the comments of the people below, the look on his face was not very good.

I remember clearly the little thoughts of the Excellent Era Dynasty last time.

These guys used some sinister methods behind their backs just to frame the two of them. Otherwise, the two of them would have already entered the World Championship, so there would be no need for so many years of wasted youth.

The thought of this made him feel particularly unhappy, so he stepped forward and cut the screen on the Internet cafe's big screen to the other side.

Everyone was shocked when they saw it was a match between Blue Rain and Tiny Herb. Even Ye Qiu, who looked at him curiously, looked over. What is going on today?
Why don't you like Excellent Era Dynasty all of a sudden? In the past, he never missed a single match in Excellent Era Dynasty, so his sudden change of gender is indeed a bit incredible.

The people gathered below were immediately dissatisfied with his behavior. "What do you mean? We didn't come all the way here just to watch this boring game, not to mention that we are all fans of Dynasty Excellent Era. Why do you..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the eagle turning his head, with a very unhappy look on his face, and then looked over their faces one by one. "Do you have any opinions? Why don't you say it? Anyway, I won't change. If you are really so loyal and insist on watching his game, then go home and see me here to join in the fun. What's wrong with me? It’s not just for you to watch TV.”

Hearing these words, Qin Mu behind him was also slightly startled. Why did he feel like he had taken gunpowder today? Sitting here, he started to insult people without saying a word. He had never reacted like this before. He suddenly appeared. This situation is truly incredible.

A few of them reacted quickly and immediately turned to look at him displeased. "If you don't let it go, let it go. Why are you talking so rudely? Don't you want to do business anymore? Everyone has been regular customers for so long, why can't you speak in a nice voice?" (End of Chapter)

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