Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 309 Su Mucheng’s individual competition ends

Immediately, in order to maintain their superficial appearance, a few people actually took down the computer mouse and other items next to them, and even smashed them on the stage.

Fearing that the two girls would be affected, Qin Mu stepped forward to block Chen Guo behind him, while Ye Qiu on the side was responsible for protecting Tang Rou.

Even if he unplugged it, he still threw things online. The war immediately spread to other customers in the Internet cafe.

The voices of dissatisfaction slowly came from the crowd. Chen Guogang poked his head out from behind Qin Mu and wanted to apologize to them, but unexpectedly a mouse quickly flew towards his head.

He was so frightened that he stood there at a loss, not even daring to take a step, but little did he know that it was his actions that made the people around him feel a little funny.

Qin Mu quickly turned sideways to block the blow for him, then raised his head and looked at him angrily. "Aren't you usually very capable? Why are you still silent in front of so many people? Wait a minute, you will be the one they bully. You see you have no temper at all. You are not someone they can manipulate."

Before he could hear his reply, Qin Mu beside him screamed and lay straight on the ground.

Seeing this, Chen Guo and Tang Rou were extremely nervous, and even those who had committed the crime below were stunned in place, not daring to take a step forward.

This frightened Chen Guo, and she rushed forward with tears in her eyes. At the same time, those who were making trouble in the audience were also frightened.

Then they looked at each other and fled from here quickly.

Ye Qiu chased after them a few times and cursed them angrily, but no one dared to stop at all.

After returning, Ye Qiu's expression did not change at all, and he noticed the reactions of the people around him.

Chen Guo wiped the tears from her eyes and was quite dissatisfied with him. "Why are you still looking half-dead? Didn't you see that he was injured? If something goes wrong with him later, you won't be able to feel better!"

Tang Rou on the side was also very nervous. She looked over and was about to say something, but the person on the ground suddenly sat up.

When Ye Qiu on the other side saw his appearance, he seemed to take it for granted. He had already expected it, so he turned around and went back to what he had just done.

This shocked Chen Guo and Tang Rou beside them, and they even forgot to wipe the tears from their eyes. "Could it be that I saw it wrong? Could it be that he suddenly pretended to be dead?"

Hearing this, Qin Mu originally wanted to be nice and appease them, but Qin Mu was suddenly laughed out of anger and couldn't say a word. "Okay, okay, I originally wanted to appease you two, but I didn't expect that you are looking forward to me like this. What good will it do to you if something happens to me!"

Several customers watching the excitement on the sidelines left separately after realizing that it was nothing serious, and did not care about the situation here.

Anyway, according to the proprietress's previous temperament, those guys who smashed up the Internet cafe and injured Qin Mu must not even think about leaving.

Thanks to Qin Mu's concentration on improving his wisdom this time, otherwise he really wouldn't know which side he should help in a fight.

Ye Qiu on the side was sitting on a stool with his legs crossed and turned to look at the two nervous people. "Didn't I tell you that he's fine? Besides, this guy is rough-skinned and thick-bodied but has a long life. What do you have to worry about?" Qin Mu looked at Ye Qiu dissatisfied. "You speak softly, but your sarcastic words get worse and worse. Why didn't you come out of nowhere to help everyone in the critical situation just now?"

Ye Qiu was quite happy on the side, holding his hands and not saying anything.

But Nayin on the side was obviously a little displeased. She raised her hand and slapped him hard on the back. The look on his face was not very good-looking. "You have the nerve to talk about him. You just shocked the two of us. What if something really happened to you? How can we explain to your family? You are doing reckless things all day long. If it’s more than one, all your salary for this month will be deducted!”

Hearing this, he screamed instantly, and the look on his face became a bit more pleading. "Why are you so willing to be so mean, boss lady? If I hadn't blocked the blow for you just now, I wouldn't have been beaten."

Chen Guo seemed to have heard it in her heart. She pondered for a moment and then said seriously. "Okay then, half of your salary will be deducted."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Mu was like a statue petrified in the wind, unable to speak a word for an instant. Isn’t this embarrassing yourself?
Ye Qiu seemed to have seen something interesting and couldn't help but laugh out loud. When he realized that someone was watching the fun, Qin Mu's eyes instantly glanced to the side, staring directly at him, sighing inwardly that something was wrong.

Ye Qiu couldn't avoid his eyes, so he could only shrug helplessly and act as a peacemaker to mediate the situation in the Internet cafe. "Now that everything has happened, don't think about it so much. Doesn't he still have his arms and legs now? We won't tell until when they are gone. We will hire a person to help him fight back. We won't give him any salary or anything else. Okay, but I will definitely have to pay the agency fee.”

After hearing these words, Qin Mu couldn't help but complain about profiteers.

With this guy sitting here, even if a god comes, he won't be able to take a penny out of his pocket.

He really guarded his private money like a treasure and would never allow anyone to show up and snatch it all away.

With the two people singing along, the atmosphere in the Internet cafe became much more lively, not as gloomy as before.

Qin Mu and Ye Qiu asked them to sit down and watch the game.

At the same time, Qin Mu did not forget to shoulder the responsibility of commentating and help them understand the game as soon as possible. Such behavior made Tang Rou feel a little emotional. "To say that he is the most considerate person, others have commentary when watching the game, and we have a professional directly following us. This is not on the same level."

Chen Guo on the side also covered her mouth and kept laughing, and couldn't stop holding the melon seeds in her hand.

Seeing him like this made the people around him a little helpless. What kind of beautiful thing could make her look like this? Wasn't it just an explanation?
Those who didn't know better thought that a few people abused him and were reluctant to part with this little thing.

When Chen Guo saw several people gathered around the screen to watch Lan Yu fight against Tiny Herb, she felt a little worried, and her eyes couldn't help but drift to the back.

It just so happened that that person was watching the Excellent Era Dynasty game.

He noticed the eyes of the people next to him, and there was a hint of curiosity on his face.

He wanted to ask but had to think carefully. He couldn't speak too obviously, so he simply turned sideways to give up his position. (End of chapter)

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