People who originally had some opinions on this suddenly didn't dare to speak and stood quietly beside him.

This really made me a little unbelievable. I still remember the first time I saw Ye Xiu here, I thought he was arrogant and extraordinary, not like an ordinary person at all.

As far as they know now, Ye Xiu is still as bad-tempered as ever and as stubborn as a donkey.

But now that I see what happened to him, I have no choice but to sympathize.

Chen Guo's tactics were very clear to him.

If they can't satisfy him, then both of them will pack up and leave. They are dead Taoist friends but not poor Taoists. Now they can only pray for him to forgive themselves.

The other party's calmness was indeed beyond his expectation. He didn't hear him making any noise in the next period of time, which made him feel relieved.

But the next second he suddenly saw Ye Xiu standing up and looking at Chu Yunxiu, which alarmed him. He thought he was going to do something, but the other party just stepped forward to ask. "Want to smoke?"

Unexpectedly, Chu Yunxiu took it from his hand with a smile, her face was as usual, and she didn't forget to take a lighter from his pocket.

Chen Guo was shocked in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. After all, she was the little sister she had just met. It was rare that our relationship was so good, and she didn't want to interfere with it because of such a trivial matter.

But there was nothing unnatural on Chu Yunxiu's face, as if the person she just saw was not her. She noticed the other party's actions and gained some understanding.

It seems that he doesn't worry about these side issues at all, and for himself, there is no need to worry about the unnecessary ones.

From this point of view, my understanding is somewhat different from my imagination. Putting aside the subsequent troubles, the situation in front of me must still be solved.

Chu Yunxiu suddenly saw the cold face of Chen Guo next to her. The look was so threatening that she was startled. Before she could say anything else, Su Mucheng reached out and grabbed her hand. Arm, turned his head and gestured.

No matter what, Chen Guo must have known it in her heart. They often lived here together, so they would not worry about this small problem. As expected, Chen Guo stood up suddenly, scaring Ye Xiu and the others at first.

But after a while, the expressions on their faces returned to calm. "What's going on? What's the matter?"

Chen Guo waved her hand with a cold face and chased the two people to the smoking area next to them. "We girls are still talking here. Look at what you look like. If you want to smoke, go out and smoke. Don't be an eyesore here!"

Ye Xiu touched his nose and naturally knew what was going on. He smiled and said nothing more.

Qin Mu didn't dare to breathe, for fear that the fire would burn him.

Seeing the two of them walking with difficulty made me feel a little funny. Could it be that everyone here is so interesting?

It's a bit incredible to think about it. It would be great if I could become friends with them.

But he never dreamed that all this would happen quickly and naturally.

After Chen Guo sent them out, she turned around and looked at Chu Yunxiu with a smile. "You can be at ease here. You don't have to worry about them. They were never allowed to smoke indoors." Chu Yunxiu was immediately flattered and turned to look at the person in front of her. "That's not good. I should go to the smoking area with them, otherwise it would be a hassle for you."

But the person in front of him smiled extremely happily, as if he didn't care at all.

Seeing his appearance, I also understood what he meant. Unexpectedly, I followed Su Mucheng out and unexpectedly made a good friend.

This really made me feel a little flattered. It didn't matter if I was thinking about it before, but now everything happened so logically.

Then I had no choice but to accept it all with a smile.

Enjoying the environment here, the look on his face was somewhat indifferent, as if he didn't care about the outside world.

But Su Mucheng chatting with him was sporadic and could say a few words about everything. This also made the people beside him a little curious. They stretched their necks to see that he seemed to also want to know the topic they discussed. The two of them didn't hide it from him.

After hearing the origins of the two of them, Chu Yunxiu was a little curious and turned to look at the people beside her. "Then the two of them want to continue to delay their talents like this? I think if they participate in the competition, there seem to be few of these professional players who can be their opponents. Why not do this?"

Chen Guo hesitated for a moment and did not tell them her initial thoughts. She did not dare to act rashly before the matter was decided.

But the next second, Chu Yunxiu's words floated over again, and they sounded far less relaxed than he imagined.

Maybe I really want to put the creation of a team on my agenda and think about it carefully.

Chu Yunxiu pointed her finger at her head and tilted her head to look at him curiously, a little more tentative. "I think that with his talent he can definitely make a name for himself here, but I don't know if I'm lucky enough to be able to invite him to our team. The Misty Rain team has developed quite well in recent years. If I want to Give him a platform, and that will definitely be fine.”

Hearing this, Chen Guo's face became a bit troubled, and it was just about that little thing.

After all, I have already thought about how to drag them into this competition. It is about to enter the registration stage. No matter what, I can't make a mistake here.

Su Mucheng also saw some clues from Chen Guo's face. When she said this to her before, Chen Guo would only laugh and tease him.

But this time everything was different, and when I thought about all the previous events, I felt a lot relieved. Now that he knows that all this has to be solved, he feels more at ease.

Anyway, it's just a matter of changing to a new team. I don't reject this at all. If I follow them, I will be happy to do so.

With Chen Guo and Ye Xiu here, he didn't have to worry about anything happening.

To say that there is no one else who is the most reliable here, there seems to be no one else except him. However, adventurous things cannot be done. I am still waiting for the next solution.

But Chen Guo came up with an excuse out of nowhere, and a car suddenly looked up at him. The moment she received the hawk's eyes, Chu Yunxiu froze on the spot and felt a little at a loss.

But Chen Guo didn't intend to keep it a secret. Everyone had to know about these things. How could they keep it secret forever if they could keep it secret for a while? (End of this chapter)

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