Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 333: Five people watch fireworks together on New Year's Eve

Chen Guo, who was being supported, still had a bit of dissatisfaction on her face. She turned her head and pushed him hard. "Didn't you see I was dancing with the girls? You are too ignorant. When I go back, I will tell your boss to investigate you thoroughly!"

It seems that the idea now is to regard himself as a waiter. Qin Mu sighed helplessly and turned his head to wink at Ye Xiu.

He signaled frantically for him to quickly and forcibly take all these crazy guys away. If they continued to make trouble, it was not difficult to imagine that the restaurant owner would appear with a serious face and drive them all out.

This is not what I want to see.

I finally got out to have a meal, so I can't look so miserable.

The two of them half coaxed and half pulled them out of the door.

But when they stood on the street, several people refused to leave no matter what, especially Chen Guo, who held Chu Yunxiu and Su Mucheng tightly. "You just said we were four good sisters today, why did you leave me alone before nightfall?"

Chu Yunxiu was the first to sober up, and when she saw the rogue in front of her, she smiled helplessly. "How could that be? Aren't we still here?"

Su Mucheng was also awakened by the cold wind after five minutes, and she found the current situation somewhat amusing. "Then let's walk back with Guoguo, just in time to sober her up."

When Chen Guo heard that he wanted to accompany her, she didn't care what the second half of the sentence said and just followed him happily.

Three girls were talking and laughing in the front, and two boys were following behind with their hands in their pockets.

The combination of beautiful girls and handsome boys attracted a lot of attention along the way.

But the five of them didn't feel like they were conspicuous at all and continued to chat and laugh.

After returning to the Internet cafe, several people were still very happy. Chen Guo was still here in high spirits and insisted on dancing for the two of them.

Although there are not many people coming to the Internet cafe at night, there are always one or two.

If he hears what he said tomorrow, he might blame me again for not helping to take a closer look.

Now I am really trying to survive in a tight spot, neither here nor there.

After much thought, I finally found a way to escape.

Qin Mu patted his shoulder and motioned him to turn his head and look to the side, which attracted his attention. "See? This is the Excellent Era Dynasty you were concerned about before. They will have a match in two days. As the founder of the team, shouldn't you be most concerned about their next battle plan so that we can use it at this time next year?"

Chen Guo straightened his face and sat down on the bench, fully trusting and approving his words. "You're right, we can't let those guys get away with it. If they dare to drive you out, they will have to pay the corresponding price. I don't believe that I can be so lucky every time and avoid this disaster."

Then he actually sat here seriously and started flipping through the video in front of him.

It was not until Qin Mu went over to pat him that he realized that he had already fallen asleep upside down with his head tilted.

Why are you still looking at the so-called materials here?

Seeing this made him feel a little amused. He thought he had found a reliable person, but now it seems that he is the only reliable person left. Several people slept soundly, and when they woke up, they suddenly felt a headache. The first one to feel the headache was naturally Su Mucheng next to him. He supported his head and stood up from the seat, looking like he had a severe headache.

Noticing his expression, the person next to him immediately brought a glass of water over. "I told you not to drink so much, but you are all like donkeys that can't be pulled back. It's hard to persuade you. I should let you drink a little more and teach you a lesson."

Chen Guo wanted to say something else, but when he heard the other party describe him as a donkey, his face suddenly became fierce, not to mention that he looked a bit scary. "Who are you calling a donkey?"

However, neither of the two people in front of him paid attention to his expression. "I'm talking about you. You just want to cause trouble for us all day long. Can't I say a few words to you?"

While the three of them were staring at each other, the two people next to them also sobered up.

Seeing the tragic scene and the mess in front of them made them realize that something was wrong and their smiles became a little awkward.

Su Mucheng smiled and looked at the people beside her, with an embarrassed look on her face. "I really caused you a lot of trouble this time. I didn't expect you to be so unreliable after drinking. You can do anything. I really trouble you."

Chu Yunxiu's expression naturally became gloomy. "Yes, yes, I didn't expect that I would be so different from usual when I was so happy."

But Qin Mu was not in a hurry to leave. When he opened his pocket, he found several bottles of wine inside. "I didn't say you can't drink, but there were so many people outside, we couldn't stop you."

Ye Xiu also took up the conversation. "I brought all the wine back for you. Drink it in the Internet cafe. These are places you are familiar with. You can drink as much as you like. You should always be careful when you are outside. What if you are recognized?"

Hearing this, the two people beside him were moved. They really didn't expect that the two of them were so delicate and at all unlike what Chen Guo said.

Chen Guo, who was in the wrong, naturally did not dare to interrupt at this time and could only nod to show his agreement.

Just at this moment, fireworks exploded in the sky, which saved him. Chen Guo breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head to look outside, and was immediately attracted by the flames in the sky.

He leaned against the window, with a look of yearning on his face. "I didn't expect that we would have fireworks here this year. I thought we could only see them in the city. It's really quite a surprise. What are you two doing standing there? Come over and watch the fireworks."

Everyone leaned against the window, turned their heads and looked outside, their eyes filled with longing and confidence in the future.

Everyone made their own wish in front of the window. Everyone's considerations on these things must be different, and it is naturally impossible for them to have the same judgment.

However, even though they have different considerations, they all believe that they all lead to the same destination.

Even though everything is not simple, there are always some so-called answers.

The road ahead is long, and the road is obstructive and long.

As the New Year's bell rang and the fireworks filled the sky, several people made their wishes.

Seeing that it was getting late, Su Mucheng said she wanted to go back.

Chen Guo, who was standing by, was reluctant to leave and wanted to dissuade him. "It's not easy for you to come here, and there's nothing else to do in the next two days, so can't you stay for two more days?" (End of this chapter)

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