Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 342 Preparing to Go to the Realm of God

Soon, Jia Shi Dynasty lost the game, and was beaten without any chance to fight back, winning with a crushing score.

The audience in the audience also expressed their disappointment, but at the same time, they also cursed at Su Mucheng one after another.

"This guy only cared about the transfer period and whether he could get a good price. I didn't expect him to do such a thing and even abandon his teammates."

"Who says it's not true? Looking at the upcoming transfer window, he probably won't get any good treatment."

"That's not necessarily true. I heard that many people are eyeing him and are ready to take this opportunity to recruit a powerful person to fill the club. I think he is the best candidate from any perspective. I don't know who is so lucky to have this great god under his command."

"Isn't it obvious? Ye Xiu wants to rebuild the team. They had a good relationship before. Now that there is such an opportunity, will Su Mucheng give up?"

After a while, the speculations of the people at the scene were so reasonable and well-founded, as if they were standing there and saw everything happen.

Chen Guo was so angry that his nose was crooked when he heard these guys' unreasonable words.

They are just making wild guesses.

If she could believe anything she heard, then did all those years when Su Mucheng worked hard in the Excellent Era Dynasty mean nothing?

If you think about it carefully, it does seem to be true. That club has always been a pushover, and even a master like Ye Xiu is not immune.

Perhaps his departure would be a better benefit for him.

As the saying goes, there is always a way out. There will definitely be a better future waiting for him. I just don’t know if he will be unable to adapt to his current place.

If the two people beside him heard his thoughts, they would definitely burst into laughter.

They were about to worship Su Mucheng as a god, so what could he not be used to in this club?

However, the people around him seemed a little at a loss, so in order to divert their attention, he decided to go online.

He fought hard in Glory, hoping to gain some so-called peace, but things were not as simple as he imagined.

After logging in, he realized that something was wrong. Looking more closely, he found that the two guys next to him were simply crazy. He remembered that the last time he saw them, they were still at level 48.

I haven't been online for just a few days, but they have both reached level 50.

Not only that, when he opened the rankings and took a look, he saw that there was indeed another person who had reached level 50, but wasn’t that guy Ye Xiu?
These two people are really perverted.

But then I thought about how they hadn’t eaten much and hadn’t slept well these past few days.

It seemed that this result was justified after such efforts, and Chen Guo felt a little distressed when he saw them like this.

The legend about them not working hard is all fake, I can see all their movements clearly.

Although playing a game can gain a lot of fans and even a lot of bonuses, it does not mean that all of them are theirs. The club will deduct a part of the routine, and commercial performances will deduct another part. To put it bluntly, in the end, it is just a fixed salary.

Moreover, commercial performances will exploit their fans and their personal values.

However, what he should consider now is not how to sign them to his own team, but the terrifying training speed of the two people in front of him.

If that's the case, who in the entire guild can be as fast as the two of them? How will the others cope with this? The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt.

Chen Guo hesitated for a moment, but still looked up at the two of them. "You guys are training so hard, so what about the rest of the people? They can tell at a glance that there is a huge gap between them and you."

However, Qin Mu shrugged his shoulders and didn't care about it. "If you can't even overcome this problem after joining our guild, then what else can we say? If you join one or two guilds, then you don't have any strength at all."

Ye Xiu also echoed. "This is just a beginning. After a while, we will count the leveling speeds of those who join the guild. After all, after reaching level 50, everyone will go to the God's Domain to open up new dungeons and improve their strength."

When talking about this, Chen Guo suddenly understood something.

I vaguely remember that the Sanren profession reached level 50.

If he wants to continue to level up, he has to go to the realm of God to participate in training. Does Ye Xiu have to do this now?
He turned his head with a dazed look. "So, you are going to go there before everyone else to participate in this trial?"

Ye Xiu did not speak, but the person next to him smiled and nodded. "Of course, if you are not in a hurry now, you are still looking forward to the time when you can make a move."

Chen Guo looked a little hesitant. "But it seems that there is no one in the team who can join you. Isn't it too reckless to just go there?"

Hearing this, the person on the other side suddenly laughed. "What's there to worry about? I will definitely go with Ye Xiu."

When Chen Guo heard this, his expression became even weirder. "This..."

Ye Xiu was a little confused. Normally, he didn't seem to hesitate here. What happened?

Finally, Chen Guo hesitated for a long time, but still gritted his teeth and told the source of the problem. The two looked at each other, and they never dreamed that this was the reason.

"Have you two forgotten the days when you were surrounded by those guys? Now I know without even looking that they are definitely waiting for you to show up in the God's Domain. After all, you are definitely going there to level up."

"Then the people from those guilds will be able to use the difference in level to suppress you. Wouldn't that mean you will have no way out?"

"Besides, I just arrived there and I'm not familiar with these things. There's no one from the guild to help me. I think you still need to think about this decision."

Qin Mu and Ye Xiu looked at each other, the surprise in their eyes could not be concealed. How could this guy suddenly consider these things so carefully? He had always ignored these things before.

It seemed that their bottleneck attracted Chen Guo's attention. He turned his head and found that the two of them were exchanging glances, as if they were communicating something. He couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied and glared at them. "What are you whispering about?"

Qin Mu was quick to speak and explained the matter directly. "You usually don't think about these things, why are you so meticulous all of a sudden? If you say you have a change of heart, we definitely don't believe it." (End of this chapter)

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