But there were still some curious people hiding inside who took two random screenshots and directly submitted the report information.

The officials were also wondering, did the sun rise from the west today?

Why are so many people reporting it all of a sudden?

After a closer look, I found that there was only information about two people.

One is called Jun Moxiao and the other is called Jun Moxie. I always feel that things are not that simple.

I looked through the information they submitted one by one, but found no clues that the two had cheated.

This is not a script at all, it is clearly relying on strength to defeat other players in the arena.

Are these guys jealous?
The authorities did not take it seriously and turned around to do something else.

But soon, he saw these people's perseverance again, and a bunch of people came out to submit relevant clues, as if they wanted to confirm his current problem.

After dealing with the relevant feedback, no further attention will be paid.

Those players were also very puzzled after receiving the official response.

How is this possible? If only one person reported it, it would be fine, but so many people said he cheated, how could he get away with it?
However, Qin Mu and Ye Xiu did not care too much. Now more and more people came here to challenge them, and they didn’t know what was going on.

But the two of them were also happy and comfortable. Having someone to compete with them would also allow them to see what level a level 70 person is at.

Qin Mu took a look at the amount he was about to reach, so he naturally wanted to pay attention to Ye Xiu. "How much do you have now?"

Ye Xiu gave him a meaningful look, and naturally knew why he suddenly asked this question at this time. As expected, he had no good intentions. "There are only five more people to reach the designated 200."

Qin Mu smiled happily, like a cat that had stolen some fish. "Then I have good news to tell you. I have won this round. I have reached 200 wins."

Ye Xiu was somewhat indignant, but he did not break the contract and pushed the pack of cigarettes on the table to him.

Chen Guo at the side could not help but speak out, exposing Qin Mu's smug look. "You didn't deserve to lose. This guy fought several people above level 50 behind your back, so he was a little faster than you. I didn't expect that he would be the most insidious one."

Ye Xiu turned his head and looked at him, with a hint of contempt in his eyes, but the other party smiled more comfortably.

What a joke, I got all this with my own ability. Even if a god came today, he can't blame me for anything. What else is there to say?

Seeing his arrogant look, Chen Guo's face showed a bit more contempt.

But the person next to him had no conscious awareness that he was the cheating choice here.

However, Ye Xiu didn't care about all this and continued to defeat the challenger in front of him.

Seeing how serious he was, Qin Mu beside him would naturally not take it lightly. At least here he would never admit defeat and he had to let him know his own strength.

Chen Guo found that the two people were getting more and more excited, and even more stressed than the competition just now. "How strange..."

He muttered a few words to himself, but didn't take it to heart and continued watching the competition between the two of them.

However, no one expected that they have now become the center of discussion here.

In the Honor forum, a lot of posts suddenly appeared. There were no signatures on them, but the content was unusually consistent.

"Bandits suddenly appeared in the God's Domain Arena and forced a competition."

"The sharpshooter of the God's Domain Arena." "The individual player of the God's Domain Arena."

All of the players were overwhelmed by the reputation of the arena at once, and they were all curious about what kind of person could have caused such a big stir.

While they were curious, the two of them were killing each other like crazy in the arena.

After feeling the crushing strength, many onlookers felt a little unhappy.

"These two guys must have done this deliberately to influence our true strength. We must not let them succeed so happily."

"This happened before nature, and we haven't settled accounts with them yet."

"He actually concealed his ability and came here to participate in the competition in the arena. Not only did he catch us off guard, but he even ended up at a huge disadvantage."

"The main thing is that they actually got a 100% winning rate, which is impossible for other people. What happened?"

Everyone was hesitant about the truth of all these things. After all, they were not sure what they were like, but everyone had a ten-fold doubt about it.

At least for now, the strength of the two of them is not that simple, and no one wants to waste the opportunity here.

But after everyone in the forum gathered together to discuss the issue, they decided to spread the news.

Afterwards they did not forget to sort out the information and continue to report him to the official side. Naturally, the people in the official side also received this signal and were still a little confused about it.

"Didn't I ask you to tell them that you didn't cheat?"

Hearing the blame from his superiors made him pout, looking very pitiful and helpless.

"Of course I have told them everything, but I don't know why they don't take it seriously at all. There is nothing we can do about it. We have already said everything we should say and persuade them."

Hearing what the people around him said, he frowned and felt a little unhappy, but there was no way they would lie to him.

It seems that these guys are still unwilling to give up and feel that they cannot give a fair response.

The authorities then immediately issued an announcement throughout the district.

"We are conducting a comprehensive investigation of the evidence submitted by everyone recently. Jun Moxiao and Jun Moxie did not use any script tools. The weapons of both players were made by themselves, and their skills remained stable. There were no explosive accidents. If the above situation is reported again, the reporter will be banned for violation."

Everyone was obviously at a loss when they saw this reply, and a few even wiped their eyes.

I was afraid that I was dazzled and saw some unspeakable secrets.

But after looking carefully several times, I didn't see anything wrong.

That proves that this is the case.

Although I don’t know why the official side gave this statement.

But now everything has been made known to the world. No matter how dissatisfied they are, it will not affect them at all until substantial evidence is found.

But the situation in the forum remains the same as always, with many people feeling indignant about this.

"With their limited capabilities, they are actually recognized as not cheating. I really don't know how these guys are checking this data in the background. It's really too careless." (End of this chapter)

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