Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 352: Excellent Dynasty's New Strategy [End]

It was really boring, Chen Guo couldn't sit still any longer, and just when two people said they wanted to smoke, he drove them away. "Don't smoke in my room, or I'll drive you two out."

Looking at his vicious expression, the two naturally would not make him unhappy here, so they simply turned around and left.

Standing at the door, Qin Mu looked at Ye Xiu with some emotion. "I never thought that you would be able to form your own team and return to the battlefield so soon. You should be more excited than me. This has always been your dream."

But Ye Xiu on the other side had a very calm expression, as if he wasn't talking to him. "What's so amazing about this? It's mainly about you. I've always felt that you have a great future and you shouldn't waste it with me in such a small place."

But Qin Mu just smiled calmly and didn't say anything to defend himself.

The reason why I have been accompanying him here is naturally because I have my own considerations. It is useless for him to keep thinking about these things, and the previous situation has been very clear. I will never waste time in such a small place.

No matter what everyone's answers are, I need a chance to prove everything.

Moreover, this is Ye Xiu's stepping stone to return to the battlefield. We must help him successfully obtain the admission ticket to the Realm of God at all costs.

Only in this way will the people in those teams get the news from the union, look up to him again, and repent for what they have done.

But before the two of them could talk for a while, Chen Guo suddenly poked her head out from the door and looked at Qin Mu with an unpleasant expression. "Come here."

After it was over, Qin Mu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It turned out that it was because he had been working so hard for the past two days that he had to answer many of the phone calls for him.

Hearing those people asking to drag her to play in professional competitions, Chen Guo did not dare to refuse. She could only listen to their nonsense patiently and understand the conditions they offered.

This call happened to be from one of the team managers, so Chen Guo simply put the phone back, and seemed to have thought of something before turning around to give a few words of advice. "The conditions offered by this team are quite good. I didn't pay much attention to it before. It was only thanks to you that I realized that the price they offered you was a bit too low."

Qin Mu shook his head and smiled, but he didn't answer the phone in his hand. Instead, he hung up the call.

Chen Guo looked at him in surprise, not understanding what he was doing. "The conditions offered by their team are the best I've received calls in the past few days. Why did you hang up the phone like a madman?"

Qin Mu smiled and looked at him. "But didn't I promise you a long time ago that I would form a team with you guys? Why are you abandoning me before we even start?"

Chen Guo was a little dazed when he heard this, but suddenly panicked. "That's not what I meant. I just said that the conditions he offered are really good. You can consider it."

Qin Mu smiled and shook his head, not caring how favorable the conditions offered by other teams were.

If it was just for the money, he wouldn't have wasted time in this small Internet cafe over the past year. Even if he went there to play games with others, he could earn more than he does now. He naturally had his own considerations in his mind.

Chen Guo watched him looking up at the sky. There seemed to be some inexplicable light in his eyes, and she couldn't help but feel a little confused. "Then why do you play the game? Not for money, not for fame, could it be for the championship?"

Qin Mu did not answer him immediately, but after a long silence, he slowly said, "It's just to fulfill a dream that will never come true again. You don't have to worry. If there is any problem, I will definitely tell you the first time."

Although Chen Guo didn't understand what he was saying, what happened next still made him very angry. Qin Mu wanted to go back and practice his skills again, which was not the worst. He actually handed the phone to her and asked her to deal with those guys who were not easy to talk to.

Chen Guo took on this unpleasant task with a bitter face.

But then he found things even more difficult to overcome.

Although these guys were not as difficult to deal with as the previous ones, they kept asking him for help in introducing them so that they could talk to Qin Mu.

It seemed that in their eyes, Qin Mu was just a commodity, dispensable, and they didn't really care whether he stayed or left.

But the expressions on the faces of the Excellent Era Dynasty were extremely ugly.

The night Chen Yehui saw this post, he submitted his application to the Excellent Era Dynasty's headquarters without hesitation.

After seeing the relevant situation, the people above naturally looked for him to find out the situation as soon as possible.

Several people probably didn't expect things to develop to this point.

In their impression, everything still maintains its basic appearance, and such a big situation will definitely not occur.

However, after seeing the words refreshed on the screen, they realized that they could no longer judge these guys by their previous ideas.

When Sun Xiang saw the words that popped up, he looked at Chen Yehui with a bit of disbelief. "If it wasn't such a big deal, why didn't you say it earlier? Why did you have to wait until the end when it couldn't be solved? Why didn't you just offer to send someone to solve this problem when those elites were still here?"

Chen Yehui on the side also looked at him with a headache. Fortunately, someone on the side stepped in to stop the quarrel. "There are bigger problems to solve now, so don't quarrel with him over such a small matter. Everyone knows how powerful this new union is. If it continues like this, it won't work. You two can figure out how to solve it."

Chen Yehui then raised his head and looked at the person next to him, with some magnanimity in his eyes.

But Sun Xiang didn't care about his thoughts and stood up to report to the management. "He is a retired player and he shouldn't play online games. This is too degrading."

The team manager at the side also frowned, not knowing the current situation.

But Sun Xiang mistakenly thought that their current silence was waiting for an opportunity to bring him back to the dynasty, and his face suddenly became much more sour. "In any case, he is no longer qualified to stay in the team. Please think carefully about this situation, bosses."

Then, while he was not talking any more, the person next to him took the opportunity to speak up and reported the matter. "A few days ago, our union members were attacked by them when they went out to sweep materials."

The manager was stunned for a moment, as if he hadn't expected it. "Then why did you say it now?"

Chen Yehui lowered his head, his face looking a little embarrassed. "I thought these two encirclement and suppression operations organized by the organization could solve this big problem..." (End of this chapter)

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