Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 57 Iron-headed boy Tang Rou! Not convinced, try again!

Chapter 57 Iron-headed boy Tang Rou! Not convinced, try again!
If we only talk about operating speed.

Tang Rou's speed can definitely be ranked among professional players.

Because of this,

So as soon as Tang Rou got started, she was able to win consecutively in the arena.

But Glory is not just a game about hand speed.

There are many operational skills here.

As for Tang Rou, who knew nothing about games and only knew how to play PK, she didn't understand those skills at all. In other words, the reason why Tang Rou was able to win in PK was not because of how powerful she was.

It's just that the hand speed of her opponents in the arena is much worse than hers.

That's why she was able to win consecutively, but if she met someone with similar hand speed, she could easily beat her. What's more, with Qin Mu's hand speed of over 800, it would be a fool's errand to defeat Tang Rou. Same.

Therefore, the duel between the two sides is not fair.

It's like a master who is proficient in the game and a novice who has just entered the industry.

It's just bullying!

"You mean, I don't know how to play this game at all?" Tang Rou was a little dissatisfied after hearing Qin Mu's words.

"That's right! Although your operation speed is very fast, you don't understand the connection of skills at all."

"Just like after you fired off the energy cannon, you only needed to fire a few Gatling guns to restrict my movement. However, you didn't. That's why I found the opportunity."

"Your understanding of this game is really too weak. You don't even understand the most basic skills, let alone Glory's single-challenge skills and different map play styles. With your current level, it's no exaggeration. To be honest, if you want to beat me, you will need at least another two hundred years of training."

Qin Mu said calmly.

Hearing this, before Tang Rou could speak, Chen Guo, who was beside her, took the lead and said, "Qin Mu, that's enough! Don't speak so harshly. Xiaorou is a girl, can't you be more tactful?"

Although Chen Guo knew that what Qin Mu said was indeed right.

Although her skills in the game Honor are not very good.

But fortunately, the theoretical knowledge is rich enough.

In particular, some time ago, I stayed up late to supplement Ye Qiu's forum strategy. Now, I know a lot about various operations and playing methods. I just suffer from reaction speed and operation hand speed, so I can't implement it.

But even so.

Tang Rou is his best friend after all.

Especially this time, she came back because of her failure in the piano competition. The reason why Chen Guo asked Qin Mu to compete with Tang Rou was to help Tang Rou vent some energy so that she could have something to do and not be addicted to it all the time. It failed, but who could have imagined that Qin Mu, a straight man, had no intention of letting go and defeated Tang Rou directly.

He even said something like two hundred years.

Fearing that her best friend would be hit again, Chen Guo quickly stood up and said.

"Oh! Yes, it is indeed a bit much."

Chen Guo finished speaking.

Qin Mu's face showed a look of thought. Hearing this, a happy smile appeared on Chen Guo's face. Fortunately, Qin Mu realized that what he said was a bit excessive. But who would have thought that the next moment, what Qin Mu said made Chen Guo want to strangle him to death. This big straight man.

"It should be said that with your current operating level, let alone two hundred years, even if you are given another five hundred years of opportunity, you will have no chance to beat me. Moreover, I don't think I can live that long, so in this life You are destined to be my defeat." Qin Mu said seriously.

Chen Guo, who had just calmed down, became angry again in an instant: "I mean Qin Mu, can't you comfort her? You have won, why do you have to be so venomous?"

"Okay, boss lady, I know what to say." Looking at Chen Guo who was about to explode with anger, Qin Mu said with a smile: "Of course, what I said is not absolute. The reason why you can't beat me now is It’s not because of hand speed, it’s mainly because of weak awareness and lack of understanding of skills. As long as you practice these well, I believe you should have a better chance of winning against ordinary professional players.”

"That's right! Xiaorou, don't think too much, you're just a martial artist. If you practice more, you will definitely win." Chen Guo also comforted from the side, but looking at it, Tang Rou was still stunned, obviously not yet. After recovering, seeing what had happened, he had no choice but to look at Qin Mu as if asking for help, and at the same time, with an encouraging look, he motioned for him to say more.

After all, who can say anything at a time like this.

It's not as big as Qin Mu's.

He defeated Tang Rou with his own hands, so Tang Rou would believe what he said.

"This...what else can I say?" Qin Mu looked at the landlady's eyes, a little helpless. He really didn't know what to say. However, if he didn't say anything, I'm afraid Chen Guo would have eaten his heart today. Yes. Therefore, Qin Mu had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Actually, in addition to your quick hands, you are also pretty and have a good figure. Moreover, judging from your actions, your family should be quite rich!"

Chen Guo was originally waiting for Qin Mu to praise Tang Rou.

The more I listen to it, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

But I couldn't tell what was wrong.

Indeed, everything he said was complimentary. But didn’t I ask him to cross-game technology? How could you praise your appearance and figure? Don't you think you are beautiful and have a bad figure? Although her family is not as rich as Tang Rou, the business of her Xingxin Internet Cafe is also good!

Thinking of this, Chen Guo even felt a little jealous.

But just then.

Tang Rou, who had been silent all this time, suddenly burst into laughter.


Even though Tang Rou was in a bad mood, she couldn't help laughing when she heard Qin Mu praising her so hard. She immediately laughed out loud. After seeing her best friend smile, Chen Guo immediately felt relieved.

"Xiaorou, are you okay? Qin Mu is like that. He disowns his relatives when he plays games. I'll tell him later!" Chen Guo said quickly.

"I'm fine, Guoguo, don't worry! But I'm not convinced. Let's do it again. I will beat you today." Tang Rou said as she took out another hundred yuan, threw it on the table, and clicked to start again.

"Forget it! I don't want to bully you. If we keep fighting, you won't have a chance to win." Qin Mu shook his head.

If it is a close opponent.

He didn't recommend making some pocket money for fun, but the gap between Tang Rou's level and his was really big, and it was almost like she was cheating on her, so Qin Mu had no intention of continuing the fight.

"If you lose, you lose! I, Tang Rou, am not someone who cannot afford to be fooled. However, I hope you can give me a chance to defeat you." There was a look of persistence on Tang Rou's charming face.

I have to say that this girl is just like the one portrayed in the play, she is a tough girl.

Don't hit the wall and don't look back.

Seeing this, Qin Mu sighed helplessly and said, "Okay, since you want to lose, then I will help you."

(End of this chapter)

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