Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 69: Don’t be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like

Chapter 69: Don’t be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs
"I told you, do you two still want to be shameless? I'm still here, just openly discussing how to deal with our Chinese Thatched Cottage? Forget it, since you are in the first year of junior high school, don't blame me for being in the fifteenth year!"

Plantago naturally overheard the discussion between the two.

So he took a step forward, looked at Qin Mu and Ye Xiu who were fighting fiercely in the distance and said: "Two brothers, it is absolutely impossible for you two to take down the blood gunner Ya Ge. Otherwise, you and Let’s cooperate, and I, Plantago, can guarantee that as long as you two are willing to join our Chinese Herb Hall, we will deal with the Domineering Ambition and Lanxi Pavilion.”

"Bah, Plantago, you actually started poaching me right in front of me? Jun Mo Xiao and Jun Mo Xie were the first to join, but our Lanxi Pavilion was the first one to join." Lan He said angrily next to him.

"Join? I said, Lao Lan, you don't think we are fools, do you? I help you break a record and you are called to join you? If that's the case, then why did they withdraw? If they can't retain the masters, they say they can't retain them. , Besides, they are not from your Lanxi Pavilion at all, so how can they be poached?"

Just talking about irritating people.

Plantago's ability is definitely not weak.

After a few words, Lan He choked and had nothing to say.

After all, there is some truth in what Plantagozi said. Objectively speaking, Qin Mu and Ye Xiu are indeed not from Lanxi Pavilion, so naturally there is no such thing as poaching.

"Plantago, did I hear you correctly? You just said you wanted to stop us? Just your guild and these twenty people, do you want to stop so many of us? Are you dreaming? Brother Jun Moxie , don’t listen to him, it’s more reliable to join our Domineering Ambition. We have the most people here. If you are willing to join, I guarantee that none of them will be able to get through. Moreover, all the output of the BOSS belongs to you, and the guild will never Take it. How about it?”

At this time, Ye Duhantan also opened his mouth to invite.

Although pushing away the blood gunner Ya Ge, the harvest will definitely be huge.

But if compared with Qin Mu and Ye Xiu, it is far behind.

If you sacrifice a wild BOSS, you can get two masters to join the union, which is a huge profit.

"Shameless people, you two are really shameless people." Lan He's eyes widened and he glared angrily at Ye Duhantan and Plantago in front of him, but he had nothing to say.

As both of them said.

Qin Mu and Ye Xiu indeed did not belong to Lanxi Pavilion.

He was just helping to make records, so of course he had no reason to block the invitation from these two people.

"As expected of the two great gods, Jun Mo Xiao and Jun Mo Xie, they even rushed to invite the three major guilds. Hahaha, when will I, Baozi, be able to receive such treatment?"

Baozi Invasion, who was fighting the BOSS, listened to the words of the presidents of the three major guilds.

There was a bit of envy in the eyes looking at Qin Mu and Ye Xiu.

You know, whether it is Lanxi Pavilion, Domineering Ambition, or Zhongcaotang.

This has a pivotal position in the entire glory world.

Moreover, since the launch of the Glory server so many years ago, no player has ever been so favored by the three major guilds. This shows how powerful these two people are!

"I said, what are you doing standing there in a daze? Hurry up and send out the message." Qin Mu looked at Baozi Invasion, who was standing there blankly, and quickly reminded him.

"Great! Look at my big ears."

When Baozi Invasion came to his senses, he immediately slapped the blood gunner in the face with a melon.

Seeing this scene, Qin Mu hurriedly stepped forward, separated him from the BOSS, and said at the same time: "Can you please stop using your skills randomly? The ear scraper is used to attract hatred. Do you still think the BOSS's hatred value is not enough? This time, if you make it go berserk again, I won't be able to save you." "Then how should we fight? You two great masters, I have never fought a BOSS before!" Baozi Invasion said with an innocent look.

have to say.

This guy is really brave.

A newbie who has never fought a BOSS before actually fights the blood gunner when he comes up.

You know, this is a wild BOSS that even the elite members of the union dare not underestimate.

"Listen to my command! Use sand throwing to blind first." Qin Mu said.

"No problem! Just take care of you." Baozi Invasion said, and activated his skill directly. Then, a handful of sand was sprinkled on the back of the blood gunner Yage's head, which had no effect at all.

"What the hell, what kind of weird thing is this? Old Qin, are you sure that with this guy here, can we push away the BOSS? I feel very dangerous!" Ye Xiu looked at the throwing sand and was speechless for a moment.

Originally, he still had absolute confidence in defeating the BOSS.

After all, he and Qin Mu were definitely top-notch experts in their operations.

Just give them enough time.

It's a piece of cake to grind down the blood volume of the blood gunner.

But now that Baozi Invasion is a weird thing, even Ye Xiu, who is known as the God of Fighting, is feeling weak.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, be afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

His operation is really terrible!
"It's okay, just take your time." Qin Mu was also a little speechless, but considering that Baozi Invasion often acted blindly, it's not surprising that he did something like this.

"What's wrong? Master, is there something wrong with my throwing sand? Isn't it already hit?" Baozi Invasion also heard Ye Xiu's words, and immediately asked, with some doubts in his words.

After all, in his opinion, he had clearly hit the BOSS.

So what's the problem?

Doesn’t the skill only need to hit the target?
"Ahem, that bun, the gangster's sand-throwing skill must be facing the eyes. Throwing it elsewhere is useless. Only hitting the eyes will cause blindness, so..." Qin Mu coughed twice. explained.

"So that's it. I was talking about why when I fought the BOSS before, I had already hit the target, but it had no effect. I thought it was because I was not a chief. I didn't expect that this was actually the case. Hahaha, throw it away. Eyes, right? I remember it." Baozi Invasion looked enlightened.

"Just remember. Now you attack with a brick first and hit the BOSS on the back of the head. Then when he turns around in pain, sprinkle a handful of sand. Remember, you must still be accurate." Qin Mu commanded again.

"rest assured."

Baozi Invasion patted his chest and agreed.

Immediately, a brick hit the back of the BOSS's head, followed by another throw of sand, blinding the blood gunner. Taking advantage of this moment, Qin Mu and Ye Xiu also launched attacks, using countless skills to directly tilt towards the blood gunner. As he left, the blood vessels immediately began to decline.

Soon it was less than half!
And by this time,
The three major guilds watching the battle finally could no longer sit back and watch.

(End of this chapter)

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