Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 7 Homemade weapons tear apart the apocalypse! ! !

Chapter 7 Homemade weapons - tearing apart the doomsday! ! !
'Shuh! '

A golden light flashed.

Qin Mu returned to the city again.

Then he walked towards the warehouse manager's position.

Just now, he had extracted the homemade weapon. However, due to the heavy load, Qin Mu directly stored it in the warehouse. After passing through the numerous shops, he finally arrived at the warehouse area.

After passing verification.

Qin Mu was also teleported to his warehouse by the guards.

When I first entered the warehouse, I saw nothing all around. Obviously, the warehouse was still in its initial state. The reason why this warehouse was designed was to facilitate players and store things.

After all, the weight of the backpack is too small.

There are only a few dozen slots, which is fine for decorating weapons and potions on weekdays.

If there are extra items, they can only be placed in the warehouse.

However, the server has just been launched today, so it is too early to mention this. After all, after playing for so long, I have only produced one piece of equipment, and it can only be used by Chen Guo. Therefore, if I want to fill up this warehouse, I don’t know when I will go there. .

Of course, Qin Mu came here for his homemade weapons.

I scanned around subconsciously.

Soon, I saw a flash of silver light near the corner. Obviously, this was the homemade weapon given by the system. I subconsciously walked over and grabbed the weapon in my hand. An information panel appeared in front of me.

[Weapon name: Tear the Doomsday]

[Weight: 3.5kg]

[Attack speed: 6]

[Physical damage: 180~300]

[Additional attribute: life drain, each damage caused by a normal attack can restore 10% of the blood volume. 】

[Grade: Silver Weapon (Can be upgraded)]

[Form: Convertible Shield Form—Titan Arm]

Looking at the properties of the weapon, a smile appeared on Qin Mu's face.

It is indeed a product produced by the system and must be a high-quality product.

Apart from anything else, the attack speed alone can reach six, which is already quite strong. You must know that in the world of glory, the attack speed of ordinary weapons is only two to three at most.

Even the Thousand Chance Umbrella jointly developed by Su Muqiu and Ye Xiu.

The attack speed is only five!
This shows how powerful the homemade weapons provided by the system are.

As for the damage, it is worse than 99% of weapons.

In addition, there is the additional attribute that attacks can restore blood, which is equivalent to carrying a wet nurse at all times. Others can only drink medicine to restore blood, but he can restore blood through normal attacks, whether it is single combat or group attack.

Obviously this additional skill is quite practical.

However, what surprised Qin Mu the most was not these, but the last form. This weapon actually had two forms, although it was not as good as the Thousand Planes Umbrella's thirteen forms.

But it also greatly made up for Qin Mu's shortcomings.

To know,
As a gunnery master, what they fear most is being attacked at close range.

If the enemy is far away, it can be killed by flying a kite, but once it is approached, it is almost impossible to fight back. A gunner with low defense may be killed in an instant.

But now there is an additional shield form!
Once caught in close combat, it will directly transform into a Titan's arm. In critical moments, it can completely save lives, and it can also rely on this skill to slay people. Thinking of this, Qin Mu's lips couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy. It has to be said that the silver weapon given by the system is simply very... Suitable for yourself.

And this homemade weapon can actually continue to improve its quality.

The silver weapon alone is already so terrifying. If it is upgraded, will anyone be able to resist him? Invincible is really so lonely!
Think of this.

Qin Mu even felt lonely at the top of the mountain with no one understanding him.

However, when Qin Mu was showing off, suddenly, there was a beeping sound, and the message box was beating. It was obvious that a new message had come in. He subconsciously clicked on it, and it was actually from Ye Xiu.

"Green Forest, do you want to go and clean it? There are materials I want in there!"

"Brush!" Qin Mu said without hesitation.

Now that I have just obtained a homemade weapon, it is time to test its power.

So naturally we can’t miss this opportunity.

"Okay, I'll pull you into the team, and then you can teleport here according to the location." Ye Xiu directly pulled Qin Mu into the team without any further ink.

Then a message prompts out.

"Welcome to join the Green Forest dungeon team, the current captain is Sleeping in the Moon!"

Qin Mu looked at the team's message prompts.

Almost at a glance, I saw the three characters "Mian Yue Zhongmian". I didn't expect that just after I traveled across time, I would encounter this person who was taken advantage of! You know, in the original drama, this guy Yue Zhongmian is simply called a treasure-delivery boy.

He has no strength and wants to harm newcomers.

As a result, Ye Xiu taught him a lesson in the end.

Thinking of this, Qin Mu couldn't help but laugh.

At this time, Ye Xiu also sent another message: "The boss lady couldn't stand it anymore. She just went to bed. I saw you were making weapons, so I didn't say hello to you. The dungeon has a number of people required, and we can't get in just the two of us, so , I have formed a few people, and the equipment rewards will come out later, and they will all be yours! I only need one material."

"Give it all to me? Brother Ye, this is too generous of you! But there are so many people in the team, why should it all belong to me?" Qin Mu asked knowingly.

"If you take a closer look at their team configuration, there is only one high-level player, Yue Zhongmian. As for the others, they are all newcomers. It is obvious that that guy wants to scheme against others. As the saying goes, the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind, so we will not take the initiative. Go cheat people, but if others want to cheat us, don’t blame us for fighting back.”

When Ye Xiu said this, there was still a cold look on his face.

Although this guy usually looks kind and gentle, he may be able to successfully win the title of Triple Crown with Excellent Era, and even single-handedly create the legend of Excellent Era dynasty. How could Ye Xiu be a Holy Mother?
With his strength, he naturally doesn't bother to trick novice players.

But if someone else plots against him.

That's hard to say, we can only go with the flow.

"That makes sense!" Qin Mu smiled and nodded.

Then the team's position was determined and the teleportation started.

After a few breaths, Qin Mu had arrived at the outskirts of the Green Forest copy.

As soon as I teleported over, I saw a few people surrounding me. The leader was Yue Zhongmian. As for the few next to me, they looked like novice players at a glance. Obviously, these few were tricked.

However, these people have no consciousness of being cheated.

Instead, he still hugged Yue Zhongmian's thigh and said: "The new guy, let me introduce you. This is Yue Zhongmian. He has been playing in the old area for many years. He has also broken through this dungeon many times. We just need to listen to his plan. , we can definitely win the Green Forest smoothly, so after entering, we must act according to the plan, understand?"

"Okay!" Qin Mu didn't even bother to refute and agreed directly.

(End of this chapter)

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