Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 80 Goblin merchant, Lanxi Pavilion also invited?

Chapter 80 Goblin merchant, Lanxi Pavilion also invited?
However, the chat call with Ye Weiyang was just closed.

Immediately afterwards, the message from Blue River was sent again.

"Brother, you have a good harvest today!"

"It's okay. What advice does President Lan have?" Qin Mu replied casually.

"Do you want to play a dungeon together? I have something to talk to you about. Let's chat while we fight? You haven't finished the dungeons today, right?" Blue River invited.

"No need, right? I'll play with my friends later. If you have anything to say, just tell me, President Lan! Of course, if you invite me to join Lanxi Pavilion, don't mention it. I like to be free." Qin Mu said directly , to block the rest of the words, speaking of it, he really admired Lan He's shamelessness.

The president of one of the three major trade unions.

After being rejected in person so many times, he is still able to invite himself to join the meeting every day.

This guy really has perseverance!
Although Qin Mu had long made up his mind that he would never join a guild, his perseverance was somewhat rare. As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. He was always invited warmly, and Qin Mu was not good at making sarcastic remarks.

Except if you want to join Lanxi Pavilion.

Other things can still be discussed.

"Don't worry, Brother Master, I understand what you mean. This is not why I came to you today. Of course, the door of our Lanxi Pavilion will always be open to you and Brother Jun Moxiao. If one day, you want to join the guild , just remember to come to me as soon as possible." Lan He said with a smile.

"You're not asking me to join the guild? What's that?" Qin Mu asked.

"Have you ever heard of Goblin Merchant? He is the wild BOSS of the Frost Forest map." Lan He said.

"I heard it, what's wrong?"

"I received news that the Goblin merchant is coming out soon, so I would like to invite the master brother to fight with me. How about it? However, I hope that brother will be merciful this time and not be like the blood gunner again." Lan He said angrily.

Saw this news.

Even with Qin Mu's face, he couldn't help but blush.

After all, what he did in this matter was indeed not very authentic. It was Lan He who told him the news first, but the development of the matter was indeed a bit beyond his control.

"This..." Qin Mu hesitated.

"What's wrong? Are there any difficulties?" Lan He asked after looking at the reply.

"There are no difficulties. It's just that I can change the BOSS. Someone has already passed my anger on the Goblin Merchant BOSS in advance. They also invited me to help fight, and I have already agreed." Qin Mu said helplessly.

"Who?" Lan He asked in surprise.

"The domineering and ambitious president spends the night in the cold pond."

Regarding this matter, Qin Mu was too lazy to help conceal it. Anyway, he was just a mercenary. I only received money to help defeat the BOSS, but not money to keep it secret. What's more, I'm afraid it won't take long for news about this matter to spread all over the world, so there is no need to keep it secret.

"Fuck! That bastard!"

Lan He, who was in front of the computer, couldn't bear it anymore.

He slapped his hand on the table, his whole face turned red with anger. After all, just when he was spending the night with Hantan and Plantago, those two bastards came to him to complain that Jun Moxie was too ungrateful.

It was actually the bloody gunman who robbed them.

Both of these guys looked like they were sworn in with Qin Mu. They wished they could send people to attack Qin Mu right now. But they didn't expect that behind his back, that bastard from Yedu Hantan would take the lead and invite Jun Moxie away. Help him fight the Goblin BOSS together, he is really an insidious guy. But Blue River is only a short time after all.

So I calmed down quickly.

Then he typed on the keyboard: "Hahaha, it seems that we may become opponents in the future. I also hope that brothers can be more merciful and kill less people in our Lanxi Pavilion."

"I only received the money for killing the BOSS." Qin Mu replied.

After seeing this news, Lan He felt much better.

Obviously, what Qin Mu wanted to express was that he only wanted to kill the BOSS and would not confront Lanxi Pavilion unless it was absolutely necessary. Although it was a bit regretful that he was not invited, it was not bad to get this guarantee.

"Speaking of which, Brother Master, if this is not the case, all future wild map bosses and dungeon records will be reserved for our Lanxi Pavilion. How about you? Just tell us how much materials you want! As long as you help us, Lanxi Pavilion will be fine. As for How about you don't accept the deal between Domineering Ambition and Zhongcaotang? How about we pay for whatever they offer?" Lan He said.

"Let's talk about what happens next. All of your guild members are all leveling madmen. I'm afraid, if I want to fight a dungeon with you, I will have to wait for a long time, and my level will not be able to catch up with you!" Qin! Mu said with a smile.

"This is indeed a problem, but if you are willing, master brother, I can organize people to help you upgrade." Lan He said bluntly.

It has to be said that Qin Mu's operation is powerful.

But level is indeed an issue.

After all, he is not the kind of kryptonian player in the union. You know, the masters in the union, in order to ensure their ranking on the level ranking list, often stay up for days and nights to farm monsters. In this case, the level is naturally Biao's is very high.

Nowadays, it is common to reach level 20.

The masters of the three major guilds are already approaching level 30.

At this rate of upgrading.

I'm afraid that by the time Qin Mu reaches level 30, they will already be at level 35, and they will never be able to fight together. After all, once the level is raised, there is no way to go back. Although death can lose experience, it can't be done. Make a copy and let the masters commit collective suicide, right?
In comparison, it is more efficient to lead Qin Mu to level up.

"No need, I'm used to freedom, okay! Let everything go as it pleases. If nothing happens, I'll level up first." Qin Mu said, he didn't want to owe any more favors.

You know, the hardest thing in the world to repay is a debt of gratitude.

If you were helped to upgrade today.

What will I do if I face Lanxi Pavilion in the future? Therefore, it is better to keep things official. However, to be honest, Qin Mu was quite surprised by the reaction of the three major trade unions.

I thought that after grabbing the BOSS tonight, it would definitely be a fight to the death in the future.

Even if they are not pursued, at least they will never interact with each other until death.

Unexpectedly, these people seemed to have completely forgotten about this matter, especially Yedu Hantan, who actually still took me to attack the Goblin Merchant BOSS. This was really unexpected.

But if you think about it carefully, it's normal.

After all, they are the three major trade unions.

If you care about everything, it will be unworthy of the great guild.

(End of this chapter)

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