Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 89 Who is the number one female player of Glory?

Chapter 89 Who is the number one female player of Glory?
"Then you still need to ask? Of course it's Mu Yuchengfeng!" Qin Mu rolled his eyes and looked at Ye Xiu as if he was mentally retarded. This guy was obviously asking questions knowingly!

You know, Mu Yuchengfeng is the number one female gunner in the alliance.

Although she is not the number one female player in the league.

There was also Chu Yunxiu of Team Yanyu above her, but even so, Star Sword was not something that this kind of player could handle, and, according to her own memory, it was Mu Yuchengfeng who won in the end.

"Hahahaha, you think the same as me." Ye Xiu smiled.

"Stop talking nonsense and watch the game. Your former disciple is also very powerful now." Qin Mu joked. Strictly speaking, many of Mu Yuchengfeng's tactics were indeed taught to her by Ye Xiu.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a disciple.

As soon as we spoke, the competition officially started!
In the entire Internet cafe, all the audience cheered.

"Beauty Su Mucheng, come on! We must defeat him."

"Beat the 301st Star Sword."

"Excellent Era will win, and Su Meimei will win."


Along with the cheers of the audience.

Finally, the two of them fought together. They saw the Star Sword quickly approaching Mu Yuchengfeng's position on the map, taking advantage of the familiar terrain.

I have to say that in this game, 301's luck was quite good.

They have played this map before.

Therefore, Star Sword can be said to have the home field advantage, but there is nothing that can be done about it. After all, although the league's professional competition has many maps, sometimes it is inevitable that cars will crash. This can only be said to be unlucky, and we can only do it ourselves. Accept that you are unlucky and cannot blame the competition committee.

Right now, they are using the miniature town they played in before in 301st. They saw that the entire city is covered in white snow, and all the equipment of the Star Sword are all white, hidden in this white snow. On the map, it’s really hard to see if you don’t look carefully.

Of course, Mu Yu Chengfeng didn't just stand there stupidly.

Instead, he kept running, familiar with the terrain, and at the same time, his eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, looking for a suitable ambush position. After all, in the profession of gunner, many skills still need to be used at a distance. If you are approached by the Star Sword, , I'm afraid I will suffer a loss.

It didn't take long.

Mu Yu Chengfeng has already found a suitable position.

In just a few ups and downs, he had already arrived at a high tower, squatting on it, overlooking the bottom, and at the same time locking the surrounding attack routes. As soon as the Star Sword appears, he can be discovered immediately.

have to say,

Mu Yu Chengfeng's consciousness is quite good.

Even if the map is somewhat unfavorable to her, she can still react immediately and find a position that suits her. Just the fact that she remains calm in the face of danger is enough to show her strength.

At this time, the commentator also cut the camera to comment.

"As expected of our glorious first female gunner, the position she chose is quite good! She directly curbs all the Star Sword's attack routes. Hahaha, I wonder how the Star Sword will respond next?"

Just as the explanation says.

At this moment, Xingchen Sword was huddled behind the wall. Looking at Mu Yuchengfeng from above, he felt a little embarrassed! He really didn't know how to break the situation.

Originally, in his opinion, since he had the home field advantage, Mu Yuchengfeng would never dare to attack at will, and would definitely find a place to hide. However, he did not expect that this female gunner was so bold, directly controlling the commanding heights, allowing He is in a bit of a dilemma!

"I mean, this Star Sword is not a man, is it? Why is it so hard to play a game? Why don't you rush out quickly? With the way he is playing, when will the fight start?" Chen Guo complained impatiently .

"Don't be anxious! Boss lady, he is waiting for an opportunity." Qin Mu said calmly.

"Opportunity? What do you mean?" Chen Guo asked in confusion, obviously not understanding.

"Look at the current position of the Star Sword, it is in a blind spot. I think at the beginning, he should have planned to use the cover of the wall to quickly approach Su Mucheng, and then launch a fatal blow, but he did not expect that Mu Yucheng Feng will occupy the commanding heights immediately, so now he can only wait for the opportunity!" Qin Mu explained.

"But didn't the explanation just now say that all the offensive routes of the Star Sword have been contained? What chance does he have?" Chen Guo said.

"Yes, Mu Yuchengfeng's position is indeed very good, but at the same time, the problem is also obvious, that is, until now, only Xingchen Sword knows her position, but Su Mucheng does not know where Xingchen Sword is. Therefore, she could only monitor all routes, which was okay for a while, but if the Star Sword hid for a long time, even Su Mucheng would not be able to hold on! And once she relaxed, it would be the Star Sword's attack. Excellent opportunity." Qin Mu said while staring at the screen.

"So what do you think? Su Mucheng will probably lose?" Chen Guo asked unwillingly.

"This should..." Qin Mu was halfway through his words, but he stopped abruptly.

I saw that on the screen, the picture that was still frozen started to move.

The Star Sword turned into a ray of light and shadow and rushed forward quickly.

At this moment, Mu Yuchengfeng didn't notice at all that there was an enemy attacking behind him. He was still looking at another attack route not far away. It had to be said that the flaw was really exposed.

At this time, the commentator also quickly switched screens.

The camera was given the perspective of Star Sword.

He was seen sprinting quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Mu Yu Chengfeng.

At the same time, the skill is activated.

The next second, he immediately locked onto Dangyu Chengfeng.

"Alas! What a pity, Su Mucheng was a little careless and actually judged the wrong attack position."

"This mistake is really inappropriate for a professional player!"

"It seems that Master Ye Qiu's retirement has a certain impact on Mu Yu Chengfeng. It is rumored that the two of them joined the team together. They have followed Ye Qiu since their debut in Mu Yu Chengfeng. Now Yiye Zhiqiu has retired. , it still has an impact on the state of this female gunner."

The commentator said with some emotion.

Following his analysis, the Star Sword had already activated its skill and was about to hit Bathing Orange Wind. As a gunner, once controlled by melee combat, he would almost certainly lose.

See this scene.

The audience in the Internet cafe were all excited.

Especially the boss lady, who squeezed Qin Mu's arm tightly, stared at the screen, and said extremely nervously: "What...what should we do? Qin Mu, it seems that Su Mucheng is really going to lose."

(End of this chapter)

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