Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 9 What the hell, your keyboard is broken?

Chapter 9 What the hell, your keyboard is broken?

"What's the sound? Damn it, it's so penetrating!"

"I said this crappy game isn't haunted, right?"

"How about we retreat quickly?"


Those new players.

The joy that was originally brought by the upgrade disappeared in an instant.

Instead, he still looked frightened.

Hearing what they said, Yue Zhongmian couldn't help but hold his forehead and smile bitterly: "Get out of here, you idiots, this is the cry of the Night Cat Demon BOSS. We have encountered a hidden BOSS. This is a great benefit in the game. What's more, Haunted? Can your game be haunted?"

"What? Did we encounter a hidden BOSS?"

"That's right, I didn't expect that the luck of the two of us is really good. We encountered the hidden BOSS for the first time when we downloaded the dungeon. This is a very small chance to encounter. After the hidden BOSS dies, not only will it drop equipment, but also A lot of precious materials will be dropped, and more importantly, if our team can get the first kill of the hidden BOSS, then we will be famous in the game."

When Yue Zhongmian said this, his face was still full of excitement.

Several new players were originally a little scared, but at this moment, they were replaced by excitement.

After all, they are just game novices, not fools.

From what Yue Zhongmian just said, it is not difficult to tell that this hidden boss is quite precious.

The reason why they come to play the game is to brag. If they get the first kill of the BOSS, it will be amazing and awesome. Therefore, several of them are extremely excited.

"Okay, listen to the sound, the Night Cat Demon BOSS should be near us! Follow me."

Yue Zhongmian didn't say any more.

Instead, he ran towards the grass ahead.

Several other players also followed suit.

Seeing this, Qin Mu and Ye Xiu followed behind.

Soon they had found the location of the Night Cat Demon BOSS, and saw a huge cat demon in front of them. Compared to the monsters they had killed earlier, this cat demon was at least five times larger in size.

And there are four cat demon guards around.

Seeing that it was indeed the BOSS, Yue Zhongmian's face showed a smile, and then he took the lead and rushed towards the BOSS. As for the younger brothers, under his command, they began to clean up the surrounding cat demon guards.

However, these younger brothers are really a bit weak.

After all, he is a newcomer, and his operation, awareness, and hand speed are not up to par.

They obviously missed many opportunities to kill the cat demon guard. In the end, instead of killing the cat demon guard, they were attacked until their health was reduced and they were about to die.

Everyone quickly asked Yue Zhongmian for help.

"Yue Da Da, save us."

"This cat demon guard is really powerful. Yue Da, you'd better not fight the BOSS yet. Let's clean up these little monsters first, and then kill them slowly."

"They lose blood too fast. The moon is so big that my treatment can hardly keep up. What should I do?"


Several new players were busy dealing with it.

However, the situation is getting more and more dangerous.

If you are not careful, your entire army may be wiped out.

Yue Zhongmian, who was fighting the cat demon BOSS, turned to look at the people asking for help, with a hint of impatience in his eyes, but now was not the time to fall out.

Therefore, Yue Zhongmian put on a smiling face and said: "Don't worry, I have to resist my hatred. Otherwise, if the hidden boss goes berserk, we will all be destroyed by then. You guys must resist it first and wait for me." Get rid of it and come back to help you.”

"Ah? Are you still going berserk? That Yue Da, you just concentrate on fighting!" "Yes, Yue Da, we will definitely resist and won't affect you."

"Everyone come together, we must buy time for Yue Dada to kill the BOSS."


Several game novices didn't know how to fight the boss at all, so they were put off by Yue Zhongmian with a few words, and instead they worked hard to help fight the monsters.

Look at these novice players.

Qin Mu was a little helpless. These people knew nothing about the game!

Yes, the monster BOSS does have hatred worth talking about.

But the monster has just been activated now, and Yue Zhongmian is the only one attacking from the beginning to the end, so how could he go berserk? As long as you take a few steps back and leave the range of hatred, wouldn't it be enough?

When the time comes, kill the mobs and solve the BOSS together.

Wouldn't this be better?

It was obvious that Zhongmian had no good intentions this time. Qin Mu, who had traveled through time, knew exactly what this guy was planning. He just wanted to trick everyone to death and then take over the boss for himself.

If Yue Zhongmian is deceiving someone else.

Then Qin Mu didn't bother to care.

After all, in the game world, this kind of thing is normal. Players who don't understand anything will basically be fooled many times before they have a long memory, but this guy happened to fool him.

This is really something that my uncle can tolerate, but my aunt cannot tolerate!
And just when Qin Mu was thinking.

Yue Zhongmian's eyes also fell on him and Ye Xiu.

A hint of cunning flashed in his eyes, and then he said: "Brothers, help me take action! As long as these four cat demon guards are held back, when I finish defeating the BOSS, we will be able to get the first kill reward."

"It's not that I don't want to help, my keyboard suddenly broke." Qin Mu heard what he said.

Made a pretty lame excuse.

"What? Are you kidding me? How can the gaming keyboard be broken? Forget it, your broken one is fine. Your friend's keyboard should be good, right? Ask him to help!" Yue! Zhong Mian ignored the fuss and began to direct Ye Xiu.

However, Ye Xiu was not a fool either.

Be able to become one of the four great tacticians of Glory.

He is even known as the Encyclopedia of Glory, how could he still not understand this little thing about Sleeping in the Moon? Therefore, there is no action at all. Instead, he wants to speak, expose this guy, and plan to monopolize the BOSS.

But at this time.

Qin Mu made a silent gesture in reality.

Ye Xiu, who originally wanted to speak, swallowed back the words that came to his lips. Although the two had just met, Ye Xiu still trusted Qin Mu quite a bit.

This guy will never cheat him!
"That...my friend is gone."

"What the hell? You two, are you kidding me? We are here to fight the BOSS, and one of your keyboards is broken, and the other just walks away?" Yue Zhongmian couldn't bear it any longer and directly broke through the defense.

these years.

He can also be considered a novice player who has cheated a lot.

Never encountered this situation before.

Often when playing dungeons, the newbies would be stunned by his deceit and eventually be sold. They didn't know what happened, but they still thanked him. But right now, those newbies are pure trash.

As for the two only players who seem to have some skills.

One of them ran away and the keyboard broke.

(End of this chapter)

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