Chapter 100 Washing hands and making soup

He thought of her deep and determined eyes, and he was deeply shocked by her tenacity that was fearless and dared to face any difficulties.

A question came to Huo Jinzhou's mind for no reason. If she were not the daughter of the Yan family, if those things hadn't happened, would the story between them be different?

Huo Jinzhou has no answer to this point.

Huo Jinzhou's thoughts were in chaos. He knew that he could not go on like this. He must forget Yan Qiqi and focus on his career. However, he found that he could not do it. Yan Qiqi's shadow always lingered in his mind. go.

A dreamless night.

In the early morning, Yan Qiqi just woke up and found that there was an empty space next to her. She frowned, Nie Tong woke up so early?
The answer came to me just as I came downstairs, and I heard a gentle female voice.

"Brother Huo, I made breakfast for you."

Nie Tong was standing at the door of the kitchen, holding a plate of steaming eggs in her hand with a gentle smile on her face.

Huo Jinzhou sat at the dining table, frowning slightly, looking at Nie Tong, a trace of complicated emotions flashing in his eyes.

He didn't speak, just waited quietly for Yan Qiqi to appear.

Yan Qiqi walked down the stairs, and when she saw this scene, she suddenly understood something in her heart.

She glanced at Nie Tong indifferently, and then sat opposite Huo Jinzhou.

"The breakfast was good." Huo Jinzhou said calmly, breaking the silence.

A delighted smile suddenly appeared on Nie Tong's face, "Thank you, Brother Huo, for the compliment."

Yan Qiqi didn't speak, just ate her breakfast quietly.

She knew that there was a deep undercurrent hidden behind this seemingly peaceful breakfast.

After eating breakfast, Yan Qiqi stood up and prepared to leave. Huo Jinzhou looked at her, a deep light flashed in his eyes, "I'll give it to you."

Yan Qiqi did not refuse, but nodded lightly.

In the car, neither of them spoke.

Huo Jinzhou drove while Yan Qiqi looked at the scenery outside the window. She knew that she had to find evidence as soon as possible to reveal Nie Tong's true face.

After arriving at the company, Yan Qiqi went directly to his office. She knew her time was running out and she had to act quickly.

Nie Tong, on the other hand, has been secretly observing Yan Qiqi's every move. Her heart was full of jealousy and resentment, and she didn't understand why Huo Jinzhou still kept Yan Qiqi by his side.

But every day Yan Qiqi was here, he was a threat to her.

Nie Tong would not allow such a big threat to stay by his side.

On this day, Yan Qiqi was busy in the company all day. She searched for all information related to Nie Tong, trying to find her weaknesses.

However, Nie Tong acted too cautiously, leaving almost no loopholes.

In the evening, Yan Qiqi returned home exhausted. She knew she had to persevere until she found evidence.

As soon as she returned to Huo's house, she saw Nie Tong holding a plate of dishes on the table with a sweet smile on her face.

"Brother Huo, I specially learned your favorite dishes from the nanny at home."

Yan Qiqi glanced at the dishes on the table and felt funny in her heart.

Some of the dishes looked obviously different from what the Huo family's nanny would usually cook. They were even a little clumsy, and even included carrots that Huo Jinzhou was allergic to.

What a fool. Huo Jinzhou's expression was calm, without any emotion.

"Nanny will do it next time."

"I just want Brother Huo to feel better." Nie Tong was a little disappointed, but looked at Huo Jinzhou with some expectation, "Brother Huo, why don't you try it first."

Huo Jinzhou looked at Nie Tong's loving eyes, but there was no wave in his heart.

He didn't understand why Nie Tong did this.

"Nie Tong, you don't need to do these things for me." Huo Jinzhou's voice was cold but firm, "I heard that my uncle and aunt are coming back in the next two days. You can pack your things and go back then."

Nie Tong's face turned pale instantly, and she couldn't believe what she heard.

She had always thought that as long as she worked hard enough and was attentive enough, she could win Huo Jinzhou's heart.

However, Huo Jinzhou always looked like he was indifferent. Now that he said these words, he was already expelled.

"I understand." Nie Tong's voice was trembling, "Brother Huo, give me two more days."

After saying that, she turned and left the room. Yan Qiqi looked at Nie Tong's leaving figure, but there was no sympathy in her heart. She knew that Nie Tong's departure was only temporary, and she would definitely come back again.

And Yan Qiqi also understood that she must find evidence as soon as possible to completely expose Nie Tong's true face. Only in this way can she protect Yinuo.

Yan Qiqi didn't say anything, she just sat down directly. As soon as she sat down, she felt a sharp gaze, and when she raised her eyes, she met Huo Jinzhou's eyes.

"stand up."

Yan Qiqi didn't move, just smiled softly.

"I'm tired after a long day of work. Besides, if I don't eat the food that Nie Tong worked so hard to prepare, it wouldn't be a waste."

Yan Qiqi said, even picking up the chopsticks on the table and no longer looking at Huo Jinzhou.

Even without looking at Huo Jinzhou, she could feel that Huo Jinzhou's face was a little dark, but it didn't seem to have anything to do with her.

Yan Qiqi thought so and tasted the dishes on the table one by one.

I have to say that although Nie Tong is not a good person, the dishes he cooks are quite delicious, and you can feel that they are made seriously.

Even Nie Tong knew that he might be so angry that he would vomit blood.

Huo Jinzhou's face indeed became increasingly gloomy. Looking at Yan Qiqi's unscrupulous appearance, he couldn't help but feel an unknown fire rising in his heart.

He had clearly made it clear, but Yan Qiqi seemed not to understand at all and continued to eat the food on the table.

He couldn't help but speak, with a hint of anger in his voice: "Yan Qiqi, do you really not understand human speech?"

Yan Qiqi finally put down her chopsticks and looked at Huo Jinzhou with a provocative smile in her eyes: "Huo Jinzhou, of course I can understand what you are saying. However, I think Nie Tong's food is delicious and it would be a waste not to eat it. "

Huo Jinzhou was completely angered by Yan Qiqi's attitude. He stood up suddenly, grabbed Yan Qiqi's wrist, and pulled her up from her seat.

"Yan Qiqi, don't challenge my patience!" Huo Jinzhou's voice had a hint of danger.

Yan Qiqi didn't have the slightest fear. She looked directly into Huo Jinzhou's eyes with a sneer on her lips: "Are you threatening me? Unfortunately, I, Yan Qiqi, have never been threatened by others."

After saying that, she broke free from Huo Jinzhou's hand, turned and left the room.

Huo Jinzhou stood there, looking at Yan Qiqi's leaving figure, with a trace of complicated emotions flashing in his eyes.

He didn't know why he was so angry. Maybe it was because Yan Qiqi's attitude made him angry, maybe because her existence made him feel upset.

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