Chapter 12 Hiring Bodyguards
Yan Qiqi was deeply hurt by those cold and sarcastic eyes.

The look on her face became stiffer.

"If you dare to seduce me next time, it won't be that simple!"

After saying this, Huo Jinzhou stopped looking at her and turned to leave.

Yan Qiqi's eyes fell on the man's back, but her heart felt desolate.

In the middle of the night, Yan Qiqi returned to the villa smelling of alcohol.

As soon as I walked to the door, a basin of ice water was poured directly on me.

The biting chill immediately cleared her mind a lot.

With the cold wind blowing at night, there was almost no warmth around the body.

A slim figure came from inside, his face full of sarcasm.

"Yan Qiqi, you are really shameless. Brother Huo said that unclean things cannot enter the Huo family!"

After finishing her words, Yan Qiqi raised her eyes, which were full of coldness. Nie Tong was startled by that gaze. After reacting, he raised his hand and was about to hit her in the face.

The next moment, he was caught by the opponent.

A mocking smile appeared on Yan Qiqi's face.

"Nie Tong, you'd better be honest, otherwise if I die, no one will be able to save you."

After saying this, Nie Tong's pupils suddenly widened. It wasn't until Yan Qiqi entered the villa that she realized what she was doing, and she felt extremely angry.

Damn Yan Qiqi, how dare you threaten yourself!

Thinking of this, Nie Tong couldn't bear it anymore. She must let Yan Qiqi die here!

This can be regarded as revenge for the other party's threats to you during this period!
Yan Qiqi entered the bathroom with wet clothes. As soon as she turned on the shower, her consciousness suddenly fell into drowsiness.

When he woke up again, he found that he was already in bed.

Smelling the familiar smell around her, Yan Qiqi suddenly woke up and met those cold eyes as soon as she walked out of the room.

Just as he was about to avoid the other party, he was directly blocked by the man in the corner.

"Yan Qiqi, use some advanced means to pretend to be stunned next time!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the figure that suppressed her left. Yan Qiqi frowned, and a cold flash appeared in her eyes.

But the next moment, a pair of jade arms wrapped around the man's strong waist.

"Huo Jinzhou, do I still need to use any means to seduce you?"

A pair of catkins touched his body restlessly. An unnatural blush appeared on the man's face and his breathing became rapid.

He turned around and strangled the opponent's neck with his thick arms. Yan Qiqi was still wearing the tube top skirt from yesterday. Just by lowering her head for a moment, she could see the scenery that made people think.

There was no trace of anger on Yan Qiqi's face, and she licked her lips deliberately, looking even more charming.

"Huo Jinzhou, didn't you say that I can do my best? How about we change places today?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the arm that originally held Yan Qiqi loosened his grip and watched him walk towards the bathroom.

Yan Qiqi saw the other party's intention and followed him directly.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, he was strangled by those thick arms again.

"I don't know whether to live or die!" Desire flashed in the man's eyes. He suppressed it forcefully, but he still couldn't resist the other party's deliberate seduction.

Yan Qiqi's hand was just able to reach the most sensitive part of the man, but as soon as it fell, the other party let go of her as if it was hot.

She walked directly towards the shower area with a calm expression. After turning on the shower, she stood directly under the shower. The light-colored suspenders outlined her already beautiful figure.

The next moment, she was directly close to the man.

"You said before that you wanted to try it in front of the mirror..."

As soon as the words fell, Huo Jinzhou could no longer control himself and allowed the desire to engulf both of them.

"Yan Qiqi, you are really a slut."

Her eyes dimmed for a moment, but she ignored it again the next moment.

In front of the mirror, two bodies are constantly intertwined, and the bathroom is filled with an ambiguous atmosphere.

It wasn't until the afternoon that the man let her go.

"Yan Qiqi, there won't be a next time."

As soon as she finished speaking, the man passed her directly.

Yan Qiqi collapsed on the ground, looking at the ceiling with a dull expression. She doesn't want a next time either.

The next day, Huo Jinzhou hired a bodyguard.

For several days, Yan Qiqi changed her mind and really didn't bother him anymore.

This actually made Huo Jinzhou a little uncomfortable.

I suddenly woke up at midnight and stared at the ceiling, but I couldn't help but think of Yan Qiqi.

He kept thinking of those nights when bodies were intertwined, and those moments that allowed him to forget those memories for a short time.

Those eyes were always filled with pain and sadness.

She was clearly the one who seduced...

Why is it so hard to forget?

Exhaling a breath of hot breath and closing his eyes, that face appeared in his mind again, as if it was engraved in his mind, making it impossible to forget.


The next day, Yan Qiqi was stopped as soon as she walked to the door.

"Miss Yan, Mr. Huo is already waiting at the door."

Uncle Zhang seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and there was even a bit of contempt in his eyes.

There is no doubt that he hates Yan Qiqi.

If Yan Qiqi hadn't appeared again, Miss Nie and Mr. Huo would have been ready to get engaged.

"it is good."

Yan Qiqi walked towards the front of the villa, where a stretched Lincoln was parked.

The car door opened, revealing the man's long figure. Nie Tong, who was wearing a small white skirt, was sitting next to the man with a sweet look on her face.

In just a moment, she walked towards the co-pilot.

As soon as he got in the car, he felt the sharp gaze. Wei Kecha glanced at the rearview mirror and met the man's eyes.

"Brother Huo, let's go watch a movie after we go to the hospital! A new movie has been released recently. If Miss Yan wants to watch it too, we can go together."

Although he said that, Yan Qiqi heard that Nie Tong didn't want him to participate.

Fortunately, she didn't have this idea either.

But in my mind, I thought of Yinuo, who is still in hospital. I haven't seen him for a few days, and I don't know how the little guy is doing.

The man's cold voice came.

"I have a meeting later."

Nie Tong smiled reluctantly and pretended to be generous: "Then don't bother Brother Huo."

All the way to the hospital.

Yan Qiqi was lying on the bed, blood being continuously drained from her body.

The amount has already exceeded 400CC.

When he was unconscious from blood loss, the needle was taken away.

A figure in a white dress walked into the ward and looked at Yan Qiqi's pale expression, which was completely inconsistent with her usual image of a little white flower.

She had a vicious smile on her face.

If she hadn't been too blatant, she would have made Yan Qiqi die on the hospital bed.

But since you can't die for the time being, let's live well as your own mobile blood pack!
From then on, Yan Qiqi had to come to the hospital for blood draws almost every few days, and her health was almost on the edge several times.

Fortunately, Huo Jinzhou would also ask the cook and nanny to prepare blood-enhancing meals alone.

After a while, Yan Qiqi almost felt like vomiting just seeing animal blood and brown sugar water.

But Nie Tong's body did not improve at all.

Huo Jinzhou had no choice but to take Nie Tong to the hospital for examination again.

Around the corner, he suddenly saw a familiar figure. Just as he was about to take another look, Nie Tong's soft voice came.

"Brother Huo, did you see someone you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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