Chapter 126 Catch the adulterer
When he saw the room attendant pushing the cart, his eyes lit up. He quietly followed him and knocked him unconscious with a knife, then dragged him into the utility room.

In order to prevent the other party from suddenly waking up and ruining the plan, Yan Qiqi locked the utility room, then put on clothes and knocked on the door one by one.

When I knocked on the third room, the door opened, and it was a man who was naked from the waist up and wrapped in a bath towel.

The other party looked over fifty years old, and the aura of a powerful person was obvious around him.

Yan Qiqi pinched her collar. There was a pinhole camera hidden there.

She lowered her head: "Hello, do you want me to clean the room for you?"

Just when the other party was about to refuse, a slightly charming voice came from inside.

"Let her come in, just in time to clean up."

Although the man's face showed dissatisfaction, he still let Yan Qiqi in.

Yan Qiqixian pretended to be an ordinary room attendant and briefly cleaned the room. The pinhole camera was deliberately pointed at the newly used family planning items in the trash can.

Then he walked directly outside.

Just when he was about to walk out of the door, he was suddenly stopped.

Yan Qiqi's heart tightened, but she still stopped.

In just a moment, Jin Yan had already walked over. The bathrobe was hung loosely on her body, her shoulders were half exposed, and some curves that should not be seen could be vaguely seen.

"Why do I think you look familiar?"

Yan Qiqi's heart was about to jump out of her throat, and she deliberately lowered her voice. Fortunately, before she came, she had deliberately darkened her face and made simple changes to her appearance.

"Guest, you may have seen me before."

As soon as he finished speaking, a man's slightly angry voice came from inside.

"I'm just a waiter, what do you know?"

Jin Yan was unwilling but still let Yan Qiqi go.

The moment she walked out of the room, Yan Qiqi finally breathed a sigh of relief. If Jin Yan looked at her just a little longer, she would be exposed directly.

Thinking of this, Yan Qiqi no longer hesitated and walked directly outside, changed her clothes back, and opened the utility room.

Fortunately, the person she locked up is not awake yet.

Yan Qiqi left the hotel directly. After checking what she had taken and making sure it was correct, she edited it again before sending it to a number.

Within half an hour, a question mark came from the other side.

Yan Qiqi ignored it and the other party sent a few more messages.

【Who are you? 】

[How do you know this? 】

【What do you want? 】

Yan Qiqi looked at the message sent by the other party, raised a smile on her lips, and sent a message in a leisurely manner.

[Mrs. Sun is such a noble person who forgets things so much. Have you forgotten? We met during the day. 】

As soon as this news was sent out, the other party directly guessed Yan Qiqi's identity.

[You are Huo Jinzhou’s secretary Yan Qiqi. What do you want? 】

[I'm warning you, no matter what you want, you'd better give up this idea, the Sun family will not let you go! 】

Yan Qiqi looked at the threatening words sent by the other party and felt a little ridiculous in her heart.

Mrs. Sun should be a smart person after all, but now she has failed to live up to her parents' good genes.

[Tomorrow night at eight o'clock, I hope to have an interview with Mrs. Sun, but Mrs. Sun, don't think about using any means, otherwise if something happens to me, this video will be transmitted to major software, and even people in the upper class will know about it. One thing, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. 】

The last sentence is also a warning to Mrs. Sun not to be too petty. After all, she, Yan Qiqi, has lost all those external things, so she won't have too many worries.

She stopped looking at her phone and could already guess the other person's reply. Mrs. Sun will definitely agree.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have sent the message.

After solving these problems, Yan Qiqi walked out of the room in a happy mood. As soon as she walked out of the door, she happened to see the two people who were somewhat entangled.

Nie Tong's body was almost stuck to Huo Jinzhou's. When she saw Yan Qiqi again, a flash of pride flashed in her eyes.

"I wonder how prepared Miss Yan is? After all, cooperation with the Sun family is of great importance."

Nie Tong's voice contained a hint of schadenfreude.

Huo Jinzhou's eyes looked dark and unclear.

Yan Qiqi felt ridiculous in her heart, and inexplicably thought of a popular internet meme.

Ahaha, I was tricked by you~
She refused to pay attention to the two people in front of her and turned around to enter the room without even looking at them. Nie Tong's gentle and harmless voice sounded behind her again.

"Brother Huo, Miss Yan is probably in a bad mood because she didn't handle it well, right?"

Hearing this, Yan Qiqi rolled her eyes and almost rolled her eyes, and closed the door directly. There was still a tough battle to be fought tomorrow, but she couldn't let these two people ruin her good mood.

She thought so.

The next night.

Yan Qiqi came to the restaurant as agreed. As soon as she entered and reported her name, she was taken into a private room.

As soon as I walked in, I saw a woman about forty years old. Her face looked a little tired. Maybe she didn't sleep well last night, and her overall energy seemed to be in bad shape.

She also brought two bodyguards, one on the left and one on the right.

Yan Qiqi looked at it with interest for a few times, then withdrew his gaze and sat down directly.

But the other party didn't speak, and Yan Qiqi simply didn't speak.

It was very quiet inside the box.

Mrs. Sun finally couldn't bear it anymore and spoke directly.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

When Yan Qiqi heard this, she raised her eyes and spoke with a half-smile.

"Didn't I tell Mrs. Sun what I wanted from the beginning to the end?"

If it weren't for the cooperation between the Huo family and the Sun family, Yan Qiqi wouldn't have gone through so much trouble.

Mrs. Sun's face was a little ugly, and she declined: "There is no use asking me for company matters..."

Yan Qiqi interrupted directly, with a cold expression on her face.

"It seems that Mrs. Sun does not sincerely want to cooperate with me."

"Cooperation?" Mrs. Sun mocked, "This is obviously a threat!"

Yan Qiqi took a sip of water and placed the glass on the table with a crisp sound.

"If Chairman Sun hadn't done such a thing, I wouldn't be able to catch him even if I wanted to."

Hearing this, Mrs. Sun's face became even more ugly, and she actually burst into tears.

She gave up everything she had for him, married him, and gave birth to children, but she ended up like this.

She was really unwilling to do so.

Yan Qiqi just listened. It was still early anyway, so she was not in a hurry.

After a long time, Mrs. Sun wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and raised her eyes to look at Yan Qiqi.

"Do you think I'm ridiculous? Even though the marriage is just an empty shell, I still want to continue running the business."

She stared closely into Yan Qiqi's eyes, trying to make a look of ridicule or pity from inside, but there was no trace of it. Yan Qiqi's face was as calm as an ancient well.

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