Chapter 24 Rescued
It was already after get off work time, and Yan Qiqi sat on the ground leaning against the door.

At the same time on the other side.

Huo Jinzhou didn't see Yan Qiqi's figure, and there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

At this moment, Deng Yinyin could not hide her excitement.

"Mr. Huo, are you waiting for Qiqi to attend the banquet?"

Huo Jinzhou was undecided.

"I just saw Qiqi leaving right after work. There was someone waiting for her at the door, who looked like her boyfriend." Deng Yinyin said deliberately.

As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Jinzhou's face suddenly turned cold, and deep disgust flashed in his eyes.

Deng Yinyin couldn't wait to add another sentence.

"If Mr. Huo doesn't mind, just let me go with Mr. Huo. After all, I'm also the secretary."

Huo Jinzhou nodded and walked out with a cold face.

The smile on Deng Yinyin's face deepened a little, and she followed Huo Jinzhou as she wished.


Utility room.

There wasn't even a sound outside, and until six o'clock, I could barely keep the light on with my mobile phone inside.

The original hope in his heart completely disappeared, and Yan Qiqi could only try to conserve his strength, so that he could at least wait longer for rescue.

Fortunately, I had suffered almost all kinds of hardships in the first five years in prison, and now such a little hardship was nothing to me.

The nights are long and the summer nights are still a bit cold.

Yan Qiqi was wearing thin clothes and her hands and feet were cold, so she could only curl up and hide in the corner.

In a daze, sleepiness swept over me.

When I woke up again, it was already four o'clock in the morning.

The company didn't start work until eight in the morning, which meant that I had to wait for at least four hours.

A wry smile appeared on Yan Qiqi's lips. The chill all over her body made it impossible for her to continue sleeping.

The only thing accompanying him was a closed utility room and a mobile phone that was about to shut down.

She suddenly felt a little desperate. Was she really going to die here?
Although she didn't want to believe it, it seemed to be the case.

The utility room is full of clutter, and no one usually comes in. It just looks like it hasn't been cleaned in a long time.

The only thing she couldn't let go of was Yi Nuo.


2 p.m.

The cleaning lady kept mumbling at the door, then she saw Huo Jinzhou.

"Hello, Mr. Huo."

Huo Jinzhou responded lightly and turned to ask what the other party had been talking about just now.

"What's wrong with this utility room?"

"For some reason, this utility room suddenly couldn't be opened today. It's really strange!" the aunt explained.

Huo Jinzhou narrowed his eyes, suddenly remembered something, and kicked the door open with a swift movement.

As soon as the utility room was opened, I saw a petite figure huddled in the corner.

The man was tall and strode forward. As soon as he got closer, he noticed that Yan Qiqi's face was unnaturally red.

His face suddenly darkened, he picked him up and strode outside.

Passers-by were startled because Huo Jinzhou's face was so gloomy that he could almost shed tears.

Inside the hospital.

"The patient suffered from cold all night and has some fever. He needs to be hospitalized for two days for check-up. The rest is not serious," the doctor said.

However, Huo Jinzhou's face still looked gloomy, and the man on the bed looked extremely weak. Now his fever had subsided, and his face was as pale as paper, as if it would break at any time.

After realizing the look on his face, Huo Jinzhou's expression became darker.

At this moment, a figure hurried over.

"Mr. Huo, we have found out that it was Deng Yinyin who locked Miss Yan in the utility room." Huo Jinzhou raised his eyes slightly and refused to comment.

Seeing that Huo Jinzhou was in a bad mood, the assistant didn't dare to say anything and left directly.

For a long time, Huo Jinzhou only glanced at the figure on the hospital bed, turned and left.

When Yan Qiqi woke up, she found herself in the hospital, with the smell of disinfectant filling her nose.

She couldn't remember when she was rescued. She could only vaguely see a tall figure coming against the light, with a faint woody fragrance on his body.

This made her couldn't help but think of Huo Jinzhou, and then she laughed at herself.

After all, Huo Jinzhou wished he was dead, so how could he save himself?

Opening the phone, there were several messages from Deng Yinyin.

"No, what's wrong with you? Aren't you just going to be locked up in there for one night and then you will file a complaint with Mr. Huo?"

"If you help me plead with Mr. Huo now, I can forget about it!"

"If you don't help me plead with Mr. Huo, I have a hundred ways to kill you!"

There were a few insults and insults at the bottom. Yan Qiqi frowned, didn't bother to pay attention to the other person, and deleted the person directly.

There was also a text message sent to him by Huo Jinzhou's assistant.

"Mr. Huo asked you to have a good rest in the hospital for two days, and then go to work after you have rested."

Yan Qiqi frowned. This is not like Huo Jinzhou's style at all. Is his brain twitching?
However, don’t let your free vacation go to waste.

Yan Qiqi rested for another two days before going to work at Huo Group.

Deng Yinyin was no longer seen in the company. It seemed that there would be less trouble in the future.

As soon as he entered the office, the general assistant handed a stack of information to Yan Qiqi.

"This is your business trip this time. There are introductions to relevant characters. I hope Secretary Yan can read it."


I lowered my head and flipped through a few pages, and found that it was indeed inseparable from the identities of those people.

But on a business trip?

Yan Qiqi frowned. The slender figure not far away had no intention of explaining to him.

She had no choice but to look at the assistant beside her.

"This business trip is to get the contract. Secretary Yan has made enough preparations so that Mr. Huo can handle the matter."

Although Yan Qiqi was puzzled, she nodded in agreement.

Almost all the people in the information are CEOs of well-known listed group companies that have only developed in recent years.

Very unfamiliar.

I walked out of the office with the materials in hand, and it only took me two hours to write them down.

At noon, a familiar figure appeared in the company.

The woman has a sweet smile on her face and is wearing a white floral dress. Holding an exquisite handbag in his hand, he walked directly towards the chairman's office.

Yan Qiqi raised her eyes and caught a glimpse, raised a smile on her lips, and walked directly towards the office with a stack of information.

Inside the office.

"Brother Huo, my mother made your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs for lunch, and asked me to bring it to you." Nie Tong smiled sweetly and opened the lunch box without saying anything.

"Thank you for your aunt's kindness." Huo Jinzhou's face showed a rare tenderness.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.


Yan Qiqi pushed the door open and turned a blind eye to the gnashing of teeth on Nie Tong's face, directly placing the information next to Huo Jinzhou.

"Mr. Huo, this is the material you asked me to compile earlier. Also, don't forget that there will be a cross-border meeting later."

Huo Jinzhou responded.

Looking at Nie Tong's face, Yan Qiqi knew that her goal was achieved, and she went out again feeling refreshed.

(End of this chapter)

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